Monday, October 14, 2024

WEEK OF 10/14/2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - ROUND 6 - WEEK 3

MONDAY - OCTOBER 14, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Chest and Back Round Robin

Good workout. 32 Pushups on Stands, 10 Pullups with Pull Up Assist, 24 Pushups on Med Balls,
12 Weighted Back Moves with 35 lb dumbbells, 16 Decline Pushups on upside down Bosu ball, 16 Band Pulldowns. 

Start Time: 6:35 pm; Workout Time: 57 minutes; Calories Burned: 312; Avg Heart Rate: 104.

TUESDAY - OCTOBER 15, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Plyo 30/15

I moved the two plank moves I dread from the last set into the first two moves. This got them out of the way and got my heart pumping a bit. Consequently, this made me go at the rest of the workout a little harder than usual. I tried increasing my range of motion when I could, including going deeper into the squats during the last 15 seconds of those moves. I even used small weights on a few of them. The workout seemed to go faster, and I was happier than usual with my effort.

Start Time: 9:05 pm; Workout Time: 43 minutes; Calories Burned: 261; Avg Heart Rate: 105.

Monday, October 7, 2024

WEEK OF 10/07/2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - ROUND 6 - WEEK 2

MONDAY - OCTOBER 7, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Push

I went at this pretty hard. I'm pretty sure I increased my reps and/or weights in a few areas, and maybe I did a few less Dolphin Pushups, but on each move I set a number in my head that felt right, and I went with that. It worked out well.

Start Time: 8:05 pm; Workout Time: 47 minutes; Calories Burned: 370; Avg Heart Rate: 121.

TUESDAY - OCTOBER 8, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Heart, Lungs, and Legs

My lack of balance issues never let me really go at it too hard. The fact that it's not one of my favorites doesn't help, either. I got it done, though. A bit lackluster.

Start Time: 7:05 pm; Workout Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 299; Avg Heart Rate: 99.

WEDNESDAY - OCTOBER 9, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Who's Got Your Back?

I took this one seriously. Used band pulldowns instead of pullups. 16 reps each. Did 12 reps of the weighted moves. 35 lbs on most of the back moves and 15's on the upper back / shoulder moves. This was a good workout.

Start Time: 7:50 pm; Workout Time: 55 minutes; Calories Burned: 334; Avg Heart Rate: 107.

THURSDAY - OCTOBER 10, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Morning Yoga

I did Ok. I seemed more relaxed and into it than usual, so at times it felt good.
Start Time: 7:25 pm; Workout Time: 37 minutes; Calories Burned: 139; Avg Heart Rate: 95.

FRIDAY - OCTOBER 11, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Drop, Pulse, and Hold

I played golf this morning, but left halfway through because I wasn't feeling well. I slept through most of the afternoon and early evening. When I woke I thought there was no way I had the energy to get though this one because it's so long. I knew I would, though, and did end up doing it. Probably not my best effort, but I didn't dog it either.

Start Time: 8:40 pm; Workout Time: 72 minutes; Calories Burned: 251; Avg Heart Rate: 92.

SATURDAY - OCTOBER 12, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Flash Card-io

I kept up and didn't get too winded.

Start Time: 5:40 pm; Workout Time: 48 minutes; Calories Burned: 270; Avg Heart Rate: 101.

SUNDAY - OCTOBER 13, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Crunch Town

Pretty much normal for this workout. I like this one a lot better than Power of Core.

Start Time: 9:15 pm; Workout Time: 21 minutes; Calories Burned: 82; Avg Heart Rate: 89.


Weight: 169.^ (+2.4 lbs)
Body Fat: 16.2% (+0.2%)

Eating too much junk.


The workouts went OK. The eating sucked.

Monday, September 30, 2024

WEEK OF 09/30/2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - ROUND 6 - WEEK 1

MONDAY - SEPTEMBER 30, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Triple Trouble Challenge

I took two weeks off. Normally I would take off more, but I wanted to start the round this week so I can finish it up just before the new year. This might be my favorite workout. Years ago I used to absolutely dread doing pushups. Now I like them. I can really do pullups anymore, so I use band pulldowns instead. Sure, they're a lot easier than regular pullups, but it's what I can do, and I concentrate on my back muscles when I'm doing them, so they're a bit effective. Today I did 32 pushups on each set with the Power Stands, and did 16 Band Pulldowns on each set. Overall, it's a good workout.

