Monday, April 24, 2017

INSANITY: MAX 30 - ROUND 1 - WEEK 2 - WEEK OF 04/24/2017

MONDAY - APRIL 24, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Cardio Challenge

I'm sweating like crazy after this one. I maxed out at 25 minutes, doing the Chair Squats. I was going a bit slower than they were on some of the moves before that, but not much slower. I even did all the Suicide Burpees.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 338; Avg Heart Rate: 134; Max Heart Rte: 165.

TUESDAY - APRIL 25, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Tabata Power

One of the tricky things about this program is deciding when you've "Maxed Out". I use a 5 second break as my point. So today I officially didn't max out. My form was never really that bad. During the fast Power Jumps at the end I decided I'd do 20 in a row, take a few second break, do 20 more in a row, etc. I did that successfully. The only move I have trouble on is the first tricep move, where you are raising one leg and touching it with the poosite hand as you're coming up from the dip. It's not a fatigue thing with me on that one. It's a coordination thing. Overall, I felt good about the workout, but not overly enthusiastic about the effort.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 265; Avg Heart Rate: 123; Max Heart Rate: 159.

WEDNESDAY - APRIL 26, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Sweat Intervals

This felt like one of those disjointed days, where you're not in synch with things. I had one of my salads for lunch. Lots of leafy romaine lettuce with a bunch of veggies, fruits piled on. The worst thing in it was a slice of cheese I'd torn into pieces. The calories were about 575 of my normal 1900 I aim for. It usually satifies me, but it didn't fill me up today. I was starving when I got home so I had a bunch of pretzel chips I'd bought on Sunday. I usually don't keep things like that in the house anymore, but they were there. After that, I was still hungry. I took a deep nap, then got into the workout. I was sluggish all the way through, but I got it done. I finished things up with some chicken tenders for dinner that my mother had dropped off earlier in the week. I was calculating they would fill me up and keep me under my calories intake for the day, so I was feeling happy I'd salvaged the day a bit, then realized afterwards they were breaded, so I don't even know how many calories were in them. Oh, well. it's done. One of those days you just have to laugh at. I'll recover.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 341; Avg Heart Rate: 136; Max Heart Rate: 163.

THURSDAY - APRIL 27, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Tabata Strength

Poor effort today. I just wasn't into it. I did the moves, but wasn't killing myself. On a scale of 1 to 10, it was maybe a 4. I'm playing golf for the first time this year tomorrow, so I just wanted to get this done so I could relax and think about that, and also watch tonight's NFL Draft. However, the real culprit is that I'm drinking way too much Diet Coke. Sometimes two 20 oz bottles a day. I don't handle caffeine real well, so it's starting to accumulate on me, and it's wearing me out. I need to start weaning it out of my days.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 297; Avg Heart Rate: 124; Max Heart Rate: 165.

FRIDAY - APRIL 28, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Friday Fight Round 1

Golf this morning for the first time in 6 months. We took carts, but I still did a lot of walking on a relatively hilly course. When I got home my knees and ankles were sore. Rather than letting them stiffen up, I got into the workout about an hour later. My effort was certainly better than the last two days. I did OK, I'm sore afterwards, and know I'm going to feel it tomorrow, but I feel good at the same time.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 337; Avg Heart Rate: 135; Max Heart Rate:157.

SATURDAY - APRIL 29, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Ab Attack:10 and Pulse

Once again, I did these back to back. Not much to say on either, except that I worked up a good sweat on Pulse, as I did last week. I'm unsure why, but it's good.

Ab Attack: 10 - Time: 10 minutes; Calories Burned: 76; Avg Heart Rate: 113; Max Heart Rate: 144

Pulse: Time: 20 minutes; Calories Burned: 129; Avg Heart Rate: 110; Max Heart Rate: 129.

SUNDAY - APRIL 30, 2017 - Rest


Weight: 188.8 (+0.8 lbs)
Body Fat: 19.7% (-0.2%)

I was shocked at the weight gain. I was eating as I had been. I did a lot of walking on both Friday (golf) and Saturday (mowing the lawn). So, it was a mystery to me. However, this did happen a few weeks ago, so I'm thinking it may just be my body adjusting to things. The fact that my body fat dropped is a plus and a good sign.


