Monday, July 29, 2024

WEEK OF 07/29/2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - ROUND 5 - WEEK 9

MONDAY - JULY 29, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Chest and Back Round Robin

I almost decided to take a week break. I wasn't feeling well when I went to bed last night and thinking it was a bit of overexertion in general. It was a bit better today. I thought it might be smart to take a break. If I was going to take today off, I would have taken off the entire week. At some point, I just started the workout. It went pretty good. I increased the reps on my assisted pullups from 8 to 9. and increased the weights on my seated weighted rows from 30's to 35's. Both went OK. I did my usual rotation on the moves. 1) 32 pushups with power stands; 2) 9 reps with the pullup assist, 3) 24 pushups on the med balls, 4) 12 reps with 35 lb weights on the bent over seated rows, 5) 16 decline pushups on an upside down bosu ball, and 6) 16 band pulldowns. 

Start Time: 7:30 pm; Workout Time: 56 minutes; Calories Burned: 433; Avg Heart Rate: 116.

TUESDAY - JULY 30, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Plyo 30/15

There are two moves I don't like in this workout. Frog Plank Hops and the Plank Lunges after that one. Both are in the last 5 moves. I did them near the beginning and got them out of the way, swapping out the Jog/Run move and the Skaters, which I did later. It was good for the mind. Overall, things went well. 

Start Time: 7:15 pm; Workout Time: 43 minutes; Calories Burned: 266; Avg Heart Rate: 103.

WEDNESDAY - JULY 31, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Arms and Abs

I kept delaying the start because I wasn't into it today, but once I got started I felt strong and increased my reps and/or weights on several moves. On the Bicep Curls (done instead of Heavy Curls), I upped my weights from 25's to 30's and got 10 reps in, which is OK for me. I used 20's on the majority of the moves.

Start Time: 7:45 pm; Workout Time: 42 minutes; Calories Burned: 276; Avg Heart Rate: 108.

THURSDAY - AUGUST 1, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Power and Strength Yoga

I sat through a few of the moves in the "ladder" section because it's so redundant. Overall I did OK, but am really not a fan of this because of the length and redundancy.

Start Time: 7:40 pm; Workout Time: 66 minutes; Calories Burned: 398; Avg Heart Rate: 104.

FRIDAY - AUGUST 2, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Head To Toe

Not my favorite, but I took it one move at a time and did my best of that move.

Start Time: 8:30 pm; Workout Time: 56 minutes; Calories Burned: 326; Avg Heart Rate: 102.

SATURDAY - AUGUST 3, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Kicking and Punching

Pretty good. I got through it Ok without getting too winded, although I was tired,

Start Time: 7:20 pm; Workout Time: 69 minutes; Calories Burned: 444; Avg Heart Rate: 104.

SUNDAY - AUGUST 4, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Body Scan Meditation

I kept letting my mind wander, so it wasn't real effective, but it was relaxing. I always look forward to this one.

Start Time: 4:45 pm; Workout Time: 24 minutes; Calories Burned: 37; Avg Heart Rate: 75.


Weight: 166.4 (+1.2 lbs)
Body Fat: 15.2% (no change)


I'm still hanging in there.

Monday, July 22, 2024

WEEK OF 07/22/2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - ROUND 5 - WEEK 8

MONDAY - JULY 22, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Push

I increased my reps on a few of the moves, so that was good. Overall it was a good workout. I can feel it in my shoulders afterwards. I went a bit quicker they they did in the second half.

Start Time: 7:30 pm; Workout Time: 47 minutes; Calories Burned: 347; Avg Heart Rate: 116.

TUESDAY - JULY 23, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Heart, Lungs, Legs

Better than last time. I just took it one move at a time and did what I could.

Start Time: 7:35 pm; Workout Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 313; Avg Heart Rate: 98.

WEDNESDAY - JULY 24, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Who's Got Your Back?

Good workout. Rotation was 16 Band Pulldowns, 12 reps on seated rows with 35 lbs, 12 reps of upper back/shoulders with 15 lbs.

Start Time: 7:50 pm; Workout Time: 55 minutes; Calories Burned: 333; Avg Heart Rate: 105.

THURSDAY - JULY 25, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Morning Yoga

I like the shorter yoga sessions without all the vinyasas. They're more relaxing for me. Today was like that. Very nice.

Start Time: 8:40 pm; Workout Time: 37 minutes; Calories Burned: 96; Avg Heart Rate: 87.

FRIDAY - JULY 26, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Drop, Pulse, and Hold

I used a 15 lb weight on almost all of the moves. Instead on the Lincoln Squats I did a set of straight squats using 25 lb weights. I found myself zoning out a few times. I was doing the exercises, but sometimes I'd seem to "wake up" in the middle of the move ant not really remember concentrating on the previous few reps.