Start Time: 8:05 pm; Workout Time: 70 minutes; Calories Burned: 330; Avg Heart Rate: 100.

TUESDAY - OCTOBER 1, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Flash Card Cardio

Not much to say. There aren't any really tough moves in this workout, but when you can't jump or keep your balance, it becomes tough. I did my best and modified where I could. I did straight deep squats instead of the Mountain Squats, which I don't like. I always feel I'm going to injure a wrist when sitting back down.

Start Time: 7:30 pm; Workout Time: 43 minutes; Calories Burned: 217; Avg Heart Rate: 97.

WEDNESDAY - OCTOBER 2, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Shoulders and Arms Recharge

This was a good, solid workout. I don't know if I increased any of my weight from last time I did it (I didn't look), but I pretty much maxed out things without getting into bad form. In fact, one one move, the Hammer Curls, I used 25's on the first set, noticed I was swinging the weights and kipping a bit, so I went down to 20's on the second set. I did 12 reps on most of the moves. I might consider increasing the weight on a few moves next time, while reducing the reps to 8 or 10. Maybe Shoulder Presses and Bicep Curls. We'll see.   

Start Time: 7:35 pm; Workout Time: 40 minutes; Calories Burned: 260; Avg Heart Rate: 113.

THURSDAY - OCTOBER 3, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Don't Skip Yoga

On a scale from 1 to 10, this was maybe a 4, a bit below average. It wasn't terrible, or a lack of effort, but my mind wasn't there, and it was a bit of a struggle in spots.

Start Time: 8:15 pm; Workout Time: 67 minutes; Calories Burned: 344; Avg Heart Rate: 101.

FRIDAY - OCTOBER 4, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Primal Flow

I just don't like this one. I don't have the range of motion for most of the moves, so I have to modify, and I'm not sure I'm getting a lot out of it with the poor form and modifications. It gets frustrating at times, but I keep doing it.

Start Time: 8:35 pm; Workout Time: 55 minutes; Calories Burned: 344; Avg Heart Rate: 108.

SATURDAY - OCTOBER 5, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Attack and Defend

I do like this one because it's shorter and I like Alice. I did a bit above average today. My balance was bad as usual, but not too bad. I substituted the Sprawls with Front Kicks on the one move. 

Start Time: 8:50 pm; Workout Time: 49 minutes; Calories Burned: 309; Avg Heart Rate: 107.

SUNDAY - OCTOBER 6, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - The Power of Core

As I've mentioned many times, this isn't one of my favorites, mostly because of the two "toe tap" moves (Two Plank Toe Taps and Shoulders, Knees, Toes). They're long and tiring. I do the 20 reps on all the other moves but only 10 to 12 reps on those two. It went OK.

Start Time: 9:00 pm; Workout Time: 23 minutes; Calories Burned: 144; Avg Heart Rate: 109.


Weight: 167.2 (-1.4 lbs)
Body Fat: 15.9% (-0.1%)

Both are OK drops, but I think I'm going to concentrate on dropping my body fat % this round. I do need to eat better.


I wasn't sure how my body would react to only a two week break, but it went OK. I was a bit surprised, but I'll know how tired it is in a few weeks.

Friday, September 13, 2024

WEEK OF 09/09/2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - ROUND 5 - WEEK 13

MONDAY - SEPTEMBER 9, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Cardio 24

Start Time: 7:35 pm; Workout Time: 26 minutes; Calories Burned: 166;  Avg Heart Rate: 105.

TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER 10, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Pure Stretch

Start Time: 7:50 pm; Workout Time: 48 minutes; Calories Burned: 134;  Avg Heart Rate: 89.

WEDNESDAY - SEPTEMBER 11, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Cardio 24

Start Time: 7:45 pm; Workout Time: 27 minutes; Calories Burned: 152;  Avg Heart Rate: 100.

THURSDAY - SEPTEMBER 12, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Pure Stretch

Start Time: 7:30 pm; Workout Time: 48 minutes; Calories Burned: 130;  Avg Heart Rate: 88.

FRIDAY - SEPTEMBER 13, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Cardio 24

I started very late, as I was feeling a bit sluggish most of the day. I had eaten some fast food I didn't really want, and know better than to eat it, but I did it anyways. No real answers for that. The workout went OK.

Start Time: 10:55 pm; Workout Time: 26 minutes; Calories Burned: 149;  Avg Heart Rate: 99.