Again, the weight gain was confusing and a little dis-heartening, but the workouts went well, and I feel good, so that's good news.

Monday, April 17, 2017

INSANITY: MAX 30 - ROUND 1 - WEEK 1 - WEEK OF 04/17/2017

MONDAY - APRIL 17, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Cardio Challenge

I so much enjoyed doing the Max 30 workouts the last two weeks that I've decided to do a full Round of it. I tried a round back in 2015, but quit on it after 2 weeks because my heart wasn't into it. I feel a little better about it now. I did OK today. I felt pretty good until I got to the Wide In and Outs with the shoulder taps. I felt uncoordinated doing them and maxed out at 16:52. What was funny was afterwards I saw a video of Shaun T doing the workout at his home and he maxed out at almost exactly the same time I did, and he looked uncoordinated too. So I guess it's not just me. Been eating bad the last two days. Someone gave me some Easter Candy. I haven't had candy in months and I just caved. But I'll get back on track. Today at work I noticed my pants were wearing real loose around my waist. So much that I had to go down a belt hole.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 346; Avg Heart Rate: 135; Max Heart Rate: 159.

TUESDAY - APRIL 18, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Tabata Power

I'm thinking this might be the easiest workout for me in Max 30. The only place I was really struggling was in the Plyo Pushup section. I finished them, but I was probably going a bit slower than they were on some of them. I'm not sure if I officially "maxed out", but I did stumble and bumble a bit during the tricep section where you were alternating reaching towards your leg. I also stopped a few times for a few seconds in the last two minutes or so. I'm still stress eating a little here and there and finishing up the remaining jelly beans, so I'm beating myself up over that a bit. But I'll regroup and be OK. I've gotten into the habit of eating better the last few months, so this is a blip. Overall, I wasn't happy with my effort today, but that's been the exception lately, which is good.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 223; Avg Heart Rate: 114; Max Heart Rate: 154.

WEDNESDAY - APRIL 19, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Sweat Intervals

I think I like this one. None of the moves are extra hard, but they compound on one another to wear you out. It definitely takes the wind out of you quickly. The only moves I had trouble with physically were the quick moving lunges, which I can't do real fast, or get my back leg too low. The warm-up was also pounding on my calve muscles, but I got through it.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 347; Avg Heart Rate: 137; Max Heart Rate: 164.

THURSDAY - APRIL 20, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Tabata Strength

I got through it OK. I maxed out during the second set of the low Diamond Pushup holds. I didn't get real low on all of the pushups but did give it a good effort.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 319; Avg Heart Rate: 130; Max Heart Rate: 151.

FRIDAY - APRIL 21, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Friday Fight - Round 1

This was a mental game today. There were several times during the workout where I felt like stopping, but I fought through. A few of those times was when Shawn was telling me to not let my mind beat my body and to keep going. I finally maxed out around the 12 minute mark. Can't even remember the move. I stopped for a few seconds several times after that, but once again, I did my best. I say that almost every workout, but it's the truth. These workouts are a challenge for me, and I'm not dogging anything.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 325; Avg Heart Rate: 133; Max Heart Rate: 148.

SATURDAY - APRIL 22, 2017 - INSANITY: Max 30 - Ab Attack:10 and Pulse

Ab Attack: 10
I normally will do my ab workout for the week on Sundays, but because there is no high intensity workout for Saturdays in the Max 30 schedule, and the recovery workout Pulse is only 20 minutes, I'll do that and the 10 minute Ab Attack workout on Saturdays. That'll give me 30 minutes. This will mean Sundays will be a full rest day, which is OK by me. Ab Attack was challenging in spots, but not too bad. I got through it OK only stopping once. Can't remember the move.

Time: 10 minutes; Calories Burned: 77; Avg Heart Rate: 116; Max Heart Rate: 139.

This is a "recovery workout". I did it immediately after Ab Attack. It went OK, but I was sweating like crazy when I was done. A few on the moves were the same from Ab Attack, but that was OK. I felt it in my core when I was done. I liked it.