Start Time: 9:10 pm; Workout Time: 72 minutes; Calories Burned: 396; Avg Heart Rate: 101.

SATURDAY - JULY 27, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Flash Cardio

This went better than the last time I did it. I was feeling pretty good going into it and think I did a bit better than usual on it, although it's really hard to gauge.

Start Time: 7:45 pm; Workout Time: 48 minutes; Calories Burned: 293; Avg Heart Rate: 100.

SUNDAY - JULY 28, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Crunch Town

I went at it a little harder than usual. Not much, but I did things a bit slower and did notice a difference, as it seemed a bit more intense doing it that way.

Start Time: 9:00 pm; Workout Time: 21 minutes; Calories Burned: 86; Avg Heart Rate: 93.


Weight: 165.2 (-0.2)
Body Fat: 15.2% (+0.1%)


I'm still going. Really concentrating on the workouts. Proud of myself.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

WEEK OF 07/15/2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - ROUND 5 - WEEK 7

MONDAY - JULY 15, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Triple Trouble Challenge

My favorite strength workout by far. I did 32 pushups and 16 band pulldowns (instead of pullups) on each set.

Start Time: 7:30 pm; Workout Time: 70 minutes; Calories Burned: 305; Avg Heart Rate: 98.

TUESDAY - JULY 16, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Flash Card Plyo

Nothing exceptional, but I did pretty good. I'm limited in my mobility, especially jumping straight up, but I did my best.

Start Time: 7:35 pm; Workout Time: 43 minutes; Calories Burned: 219; Avg Heart Rate: 95.

WEDNESDAY - JULY 17, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Shoulders and Arms Recharge

A good workout. Short but efficient. I used the same weights as I had been, except for the Drag Curls, where I increased the weights from 15's to 20's. 12 reps on most moves.

Start Time: 7:05 pm; Workout Time: 40 minutes; Calories Burned: 298; Avg Heart Rate: 117.

THURSDAY - JULY 18, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Don't Skip Yoga

The vinyasas were getting really old after about 20 minutes. This was one of those times where I was a bit frustrated with Tony and his seeming belief that yoga is all vinyasas with a few stretches thrown in at the end. I got through it.

Start Time: 8:00 pm; Workout Time: 67 minutes; Calories Burned: 399; Avg Heart Rate: 103.

FRIDAY - JULY 19, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Primal Flow

I just sucked it up and did it one move at a time. It wasn't pretty, but my body doesn't move in those ways. I didn't dog it.

Start Time: 8:10 pm; Workout Time: 55 minutes; Calories Burned: 325; Avg Heart Rate: 102.

SATURDAY - JULY 20, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Attack and Defend

This is probably my favorite of the two martial arts or other cardio workouts. It went well. Got me a bit winded, but not so much that I felt I needed to take an extended break. I enjoyed it. Always enjoy Pain in the Alice.

Start Time: 6:25 pm; Workout Time: 49 minutes; Calories Burned: 300; Avg Heart Rate: 101.

SUNDAY - JULY 21, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - The Power of Core

I've gone from not liking this workout to hating it. My lack of mobility hampers me on a lot of the moves and the two plank moves where you are tapping your shoulders are ridiculously long at 20 reps. I usually only get in 10 to 12.

Start Time: 8:55 pm; Workout Time: 23 minutes; Calories Burned: 119; Avg Heart Rate: 100.


Weight: 165.4 (+2.2 lbs)
Body Fat: 15.1% (-0.2%)


I'm stll going at it pretty good. The workouts this week were tough, but I hung in there.

Monday, July 8, 2024

WEEK OF 07/08/2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - ROUND 5 - WEEK 6

MONDAY - JULY 8, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Chest and Back Round Robin

I did my usual rotation and variations, and reps. It works out well. Pushups: 1) Stands (32 reps); Balls (24 reps); Decline on upside down Bosu Ball (16 reps, but I can't go too deep on them). Pullups: 1) Pullup Assist (8 reps); 2) Seated Weighted Back Rows (12 reps, 30 lb weights); 3) Band Pulldowns (16 reps).

Start Time: 7:10 pm; Workout Time: 57 minutes; Calories Burned: 359; Avg Heart Rate: 107.

TUESDAY - JULY 9, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Plyo 30/15

Pretty good. I was actually looking forward to this one a bit. It's short, and not really too tough, except for a few moves. The Frog Hops near the end are probably the toughest, but I did them earlier in the workout to get them out of the way. I also modified the Mountain Squats.

Start Time: 7:30 pm; Workout Time: 42 minutes; Calories Burned: 272; Avg Heart Rate: 105.

WEDNESDAY - JULY 10, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Arms and Abs

I increased my weights and/or reps on a few moves, but most were what I usually do. I felt good about what I did. 