SATURDAY - SEPTEMBER 14, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Pure Stretch

Last workout of the round. There is only so much you can do with a stretch routine, but I did push myself to reach a little bit further on a lot of the moves. A good finish to the round.

Start Time: 8:45 pm; Workout Time: 48 minutes; Calories Burned: 168;  Avg Heart Rate: 93.

SUNDAY - SEPTEMBER 15, 2024 - Rest 


Weight: 165.4 (no change)
Body Fat: 15.5% (+0.5%)

I'm a bit confused on the big increase in Body Fat %, but no change in weight, but that's what the scale said, twice.


Doing only two different workouts in one week seems like it would be a bit strange and redundant, but it works.


There were a few scheduling blips near the end, where it took me four weeks to finish the last two weeks, but that worked out OK. I finished. Overall, I was very pleased. I increased reps or weights a lot. I feel much stronger, and I feel like I did better than I had anticipated going into it. I'm very, very pleased with what I did, and will probably start another round of it after a few weeks off.

Monday, August 26, 2024

WEEK OF 08/26/2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - ROUND 5 - WEEK 12

MONDAY - AUGUST 26, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Chest and Back Round Robin

My Roku wasn't working, so I did the workout off my workout sheet. I went a lot faster than they normally would have, and I did feel it. I got winded a few times, but did rest for a bit. Normal reps and rotation.

Start Time: 10:10 pm; Workout Time: 35 minutes; Calories Burned: 301; Avg Heart Rate: 122.

** Took another week off here. Just got too busy. Will finish off the week. **

TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER 3, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Plyo 30-15

Got back into it. Hopefully I can finish this week uninterrupted. In 16 years I've never broke up a round like this before, but things happen. I'm not a fan of this workout. Plyo routines are tough for me because I can't jump or move my feet fast. I just do what I can, but it does get frustrating and boring,

Start Time: 7:25 pm; Workout Time: 43 minutes; Calories Burned: 274; Avg Heart Rate: 104.

WEDNESDAY - SEPTEMBER 4, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Arms and Abs

This went well. I didn't increase any reps or weight from last time, but still felt like I got a satisfying workout in,

Start Time: 7:25 pm; Workout Time: 42 minutes; Calories Burned: 295; Avg Heart Rate: 114.

THURSDAY - SEPTEMBER 5, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Power and Strength Yoga

I did pretty good. My balance was a slight bit better than normal, so that always makes me feel good.

Start Time: 7:55 pm; Workout Time: 66 minutes; Calories Burned: 296; Avg Heart Rate: 96.

FRIDAY - SEPTEMBER 6, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Head To Toe

Nothing exceptional, but it was a solid workout. I didn't dog any of the moves.

Start Time: 9:10 pm; Workout Time: 56 minutes; Calories Burned: 277; Avg Heart Rate: 97.

SATURDAY - SEPTEMBER 7, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Kicking and Punching

Again, nothing exceptional, but it was a solid workout. I'm pleased with it.

Start Time: 8:10 pm; Workout Time: 69 minutes; Calories Burned: 464; Avg Heart Rate: 106.

SUNDAY - SEPTEMBER 8, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Body Scan Meditation

I always compare this to the first time I ever did this workout a few years ago. That time was magical. I've never reached that same feeling, because my mind now seems to wander a bit, but it was relaxing, as it usually is, and it's probably the workout I look forward to the most. The down time is needed at times.

Start Time: 8:30 pm; Workout Time: 24 minutes; Calories Burned: 35; Avg Heart Rate: 77.


Weight: 165.4 (+3.4 lbs)
Body Fat: 15.0 (+0.3 lbs)


After a week off after Monday, I finished off the final six days without any hiccups. I think I did well. Steady, and got the job done.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

WEEK OF 08/12/2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - ROUND 5 - WEEK 11

MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Push

Pretty good, even though I really wasn't into it when I started. I forced myself to get involved by increasing my reps on a few moves. That seemed to work.

Start Time: 7:45 pm; Workout Time: 47 minutes; Calories Burned: 353; Avg Heart Rate: 116.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Heart, Lungs, Legs

My worst workout in a long time, maybe this entire round. I just tolerate this one to begin with. Sometimes I just shut my mind off and take it one move at a time, and I'm OK. Today, I had a lot of things banging around in my head, so I wasn't in the mood. Moving on.

