Monday, July 12, 2021


MONDAY - JULY 12, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Plyo 30/15

I did what I could, which wasn't always great, but I didn't dog it, which I sometimes do with this workout. I can't get of the floor too high, but I tried. The one thing I really have a problem with is repeated jumping. I don't really land on my toes anymore. My entire foot hits the floor, and it's tough to quickly re-load. I'm not jumping with my feet and ankles because I have no spring left in them. I have to bend my knees a bit and use my legs to explode up.

Start Time: 8:25 pm; Workout Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 267; Avg Heart Rate: 108.

TUESDAY - JULY 13, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Top to Bottom

I hurt my arm in a stumble last night. It was bleeding so bad, I drove myself to the Emergency Room to get it taken care of, so it didn't get infected. I'm super cognizant of stuff like that now, and didn't want to take any chances. Turns out I just scraped a layer of skin off. That was my left arm. While there, they gave me a Tetanus shot in my right arm. I didn't het home until 3 am, got a few hours of sleep, then went to work. Who's Got Your Back was actually scheduled for today, but I'm feeling really beat up and exhausted, so I decided that wasn't going to happen. Instead of not doing anything, I decided to do this stretch routine, which I'd never done before. It was perfect. I hadn't done a stretch routine in probably close to a year, and I surprised myself in what I was able to do, and overall how relaxing it was. I'm thinking that when describe relaxation in yoga, it must feel like this. I'd never really experienced that before. A great, great decision by me today.

Start Time: 9:30 pm; Workout Time: 39 minutes; Calories Burned: 221; Avg Heart Rate: 97.

WEDNESDAY - JULY 14, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Flash Cardio 24

Blood tests came back good today, so that was a bit of a relief, but it's still going to be a struggle. I was feeling good for the orkout cardio wise. Unfortunately my feet are so shot. they don't respond well to fast movement. But, this was by far the best I've felt on a cardio workout in a long time, so that's encouraging. 

Start Time: 9:10 pm; Workout Time: 37 minutes; Calories Burned: 280; Avg Heart Rate: 108. 

THURSDAY - JULY 15, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Shoulders and Biceps

This went OK. I used 25's on most of the bicep moves with no problems. I started the Strip Set with 30's and struggled a bit with some kipping, but I got the eight reps in. The shoulder moves all went well. I seem to like shoulder moves.

Start Time:8:40 pm; Workout Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 244; Avg Heart Rate: 111.

FRIDAY - JULY 16, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Primal Flow

This was never one of my favorites. I hadn't done it since March and really didn't miss it. I almost did one of the alternative workouts, but decided to stay the course and did this one, mostly becauseit's a shorter workout timewise. This is the first time I did it with athletic shoes on, and it made it a totally different workout. The only moves I still can't do are the Atomic Pushups and the Beast Kick-throughs, On the Atomic's, I wasn't able to roll all the way through, but with a small push off the floor during the roll forward, I was able to get in push-up position. On the Kick-throughs, I just brought my back knee towards my opposite elbow instead of kicking all the way through. I don't know if it's because I'm just not nimble enough, or if it's because I'm not  it right/ Overall, I felt this was by far my best effort at this workout. 

Start Time:8:55 pm; Workout Time: 46 minutes; Calories Burned: 375; Avg Heart Rate: 112.

SATURDAY - JULY 17, 2021 - POER NATION BETA 3 - Primal Yoga

I was going to do Top to Bottom again, but decided at the last minute to give this one a whirl. This time I tried in in just socks, but they kept sliding and twisting in my feet, so it was tough to get a solid placement on the floor, but I tried. Will try the athletic shoes again next week.

Start Time: 10:25 pm; Workout Time: 40 minutes; Calories Burned: 231; Avg Heart Rate: 97. 

SUNDAY - JULY 18, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Crunch Town

I almostforgot to do it. I decided I was going to try and get to bed early, just to get some needed rest, then remember I hadn't done the workout. I thought briefly about skipping it, but don't really do that. The workout went well. I felt it in y abs early.

Start Time: 10:10 pm; Workout Time: 25 minutes; Calories Burned: 128; Avg Heart Rate: 94.


Weight: 146.2 (-1,8 lbs)
Body Fat: 10.1% (-0.4%)


The workouts went OK. I did better on a few of the cardio ones. I'm glad I did Top to Bottom on Tuesday. It was perfect, and probably helped with the rest of the week. Still fighting with the health issues. I'm trying to get in a pattern to get comfortable with things, but I'm still feeling my way.

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