Time: 20 minutes; Calories Burned: 146; Avg Heart Rate: 115; Max Heart Rate: 129.

     THIRD WORKOUT - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Sweat Fest

I did the first two workouts in the late morning. I had some extra birthday cake at my sister's during the day and felt like burning a few calories, so I pulled this one out and did it around 8pm. It's a bonus workout that comes with the Max 30 program, but is really a new Insanity workout. I think Beachbody threw it in there so people using Max 30 would go back and buy the original Insanity if they didn't have it already. From checking on it beforehand I kind of knew what to expect and thought it might be a bit easier than Max 30 because it would have more breaks, plus a longer low intensity warmup. That was the case, but I can't say it was much easier than Max 30. I was OK on the first three circuits, but then I maxed out around the 24 minute mark doing the first set of Pushup Jacks..There were a few of the original Insanity cast members in it, looking a bit older, but it was still pretty cool to see them. One thing I found amusing. After finishing, I laid on the floor and watched the whole workout again, because you can't always see what's going on when you're actually doing it. The move following the Pushup Jacks was Ski Abs, and I was really struggling. It was even worse for both moves on the repeat set, so I was feeling a bit defeated. While watching the video. however, I noticed almost all of the cast members were on their knees and barely doing the moves either. It almost looked like a battlefield. So, I suddenly didn't feel so bad. Overall, I really liked the workout. A lot. I can see myself pulling it out quite a bit down the road when I'm looking to do another quick workout for the day.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 303; Avg Heart Rate: 127; Max Heart Rate: 150.

SUNDAY - APRIL 23, 2017 - Rest


Weight: 188.0 (-1.8 lbs)
Body Fat: 19.9% (-0.6%)

Both are big numbers, Since January 15, I've lost 19.4 lbs and 4.6% Body Fat.


First of all, I'm feeling great. I'm really enjoying the Max 30 workouts, and I was somewhat encouraged by seeing the cast members in the Sweat Fest workout struggling as much as I was, and most of them are 20 to 30 years younger than I am. It's such a little thing, but it was a bit empowering. If someone had told be a month ago I'd be doing Insanity workouts again and enjoying them, I'd have told them they were insane.

Monday, April 10, 2017


MONDAY - APRIL 10, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Tabata Strength

I'm continuing to challenge myself with these Max 30 workouts, and was actually looking forward to it today. I got through it OK. I tired on the pushups after a while and wasn't going very deep on them during the last set. The ones that did me in were holding the Diamond Pushups in the low position. That's a killer move.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 298; Avg Heart Rate: 128; Max Heart Rate: 151.

TUESDAY - APRIL 11, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Friday Night Fight Round 1

This wasn't too bad. I was certainly sucking wind though. I made it about 17 minutes in. Then he announced the Burpee Lunges and I went to my knees for a few seconds. I got back up and did the best I could, but took multiple 5 second breaks after that. Overall, I was happy with it. Except for the stretch workout, "Pulse", this was the end of what are the Month 1 workouts. I'm not sure what I'll do tomorrow. I might do another 3 weeks of what I just did, or just do one week of the Month 2 workouts. I never got to them two years ago. I'm trying to decide if I want to do the full two months of the program, or just use these two weeks as maintenance before I jump into something else. I'm not sure I want to go two months without some type of strength training.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 337; Avg Heart Rate: 131; Max Heart Rate: 150.

WEDNESDAY - APRIL 12, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Max Out Cardio

This was the first of the Max 30 "second month" workouts. I'd never done it before and was thinking it would probably be a lot harder than the month one workouts. I didn't find that to be the case. They did add a 1 minute "power move" to the end of each set, but there were less sets, so it kind of evened things out. It was still 30 minutes. None of the moves were exceptionally hard, but I'll admit I wasn't going too low on the oblique pushups near the end. Once again, I was rather pleased with myself.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 326; Avg Heart Rate: 132; Max Heart Rate: 158.