Start Time: 8:00 pm; Workout Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 289; Avg Heart Rate: 96.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Whose Got Your Back

As usual, I went at this one pretty hard. Weights and reps were the same as last time. I saw no need to increase things today, Good workout.

Start Time: 8:20 pm; Workout Time: 55 minutes; Calories Burned: 274; Avg Heart Rate: 98.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Morning Yoga

Pretty much as usual on this. Nothing exceptional, but I do like that it's short. 

Start Time: 9:25 pm; Workout Time: 37 minutes; Calories Burned: 89; Avg Heart Rate: 106,

FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Drop, Pulse, Hold

I played golf in the morning, came home to do this beast, the had to run out to a fantasy football draft. Despite the commotion, the workout went OK.

Start Time: 4:00 pm; Workout Time: 71 minutes; Calories Burned: 478; Avg Heart Rate: 107.

NOTE: I took a break here. I was helping a friend move and having fantasy drafts, so I really wasn't able to get a lot of time for the workouts without compromising things. I decided to take a week off and complete the week starting next Saturday. I forgot to do that and did both remaining workouts the following Sunday. I'm almost done with the round. I didn't want to go two weeks off or just ditch the rest of the round. I've never done that.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Flash Cardo

Poor workout. I just couldn't move fast.

Start Time: 6:05 pm; Workout Time: 48 minutes; Calories Burned: 284; Avg Heart Rate: 100,

SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Crunch Town

I did this right after I finished Flash Cardio. I haven't done back to back in years. It went OK, but my abs were really burning.

Start Time: 6:55 pm; Workout Time: 21 minutes; Calories Burned: 123; Avg Heart Rate: 101.


I forgot to weigh myself on the 18th, so the numbers below are from August 25th.

WEIGHT: 161.2 (-5.6 lbs from two weeks ago)
BODY FAT: 14.9% (-0,8% from two weeks ago)

I don't think I was eating a lot,


A bid disjointed, but I think I handled it well.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

WEEK OF 08/05/2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - ROUND 5 - WEEK 10

MONDAY - AUGUST 5, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Triple Trouble Challenge 

I really like this workout. I go pretty hard at it. I need to do Band Pulldowns instead of pullups, but I concentrate on my back muscles when I'm doing them. Today I did 32 pushups on each set and 16 Band Pulldowns.

Start Time: 7:25 pm; Workout Time: 70 minutes;  Calories Burned: 317; Avg Heart Rate: 98.

TUESDAY - AUGUST 6, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Flash Card Cardio 

Pretty good. Nothing exceptional, but I concentrated on what I was doing. My balance wasn't great.

Start Time: 7:45 pm; Workout Time: 43 minutes;  Calories Burned: 250; Avg Heart Rate: 100.

WEDNESDAY - AUGUST 7, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Shoulders and Arms Recharge

I increased my reps or weight on several moves. It went well and I didn't cheat myself anywhere.

Start Time: 7:45 pm; Workout Time: 40 minutes;  Calories Burned: 323; Avg Heart Rate: 119.

THURSDAY - AUGUST 8, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Don't Skip Yoga

For some reason I was in a really good fram of mind once I got started. I did each move the best I could and took them one at a time. It was more relaxing than usual.

Start Time: 8:25 pm; Workout Time: 67 minutes;  Calories Burned: 284; Avg Heart Rate: 95.

FRIDAY - AUGUST 9, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Primal Flow

As I've stated each time I do this one, I don't like it. I can't do many of the moves. I modify when necessary, but even have problems doing that, so it feels pointless and frustrating. However, I am doing something. I showed up and did what I could.

Start Time: 8:40 pm; Workout Time:55 minutes;  Calories Burned: 356; Avg Heart Rate: 106.

SATURDAY - AUGUST 10, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Attack and Defend 

Enjoyed it. Again, my balance wasn't great, but I generally like this one. Love Pain in the Alice.

Start Time: 7:45 pm; Workout Time: 49 minutes; Calories Burned: 329;  Avg Heart Rate: 105.

SUNDAY - AUGUST 11, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - The Power of Core

I think I did better on this today than I have in the past. Normally, I'm pissed off when I'm doing it because I don't like a few of the moves. Today I just did them.

Start Time:     Workout Time:     Calories Burned:     Avg Heart Rate:


Weight: 166.8 (+0.4 lbs)
Body Fat: 15.7% (+0.5%)


Last time doing these routines for the round. I finished up well on a lot of them