Start Time: 8:05 pm; Workout Time: 42 minutes; Calories Burned: 261; Avg Heart Rate: 109.

THURSDAY - JULY 11, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Power and Strength Yoga

Not great, but not bad, either. The "ladder" can get a bit redundant, but I got through it. My balance may have been a bit better than usual, but nothing to write home about.

Start Time: 8:20 pm; Workout Time: 66 minutes; Calories Burned: 325; Avg Heart Rate: 98.

FRIDAY - JULY 12, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Head To Toe

Last time I dreaded doing this workout because it had been a rough day. Not so much this time. Felt good.

Start Time: 8:25 pm; Workout Time: 56 minutes; Calories Burned: 302; Avg Heart Rate: 101.

SATURDAY - JULY 13, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Kicking and Punching

I have neuropathy in my feet that really came to the forefront in April 2021. I can't feel the bottom of my feet and I compare that feeling to wearing 5 pairs of thick Christmas socks on my feet. I generally can't balance very well, if at all, and can't move them too quickly. However, I've had a few people tell me lately that I seem to be getting around better, and I'm thinking the martial arts workouts are helping with that. The first few times I did the martial arts workouts after being diagnosed I couldn't keep my balance at all. Continuing to do them has helped a lot. It's not a cure, but it seems to be slowing down the degeneration process. Maybe too much info here, but it's important to look at positives and little accomplishments.

Start Time: 6:55 pm; Workout Time: 69 minutes; Calories Burned: 435; Avg Heart Rate: 103.

SUNDAY - JULY 14, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Body Scan Meditation

The first time I did this a few years ago, it was magical. I haven't been able to totally recreate that feeling, but I keep trying, and it's still relaxing. Too much mind chatter, even though I try to eliminate it.

Start Time: 6:20 pm; Workout Time: 24 minutes; Calories Burned: 33; Avg Heart Rate: 78.


Weight: 163.2 (-2,4 lbs)
Body Fat: 15.3% (-0.2%)


Overall, the workouts went well. As I've said before a few times, I'm working hard and am feeling and seeing some results I haven't felt in a while.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

WEEK OF 07/01/2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - ROUND 5 - WEEK 5

MONDAY - JULY 1, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Push

I was feeling a bit weak going into it, but there was a few times I pushed myself to get a few more reps in than last time. Despite that, for some reason I just didn't feel like it was a good workout. It felt disjointed.

Start Time: 7:55 pm; Workout Time: 47 minutes; Calories Burned: 420; Avg Heart Rate: 124.

TUESDAY - JULY 2, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Heart, Lungs, Legs

This has never been one of my favorites, but it's been growing on me a bit lately. However, today it just wasn't clicking for me. I have problems jumping or moving my feet quickly and there is a lot of that here, so that doesn't help. Even Tony was getting annoying, which he usually doesn't for me. 

Start Time: 7:05 pm; Workout Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 324; Avg Heart Rate: 99. 

WEDNESDAY - JULY 3, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Who's Got Your Back

A solid workout. I upped my weight on most of the weighted back moves from 30's to 35's with no real problems. 12 reps on those. I used 15's on the upper back / shoulder moves, again at 12 reps, and I did band pulldowns instead of pullups. 16 reps. 

Start Time: 8:20 pm; Workout Time: 55 minutes; Calories Burned: 332; Avg Heart Rate: 106.

THURSDAY - JULY 4, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Morning Yoga

I needed something easier today, and this fit the bill.

Start Time: 8:10 pm; Workout Time: 37 minutes; Calories Burned: 129 Avg Heart Rate: 92.

FRIDAY - JULY 5, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Drop, Pulse, Hold

I'm starting to not like this one simply because I think it's excessively long and really doesn't have to be.

Start Time: 7:45 pm; Workout Time: 71 minutes; Calories Burned: 433; Avg Heart Rate: 104.

SATURDAY - JULY 6, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Flash Cardio

I was sucking wind on this one, almost to the point of making myself sick. I almost took a couple of unplanned  breaks, which would have been the smart thing to do, but I didn't. Dumb.

Start Time: 8:00 pm; Workout Time: 48 minutes; Calories Burned: 292; Avg Heart Rate: 104.

SUNDAY - JULY 7, 2024 - THE POWER OF 4 - Crunch Town

Not a great workout. I was watching something on TV and played the workout on my tablet. I was going a bit faster than they were, just to get it done faster, but actually did some moves wrong, based on their description. Better than nothing, though,

Start Time: 8:45 pm; Workout Time: 21 minutes; Calories Burned: 86; Avg Heart Rate: 90.


Weight: 165.4 (-1.0 lb)
Body Fat: 15.5% (+0.1%)


I'm still working hard at these routines. I'm really not mailing any of them in, and I am seeing and feeling some results.