MONDAY - MARCH 30, 2015 - INSANITY MAX 30 - Cardio Challenge
The plan was to take two weeks off after finishing P90, then start Insanity Max 30. However, life can change things in a hurry. Just after finishing P90 one of my cats got sick, was in the hospital for 10 days, then passed away 3 days later. Him and his brother are my best friends. It was a stunning blow and I still haven't recovered. It was just the 3 of us here and the house was very quiet for a long time. Exercising was the furthest thing from my mind. I've since adopted a kitten to keep the other one company. Life will go on but will never be the same without my friend.
It's been 5 weeks since finishing P90. The time off did me good. I actually lost a bit of weight and I did so without the stress of knowing I'd have to come home each day and have to work out. I've come to realize working out doesn't make me happy. Thinking about it during the day actually makes me miserable, and getting up in the morning to do it will make more even more miserable, so that's not an option. I've learned I'm not a bad person or a lazy slug if I don't work out, despite what the community will lead you to believe.
With that said, today I decided to try and get back to normality by getting back into my routine, just to see how it felt. I popped in the first Insanity Max 30 disc with the understanding it might only be a one day thing. To be quite honest, I'm not a fan of Shaun T's workouts. I like Shaun T, but it's too much of the same type of moves over and over again, mostly burning out my lower calf muscles. Today was exactly that, and I didn't like it, although I did much better than I thought, especially after a 5 week layoff. We'll see what happens tomorrow.
Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 439; Avg Heart Rate: 147; Max Heart Rate: 163; Maxed Out at: 12:27.
TUESDAY - MARCH 31, 2015 - INSANITY MAX 30 - Tabata Power
My calf muscles are burning, but I want to keep going. This one went better than yesterday. I was a bit uncoordinated on some of the moves, and didn't move as fast as those on the video, but I kept moving. The only real tough moves were the Push Ups. My form wasn't great on them, and I wasn't going real low, but I did my best. I liked this one better than yesterday's workout because there was more variety.
Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 364; Avg Heart Rate: 135; Max Heart Rate: 163; Maxed Out at: 22:47.
WEDNESDAY - APRIL 1, 2015 - INSANITY MAX 30 - Cardio Intervals
One thing I decided not to do with this blog was to censor myself. I wanted to write what I was feeling in that moment. So here goes .... My calve muscles and quad muscles are sore as hell from Monday's workout. I'm not happy about it, but at least I'm sore. However, when I started this program I pretty much knew that's where I'd be sore. That's what happened with Insanity, and that's what happened with Focus T25. In Focus T25 I actually tweaked a calve muscle that slowed me down for weeks. Well, we're back at it again. So far Insanity Max 30 seems to be nothing more than Focus 25 with 5 more minutes added at the end. A lot of jumping around with a few weird pushup moves added in, a set or two of burpees, and maybe a few core moves. I didn't see a big difference between today's workout and Monday's workout. The moves were a bit different, but not much. Today I had to modify because I couldn't jump around. I still burned a bunch of calories and I still sweat a lot, but I don't really want to do 60 days of the same thing over and over again, and I'm not looking forward to tweaking the calve again, which is probably going to be inevitable with all the repetitive jumping. I'm finding I'm going to "Max Out" not so much because I can't move anymore, but more so because I'm bored and don't want to move anymore. Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.
Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 379; Avg Heart Rate: 137; Max Heart Rate: 160; Maxed Out at: 17:00.
THURSDAY - APRIL 2, 2015 - INSANITY MAX 30 - Pulse
My calve muscles are still extremely sore and tight, so I did this "stretch" routine instead of Tabata Strength. It was an OK routine. All non-impact, but not enough stretching, which is what I really needed today..
Time: 20 minutes; Calories Burned: 155; Avg Heart Rate: 107; Max Heart Rate: 127.
FRIDAY - APRIL 3, 2015 - INSANITY MAX 30 - Tabata Strength
We had a half day at work today, so I wasn't as tired when I started this thing, and I was in a bit better mood. This workout isn't on the Max 30 schedule until Week 3, but I didn't want to do Tabata Power again, so I did it today. It wasn't as bad as I was anticipating. My calve muscles are still sore, but getting better. I still had to modify some of the jumping around moves because I didn't want to pull anything. Also, I didn't go all the way down of the pushups. I just didn't have the strength. Other than that I was OK, but not close to perfect.
Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 381; Avg Heart Rate: 137; Max Heart Rate: 223; Maxed Out at: 11:41.
SATURDAY - APRIL 4, 2015 - INSANITY MAX 30 - Friday Fight: Round 1
This reminded me a bit of Pure Cardio from the original Insanity. One minute cardio moves with no breaks. Actually, there were a couple breaks, but you were doing 10 minutes straight before you got one. I had to take two small breaks myself. One just after the warm up for a phone call, and one after the first set, for a bathroom break. There were short, but my heart rate had come down a bit. Once again I had to modify the bouncing around because of my calves. Maybe by Monday I'll be able to go harder again.
Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 355; Avg Heart Rate: 132; Max Heart Rate: 154; Maxed Out at: 11:47.
SUNDAY - APRIL 5, 2015 - INSANITY MAX 30 - Ab Attack:10
I didn't last too long in this one, but it'll get better once I get used to the moves.
Time: 10 minutes; Calories Burned: 104; Avg Heart Rate: 124; Max Heart Rate: 147; Maxed Out at: 3:30.
Weight: 200.8 (-0.4 lbs)
Body Fat: 22.9% (-0.1%)
I'm still stress eating.
I'll admit I wasn't in a good mood most of the week for a number of reasons. Add in the fact I was sore and not a big Insanity fan to begin with, and it didn't make for a real happy beginning. The workouts were tough, but hard to judge because I had to modify a lot. I'm going to burn a lot of calories, but have to change my mindset to enjoy the process.