Monday, July 21, 2014

P90X - ROUND 10 - WEEK 13 - Week of 07/21/2014

MONDAY - JULY 21, 2014 - Fountain of Youth (Yoga) (One on One with Tony Horton)

A good yoga workout. This one gets through to the basics without all the repetitiveness on the vinyasas in the original Yoga X. There are some stretching moves in this one (about the last 16 minutes), but I'll admit I like the second half of Yoga X better. I've been switching up the yoga workouts this round for variety, and the time involved.

Time: 47 minutes; Calories Burned: 271; Avg Heart Rate: 96; Max Heart Rate: 120.

TUESDAY - JULY 22, 2014 - Core Synergistics

I got through this with little problem, but I was sweating like crazy when I was done. I have a lot of Tony's workouts and I love his sense of humor, however, this is the one workout where he gets annoying. It seems like he's constantly busting on the cast, especially Adam. "Come on, we're here to workout". "We've got a whole bunch of boxes we have to move". "Mini break. Break's over" (with no real break). Listening to that while I'm busting my ass on moves I absolutely hate, makes this my least enjoyable workout.

Time: 57 minutes; Calories Burned: 540; Avg Heart Rate: 118; Max Heart Rate: 153,

WEDNESDAY - JULY 23, 2014 - Cardio X

Cardio X. The "easy" workout that always leaves me sweating like crazy at the end. I almost feel embarrassed that I am so drained at the end, but I am.

Time: 43 minutes; Calories Burned: 329; Avg Heart Rate: 107; Max Heart Rate: 142.

THURSDAY - JULY 24, 2014 - X Stretch

I like X Stretch. Aside from the physical break, it's also a mental break, knowing you're going to get a day off from beating the hell out of your body. My body is sore, especially my shoulders for some reason. I'm thinking it's from Core Synergistics on Tuesday. One thing I did today was I faced the TV when doing most of the moves. I'm usually sideways to it. It's not much of a change, but it did make the workout feel a bit different, and there were things I saw on the video I'd never seen before, because I was at a different angle. As far as the workout went,  I wasn't too flexible on Camel or Back Hero, but otherwise did OK.

Time: 57 minutes; Calories Burned: 222; Avg Heart Rate: 88; Max Heart Rate: 114.

FRIDAY - JULY 25, 2014 - Core Synergistics

I was dreading this one all day long. Once I got home I didn't spend too much time relaxing because then I'd be thinking about it even more, so I just got it done and over with. It went OK. I still don't get up in Bow because I don't push myself to do it. On the other hand, I did do a few more reps than usual on some of the exercises. I even got in 12 Dreya Rolls. There is a sequence of about 4 moves that just kill me: Lunge and Reach (followed by a small break), then Prison Cell Pushups, Side Hip Raises, then the Squat X Presses. Then after those 4 comes the Plank to Chaturanga Runs. Lately, I've been having a hard time with the Chauranga's because I'm just gassed at that point. I did notice my heart rate was in the 150's a lot, so I was workin'.. I'm just glad it's over with.

Tme: 57 minutes; Calories Burned: 595; Avg Heart Rate: 125; Max Heart Rate: 159.

SATURDAY - JULY 26, 2014 - Yoga X

This finishes up my 10th Round of P90X, and it wasn't my best workout. I'd been switching out Yoga X a number of times this round with some shorter yoga workouts from Tony's One on One series. I hadn't done Yoga X since Week 10. I wasn't really looking forward to the 92 minutes, but definitely wanted to finish the round with Yoga X, just as I have the previous 9 rounds. It just seemed like the right thing to do. I felt really good this morning and was going to start it about 8:30 this morning. The morning air was cool. However, I got doing other things. I finally started about 4:15. It felt a bit muggier when I started and I was dripping sweat early on. That continued for the entire first half of the workout, the vinyasa section. I was horrible during that half. I came out of a lot of the moves early because I simply couldn't hold them, The second half went much better. Not a great way to finish the Round, but it is what it is. All my workouts aren't golden.

Time: 92 minutes: Calories Burned: 749; Avg Heart Rate: 110; Max Heart Rate: 141.

SUNDAY - JULY 27, 2014 - Rest


Weight: 195.6 (-1.0 lbs)
Body Fat: 21.7% (-0.1%)

Didn't eat real well this week, but not too bad either, so I guess this makes sense. Losing 1 lb a week would be good.