THURSDAY - APRIL 13, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Max Out Power

Well, that sucked!!! I was pretty sure there was going to be some pushups in this one, but I wasn't expecting an entire 6 minute set of plyo pushups. As I've stated before, I am very, very weak at upper body explosive moves. I was totally humbled on that set. I could barely get down low on an ordinary pushup, let alone going down deep and exploding up so my hands would come off the floor. Early on I was using my legs to help me get up a bit, then I tried simple pushups with no explosion, then I went to my knees where I could at least get my hands up off the floor a bit when I came up. To make matters worse he started throwing burpees and split lunges into the equation later on. Not good. However, aside from one set of pushups, where I just totally gave up in frustration for about 30 seconds, I did my best.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 232; Avg Heart Rate: 113; Max Heart Rate: 144.

FRIDAY - APRIL 14, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Max Out Sweat

I previewed this online by checking out some YouTube videos, and one of them said it was hard, so I was prepared a bit by knowing that. I didn't have too many problems, except for the several moves that required going into plank with only one hand on the floor. I felt unstable and uncoordinated doing those moves and went very slow. The rest of the moves I didn't have too many problems doing, but I was gassed. I "Maxed Out" around the 18 minute area, but admit I was going slower than they were a lot of the time. I feel good afterwards. I'm actually looking forward to doing these Max 30 workouts each day because I'm doing better than I thought I would, and again, they do make me feel good, but I'm thinking I might get bored with them over 2 months.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 315; Avg Heart Rate: 130; Max Heart Rate: 153.

SATURDAY - APRIL 15, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Max Out Strength

I got this one done mid-morning. I'd heard there were a bunch of pushups in it, which I've been struggling with a few times, but at the same time I was looking forward to challenging myself. When the second set, all pushups, was over I felt relieved. I struggled a bit with some of them, but did better than I had been. Then comes round four. More pushups! Ouch! But I sucked it up and got through it the best I could, even though I crashed a few times doing the low pulses and holding the low planks. Not perfect by any means, but I did feel some satisfaction with feeling a bit stronger on the pushups.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 257; Avg Heart Rate: 120; Max Heart Rate: 142.

     SECOND WORKOUT - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Friday Fight - Round 2

This is the last workout in the Month 2 Max 30 schedule, and the only one I hadn't done yet. I didn't want to do it tomorrow because I leave Sundays to rest my body a bit, and I didn't want to leave it until Monday because I might start a new round of something. I also ate a few extra calories yesterday, so I figured I could get this one in today. Everything I'd seen and read pointed to this one being one of the toughest workouts out there, no matter the program, but once again, I was looking forward to the challenge. None of the moves were excessively hard, but each move is a continuous 60 seconds, and there are only two 30 second water breaks in the entire workout, one at 15 minutes, and the other at 25 minutes, Early on, my legs were dead from the beating they've taken the last few days. Officially, I maxed out around 7:30, but the longer the workout went, the more breaks I was taking. I tried getting back into things as quickly as I could, but sometimes that didn't last too long. This is definitely a tough workout, but one I think I could get much better at the more I do it. I remember it took me a long time to get through P90X+ Interval X, P90X3 Accelerator, and P90X Plyometrics without taking breaks, but once I did, I can now do it consistently. This is in the same boat. It just may take a while.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 331; Avg Heart Rate: 133; Max Heart Rate: 159.

SUNDAY - APRIL 16, 2017 - Rest


Weight: 189.8 (-1.2 lbs)
Body Fat: 20.4% (-0.1%)

First time I've been in the 180's in years. Makes me feel good.


I actually enjoyed the Max 30 workouts and what I was able to do with them. I feel good.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


MONDAY - APRIL 3, 2017 - P90X+ - Kenpo/Cardio Plus

I'm not going to be doing a scheduled program for the next few weeks. Yesterday was our Fantasy Baseball draft and I ate a lot of pizza, a couple chicken wings, some french toast for breakfast. I don't want to lose my momentum totally on my weight loss, so I'm going to be doing some cardio programs a few days this week to hopefully burn a few calories. Today is Kenpo/Cardio Plus, which is one of my favorite cardio routines. I hadn't done it for years until I did it a few times as a second workout during the last round of P90X3. I enjoyed it again.

Time: 41 minutes; Calories Burned: 414; Avg Heart Rate: 124; Max Heart Rate: 148.

