Monday, February 19, 2018


MONDAY - FEBRUARY 19, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - 30-15

I dread this workout, just like I dread P90X Chest and Back, and P90X3's The Challenge. I've been thinking about it for the last few days, wondering how I'll ever get through it, but I always do. As usual, I go faster than they do on the video. 1) because I want to get it over with and 2) because I'm not doing as many pullups. My numbers today were 25 pushups and 5 pullups, the same as two weeks ago. I knew if I did more pushups I'd probably burn myself out, and I'm still not able to do five pullups on many of the moves without coming off the bar, so I want to get them mastered first. I finished the six sets at roughly 41 minutes. Tony was still finishing up his fifth set, so I rested a bit. While he was doing his last set, I decided to see how many pushups I could do at once. I got to 50, which is pretty god, since my arms were fried. I might have struggled to do 10 more, but my arms were starting to shake a bit, so I stopped. I'm happy I got through it, but I still need to figure out a way to get more pullups in. After ten years at this, you'd figure I could do a lot more, but it just doesn't happen. I'm frustrated with it a bit, but not defeated, as there are other things I can still do well.

Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 381; Avg Heart Rate: 114; Max Heart Rate: 154.

TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 20, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - Plyo Legs

This one is a bear, but I'm able to keep up on most of the moves. I'm still not up to par on either sets on the Wall Squats, and I could barely get in the air on the One-Legged jumps near the end, but I fought through it.

Time:64 minutes; Calories Burned: 495; Avg Heart Rate: 119; Max Heart Rate: 157.

WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 21, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - Just Arms

I used pretty much the same weights I used two weeks ago, but I upped my reps from 10 to 12 on most sets. Tony's using 55's on his bicep curls. I'm not doing that yet. I was at 30's because they were early in the workout, and didn't want to fry myself right off the bat. I'll try 50's sometime when I'm not in the middle of a workout.

Time: 46 minutes; Calories Burned: 271;  Avg Heart Rate: 110;  Max Heart Rate: 146.

THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 22, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - Fountain of Youth

Not much to say. I'm feeling a bit more flexible.

Time: 47 minutes; Calories Burned: 181; Avg Heart Rate: 103; Max Heart Rate: 128.

FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 23, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - Road Warrior

Second time doing this. The first time was two weeks ago, and it was a disaster getting used to the bands, including having one snap. Today was a bit better. I found a lighter band, and was making a bit of headway on the angles.  I'm still having a problem deciding where to put my feet on the band. Too narrow and there's no tension, and too wide, I'm afraid of snapping the band. It was really evident on the back moves (Lawnmovers and Heavy Pants). I barely had any tension on those moves. Again, it's a learning experience. Overall, this isn't my favorite workout, because it's one of those "full body" workouts that was so prevalent in Hammer and Chisel. I just don't feel it's concentrating on one body part long enough to make a difference.

Time: 53 minutes; Calories Burned: 378; Avg Heart Rate: 115; Max Heart Rate: 143.

SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 24, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - Super Cardio (Cardio 5-6)

Slightly better than last time. Most of the reps were the same, but I went a bit harder on the two moves I don't like, the Twisty Lunges and the 180 Jumps.

Time: 46 minutes; Calories Burned: 322; Avg Heart Rate: 115; Max Heart Rate: 143.

SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 25, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - Killer Abs

Better. I'm still struggling with the V-up Roll-ups, but all others are getting there.

Time: 15 minutes; Calories Burned: 101; Avg Heart Rate: 98; Max Heart Rate: 131.


Weight: 193.8 (-1,0 lb)
Body Fat: 21.2% (-0.3%)

Good numbers.


Good workout. The first three are really tough, but I got through them OK. My strength is coming back. I'm feeling a lot more toned as I go through this, and I'm not feeling bloated from eating. I'm probably making better eating choices subconsciously, which is a good thing. I'm also finding I'm enjoying the workouts more because I feel I'm getting more out of them. As I mentioned earlier in the week, these are more specific to one or two body parts each day, and aren't all Total Body workouts, which were getting boring to me. I like the original P90X, and these are bringing me back to those.

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