It was the last week of the round and I was in the mindset of just wanting to get it over with. I don't like Core Synergistics at all, so having to look forward to doing that twice was a bit of a downer. I'm a bit happy with the weight loss.


I had just come off about 6 months of 25 or 30 minute workouts with the Focus T25 and P90X3 programs, so I was a bit concerned about how I'd feel about going back to 60 minute workouts. It turns out it wasn't an issue. I like the original P90X workouts much better than the others, so it wasn't so much how long I was doing things as it was what I was doing. Early on in the Round I was really motivated. My goal was to lose 20 lbs for the Round, and I started out OK, but then the old habits started kicking in, and I lost my motivation and drive. The third phase was becoming a grind, and I just wanted to get things over with. It wasn't the workouts. I still love them. It was just my mindset. I did end up losing 4.4 lbs during the round and 0.9% body fat, but I was at those numbers in Week 4. At one point I was down 6.8 lbs (after week 9), but as I said, the old habits started creeping in, causing loss of focus and motivation, and I went backwards. On the positive side, I was doing more pushups than I ever had, and I was lifting more weight than I ever had, which was one of my goals. Overall, I'm glad I did it, if only to realize that longer workouts are still OK, as long as I like them. I reaffirmed the fact that this is my "Soul-Mate" workout program. I'll always come back to it, and if I ever decide to commit to the nutrition part, my results will be great.


The plan is to take a week (or two) off to give my mind a break. My body seems to be OK. Then I think I'm going to do a round of P90X2. I haven't done that in over 2 years, and I had great results with it.

Monday, July 14, 2014

P90X - ROUND 10 - WEEK 12 - Week of 07/14/2014

MONDAY - JULY 14, 2014 - Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps

Had a bit of a queasy stomach going in, then the power went off near the end of the warm-up. It came back on almost immediately, but I had to re-set everything. I finally got the workout in. It wasn't great, but was above average. Got in 10 Airborne Pushups.

Time: 55 minutes; Calories Burned: 583; Avg Heart Rate: 125; Max Heart Rate: 204.

TUESDAY - JULY 15, 2014 - Plyometrics

I felt pretty good before starting. For some reason my legs felt like lead during the second set of Circle Runs, but other than that, everything went well. Nothing exceptional, but again, above average.

Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 621; Avg Heart Rate: 125; Max Heart Rate: 151.

WEDNESDAY - JULY 16, 2014 - Back and Biceps

After I got home I was relaxing a bit, checking  some things out on the internet, including Tony Horton's youtube page.  I saw a clock counting down the time to a live Tony Horton chat, and it looked like it was starting in an hour. I immediately got the workout done, sat down to watch the chat, and realized the clock was saying it was starting in a day, not one hour. So, I'll look for it tomorrow. I always enjoy Tony's chats. The workout went OK. One again, I used 25 lb dumbbells on a lot of the bicep moves because I didn't feel like adjusting my Powerblocks. I used 45s on most of the back moves, and started with 40s on the strip set. Sounds like a repeat of the last time I did this workout, 2 weeks ago. I did get a few extra pull-ups in, though, getting to 27, which sucks, but that's a weakness to me. "I presently struggle with pull-ups:.

Time: 51 minutes; Calories Burned: 530; Avg Heart Rate: 123; Max Heart Rate: 162.

THURSDAY - JULY 17, 2014 - Patience: Hummingbird (Yoga) - (One on One with Tony Horton)

Did this instead of Yoga X,. It's a good little routine. I was sweating bullets 15 minutes into it.

Time: 36 minutes; Calories Burned: 246; Avg Heart Rate: 102; Max Heart Rate: 185.

FRIDAY - JULY 18, 2014 - Legs and Back

This went well. I did better than last week on the pullups. I've really been noticing lately that it's not my arms that are giving way on the pullups, it's my grip on the bar. That's weak. One thing I did today that I've never done with this workout, was getting my butt real low on the Groucho Walks. I could definitely feel it in my legs.

Time: 59 minutes; Calories Burned: 561; Avg Heart Rate: 118; Max Heart Rate: 153.

SATURDAY - JULY 19, 2014 - Kenpo X

An average Kenpo workout. Not much to say. I worked up a good sweat. As I've said before, this is a great Saturday workout.

Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 443; Avg Heart Rate: 107; Max Heart Rate: 134.

SUNDAY - JULY 20, 2014 - Ab Ripper X

As usual I did this workout by memory, without the video. Doing this way usually takes me 20-25 minutes because I take my time and take small breaks in between the moves. Today I decided to try and do it as the do it on the video, without the breaks. It went OK, and I got it done in about 15 and a half minutes. However, I did have to stop twice during the Mason Twists (I did 52 of them) because I was exhausted.