TUESDAY - APRIL 4, 2017 - P90X+ - Interval X Plus

Another cardio routine from the P90X+ series. I don't like this one nearly as much as the one I did yesterday, but I do remember it made me sweat and tired me out. I hadn't done it since May of 2013. It went OK. I don't think I went as fast as the last time I'd done it, but I kept up pretty well. There were a few times were I skipped a few reps, bent over with my hands on my knees, but I got right back into it as best as I could. Once I get used to it again, I think I can do a bit better.

Time: 44 minutes; Calories Burned: 436; Avg Heart Rate: 124; Max Heart Rate: 150.

WEDNESDAY - APRIL 5, 2017 - TONY HORTON ONE ON ONE - Cardio Confusion: Mason's Choice

This might be my favorite cardio workout because Tony and Mason appear to be having a such good time with it. It just puts you in a good mood. I did OK, and I enjoyed it. A fun way to burn some calories.

Time: 43 minutes; Calories Burned: 371; Avg Heart Rate: 115; Max Heart Rate: 142.

THURSDAY - APRIL 6, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Cardio Challenge

I wasn't sure what I was going to do today. Originally, I was thinking of doing a free lance upper body circuit routine with some weights and pullups, but then decided I'd give myself some time off from the strength training. When I got home I was thinking of doing one of Tony's One on One Yoga routines or one of his other cardio routines, but none of them appealed to me. I even seriously thought about taking the day off and giving my body a break. I took a bit of a nap, decided I wanted to burn some calories so I could eat something substantial for dinner, so in a fit of "Insanity" I pulled this one out. I'd started this program 2 years ago, but absolutely hated it, so I quit a little over two weeks in, and hadn't done any of it since. There were routines in it I never even got to. It's the only program I've ever quit after starting it. Early on, there was a lot of pounding on my ankles and calve muscles, which is one of the reasons I don't like doing Shaun's workouts, but I got through it OK. I never hit pause, and only stopped for a few seconds a few times to catch my breath. I think my official "Max Out" time was 17 minutes. I surprised myself a bit by how well I did, I might pull these workouts out every once in a while when I'm looking to do a quick, intense cardio routine, but I can't see myself doing 60 days of it, as they bore the hell out of me.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 351; Avg Heart Rate: 133; Max Heart Rate: 160.

FRIDAY - APRIL 7, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Tabata Power

Thought I'd give another Max 30 workout a chance. This one was next in the Max 30 rotation. I looked at my number from when I did it two years ago and saw my calorie burn was a lot lower than the Cardio Challenge. I wasn't sure why. This one is a lot less cardio and more strength. There is a section of all pushups which killed me. I'm not good at doing fast twitch pushups, plyo pushups, moving pushups, and that's what most of that section was. I maxed out during that section, around 9 minutes I think. Other than that, I was OK in keeping up. Guess I have something to work at, but I'm not sure how.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 223; Avg Heart Rate: 114; Max Heart Rate: 154.

SATURDAY - APRIL 8, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Sweat Intervals

I got a good night's sleep and woke up feeling pretty good. I was actually looking forward to trying another Max 30 workout. This one was next on the schedule. I checked out a few You Tube videos of it beforehand just to see what I was in for and most said it was tough. I got it done mid morning. Maxed out at 7:38. Not sure which move I was doing. I took a lot of 5 second breaks, modified a bit, and went slower than they did often, but I got through it. Good workout. I'm drenched in sweat.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 321; Avg Heart Rate: 130; Max Heart Rate: 147.

SUNDAY - APRIL 9, 2017 - Rest


Weight: 191.0 (-2.2 lbs)
Body Fat: 20.5% (-0.3%)

Both are nice numbers. I wasn't sure what they'd be since I ate really bad last Sunday, but I recovered nicely.


I'm happy with the weight and body fat numbers. It was all cardio this week, which shows I can burn calories. However, there was very little strength training involved. Just a few pushups in a couple of the routines. I really need both, but I'm giving my muscles a rest for a few weeks. I'm surprised I got through the Max 30 routines. They're certainly not easy, but I didn't humble myself either.