Monday, October 14, 2024

WEEK OF 10/14/2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - ROUND 6 - WEEK 3

MONDAY - OCTOBER 14, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Chest and Back Round Robin

Good workout. 32 Pushups on Stands, 10 Pullups with Pull Up Assist, 24 Pushups on Med Balls,
12 Weighted Back Moves with 35 lb dumbbells, 16 Decline Pushups on upside down Bosu ball, 16 Band Pulldowns. 

Start Time: 6:35 pm; Workout Time: 57 minutes; Calories Burned: 312; Avg Heart Rate: 104.

TUESDAY - OCTOBER 15, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Plyo 30/15

I moved the two plank moves I dread from the last set into the first two moves. This got them out of the way and got my heart pumping a bit. Consequently, this made me go at the rest of the workout a little harder than usual. I tried increasing my range of motion when I could, including going deeper into the squats during the last 15 seconds of those moves. I even used small weights on a few of them. The workout seemed to go faster, and I was happier than usual with my effort.

Start Time: 9:05 pm; Workout Time: 43 minutes; Calories Burned: 261; Avg Heart Rate: 105.

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