Time: 15 minutes; Calories Burned: 137; Avg Heart Rate: 115; Max Heart Rate: 144.


Weight: 196.6 (+0.8 lbs)
Body Fat: 21.8% (+0.3%)

Didn't eat well this week. Not happy with myself about that. It's a real struggle for me to get the right mindset and make the commitment to do that. I need to make something in my mind "click" to get into that right mindset, to motivate me. It's just not there, but it's my goal to find it. Maybe it's just old fashioned hard wrork.

Monday, July 7, 2014

P90X - ROUND 10 - WEEK 11 - Week of 07/07/2014

MONDAY - JULY 7, 2014 - Chest and Back

As I did last time, I went at my own pace, and finished a full 4 moves ahead of those on the video. I used that time to put away my equipment and lay on my back on the floor, recovering. I did 286 pushups, which was only 2 less than I did last time, and that was my all-time high for this workout. I'll admit I didn't go too deep on some of them during the second half. I got in 28 pullups, which is not great, but I felt good on them. I also used 45 lbs on all the weighted back exercises. Last time I only used 35s, and felt that was too little weight. All around, this was a good workout. I'm totally exhausted.

Time: 52 minutes; Calories Burned: 555; Avg Heart Rate: 124; Max Heart Rate: 156.

TUESDAY - JULY 8, 2014 - Plyometrics

I've been drink entirely too much Diet Pepsi/Coke the last few months. I noticed last night it was really starting to affect my sleep, as I think I only got 4 or 5 hours in, which isn't enough for me. I had another one today at Subway during lunch. By the time it was workout time I was really lightheaded due to fatigue. I didn't know how I was going to get through a Plyo workout. I considered doing Cardio X or Kenpo X instead, as they're a bit less intense. I even briefly considered taking the day off, something I've never done in 6 years if I've had a workout scheduled (except for extreme illness). Ultimately I got Plyo in. It went Ok. Not my best effort, but not my worst either. In the long run, this may be beneficial if it gets me off the soda.

Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 633; Avg Heart Rate: 126; Max Heart Rate: 150.

WEDNESDAY - JULY 9, 2014 - Shoulders and Arms

I wasn't feeling real strong going in, so I lightened my weight on a few of the early moves. Even so, they still felt heavy. Around the third set I was back to normal, but I still didn't feel like stretching myself and increasing my weights from last time. In the end, it was an OK workout.

Time: 60 minutes; Calories Burned: 598; Avg Heart Rate: 122; Max Heart Rate: 156.

THURSDAY - JULY 10, 2014 - Fountain of Youth (Yoga) (One on One with Tony Horton)

I didn't get too much sleep last night, and I played golf today, so I was extremely tired. I didn't really want to do 92 minutes of Yoga X, so I did this one instead. At 47 minutes, it was perfect.

Time: 47 minutes; Calories Burned: 287; Avg Heart Rate: 98; Max Heart Rate: 126.

FRIDAY - JULY 11, 2014 - Legs and Back

I did OK on this one, but my pullup numbers weren't good. I only got 54 in. I just couldn't keep my grip on the pullup bar.

Time: 59 minutes; Calories Burned: 577; Avg Heart Rate: 120; Max Heart Rate: 151.

SATURDAY - JULY 12, 2014 - Kenpo X

I kept putting this off until early evening. Just as I was getting ready to get started, I saw my favorite movie was on TV. I did the workout instead of watching the movie, but my mind was wandering all over the place. When I was doing the punching section near the beginning, I found myself looking at my bookcase and rearranging it in my mind instead of concentrating on the workout. Eventually I got a bit more focused and finished it up OK.

Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 479; Avg Heart Rate: 110; Max Heart Rate: 134.

SUNDAY - JULY 13, 2014 - Ab Ripper X

Better than I've done lately on this workout, but I wasn't feeling like crap going into it, like I had the last few times I did it.

Time:20 minutes; Calories Burned: 145; Avg Heart Rate: 105; Max Heart Rate: 169.


Weight: 195.8 (+1.8 lbs)
Body Fat: 21.5% (+0.2%)

Not good, and a bit unexpected. I thought I ate pretty good for the week. Had some candy someone had brought into work, but I didn't this it was that much.


I thought the workouts went well. A strong week in that regard. I'm just really bummed at the weight increase. Really bummed.