Monday, March 7, 2022

WEEK OF 03/07/2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - WEEK 10

MONDAY - MARCH 7, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Triple Trouble Challenge 

I did 30 pushups on each set and 15 band pulldowns instead of pullups. I'm not sure if I can still do pullups because of the lack of strength in my hands. I'll give it a try sometime during the weak. I got all the reps in.

Start Time: 7:50 pm; Workout Time: 71 minutes; Calories Burned: 501; Avg Heart Rate: 104.

TUESDAY - MARCH 8, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Heart, Lungs, and Legs 

Did my best. I even got a bit deeper in a few of the moves, which I think is going to be my key for this workout. Because I can't jump "up", my alternative is to go "down". I even did the Bear Crawls today.

Start Time: 8:30 pm; Workout Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 430; Avg Heart Rate: 107.

WEDNESDAY - MARCH 9, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Shoulders and Arms Recharge

This was a pretty good workout. I increased my reps from 10 to 12 on most of the exercises and on a lot of those I didn't I increased the weight. On the Military Presses and Bicep Curls I went from 20's to 25's. This may not seem like a lot, but over the last year or so, I'd lost a lot of strength, so this was encouraging. I may even been able to do more weight, but I was losing my balance.

Start Time: 8:10 pm; Workout Time: 40 minutes; Calories Burned: 366; Avg Heart Rate: 121.

THURSDAY - MARCH 10, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Cardio 24

I did this one instead of Flash Cardio. The only time I'd done it was a few days before the actual start of the program. I went after it pretty good, for what I was able to do. It was a short workout, but a bit encouraging.

Start Time: 8:30 pm; Workout Time: 26 minutes; Calories Burned: 218; Avg Heart Rate: 114.

FRIDAY - MARCH 11, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Attack and Defend

My balance wasn't the greatest. I switched from workout shoes to sneakers after the first round. They were heavier and clunkier than the others, but my feet land flatter. I have to figure out the footwear.

Start Time: 9:35 pm; Workout Time: 49 minutes; Calories Burned: 356; Avg Heart Rate: 105.

SATURDAY - MARCH 12, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Pure Stretch

My flexibility is good sometimes, and today was one of those days. Not perfect, but good.

Start Time: 8:10 pm; Workout Time: 48 minutes; Calories Burned: 245; Avg Heart Rate: 93.

SUNDAY - MARCH 13, 2022 - Rest


Weight: 148.0 (-0.2 lbs)
Body Fat: 10.5% (no change)


Overall, I think I did OK with the workouts. I'm disappointed a bit that I keep skipping my Sunday ab workouts, but I just feel drained.

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