Monday, February 27, 2017

P90X3 - ROUND 5 - WEEK 9 - WEEK OF 02/27/17

MONDAY - FEBRUARY 27, 2017 - P90X3 - Total Synergistics

Not my favorite workout, but I did OK. I got in all of the Crawly Plyo Pushups but they tire me out quickly. I also got in all the Boat to Plow reps even though some were not pretty. Most of the other moves were business as usual. I just wasn't as gassed as usual, so I guess that's an improvement. I did take one small pause break just before the Glamour Hammer move, but that's usual for me. There are two weight moves right before it that really tire me for some reason.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 278; Avg Heart Rate: 125; Max Heart Rate: 152.

TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 28, 2017 - P90X3 - Agility X

I was feeling a bit sluggish and not real motivated going in. The workout was pretty much a reflection of that. There were times I tried to push myself and ramp it up, but there was just no gas in the tank today. Move on to tomorrow.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 274; Avh Heart Rate:121; Max Heart Rate: 154.

WEDNESDAY - MARCH 1, 2017 - P90X3 - The Challenge

My numbers today were 30 pushups and 7 pullups. I was originally going to go with 32+6, but decided to increase the pullup number because those are the ones that challenge me the most, and I've been getting a little better with them lately. I've also been "bonking" the last few days (no energy, so today I had a tuna sub from Subway along with a couple of their cookies. I realize it's not the greatest nutrition, but it's not an everyday thing anymore, and it definitely gave me a more energy. I hit my numbers each time, but did have to come off the pullup bar a few times, then get back up to finish. Once again, 7 doesn't seem like a big deal, but I really struggle with them, so any improvement is big for me.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 208; Avg Heart Rate: 114; Max Heart Rate: 144.

THURSDAY - MARCH 2. 2017 - P90X3 - X3 Yoga

Again, I wasn't relaxed and was trying too hard to be perfect. I was stumbling through many of the poses early on, especially the Half Moons. The Balance Poses were a little better, especially on my right leg. Crane was much better, and I was able to do the full Spinal Twists. Much of this I was unable to do on Week 1 of this roundm and haven't for the last several years.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 83; Avg Heart Rate: 97; Max Heart Rate: 114.

FRIDAY - MARCH 3, 2017 - P90X3 - CVX

I'm starting to stress eat a bit at work again. Nothing major, but I need to watch it. I've been doing really good with the eating the last six weeks, and I feel a million times better, so I'll be OK. It didn't seem to affect today's workout. I took a small nap when I got home, then did the workout, but I didn't feel sluggish at all. It's hard to say if I made big improvements aver previous attempts at this specific routine, but I dd do OK.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 312; Avg Heart Rate: 131; Max Heart Rate: 158.

SATURDAY - MARCH 4, 2017 - P90X3 - The Warrior

My initial thought was that I didn't do too well. Then after thinking about it I realized I probably did more todat than I'd ever done on this workout. I never hit the pause button. The only exercise I stopped short on was the Elevator Pushups, and that was only about 10 seconds short. I usually stop way before that. I got in six of the Super Burpees and did all the pushups involved there, even though they weren't all the way to the floor. It was still an improvement. I'm usually stopping all the time during the Fifer Scissor Twists, but not today. So overall, it was an improvement, but I there is still quite a bit of room for improvement on this one.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 245; Avg Heart Rate: 119; Max Heart Rate: 152.

    SECOND WORKOUT - P90X+ - Kenpo/Cardio Plus

I felt like doing this one again to burn off some energy at the end of the day. I got through it OK, but I did start to tire a few times, especially during The Gladiator. I finished it just before midnight. Maybe it wasn't such a great idea to do it so late.

Time: 41 minutes; Calories Burned: 400; Avg Heart Rate: 126; Max Heart Rate: 152.

SUNDAY - MARCH 5, 2017 - P90X3 - X3 Ab Ripper

Not much to say except that I'm doing this workout pretty much as they are on the video. The only thing I'm not doing yet is bringing my knees to my triceps in the Sphinx Crunches and not entending my legs fully on the last sets of the Speed Bikes. Something to try next time.

Time: 15 minutes; Calories Burned: 78; Avg Heart Rate: 108; Max Heart Rate: 127.


Weight: 195.4 (-1.2 lbs)
Body Fat: 21.8% (-0.3%)

That's seven straight weeks of losses. 12.0 lbs and 2.7% Body Fat lost over that time. I feel really good.


Things are continuing to go in the right direction. My eating isn't perfect yet, but I'm on the way. I'm doing more in my workouts than I'd done before, and that makes me feel really good too.

Monday, February 20, 2017

P90X3 - ROUND 5 - WEEK 8 - WEEK OF 02/20/17

MONDAY - FEBRUARY 20, 2017 - P90X3 - Isomterix

So, I recovered from yesterday's cookie debacle. I wan't sure how I'd do on this one, because the last few times I did it I couldn't hold any of the moves for any length of time. From the first move today, it just seemed a lot easier. I held most of the floor moves for the full 45 seconds. I simply can't do the Bound pose on one leg yet, but I kept trying. On the standing moves, I was pretty good on my right leg and horrible on my left leg, but again, I kept trying. I'll give myself a pat on the back today.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 128; Avg Heart Rate: 102; Max Heart Rate: 124.

TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 21, 2017 - P90X3 - Dynamix

Not much to say. This isn't a real tough one, as it's mostly moving stretches. There is only one 7 move sequence in the routine that will get you sweating a bit, and I got through that OK. Sometimes it tires me a bit, so I guess that's an improvement. Ate a lot in the evening and went way over my calories limit. Some of it was hunger, and some was stress eating from going over my limit in the first place. That's messed up thinking. Need to watch that.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 126; Avg Heart Rate: 101; Max Heart Rate: 124.

WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 22, 2017 - P90X3 - Accelerator

I went though the entire workout without pausing, stopping, going to my knees, etc. I never used to be able to do that. There were times I was moving a bit slower than they were, but it's still an accomplishment for me. That's two pat's on the back for me this week.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 291; Avg Heart Rate: 125; Max Heart Rate: 149.

THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 23, 2017 - P90X3 - Pilates X

I got all the reps in, which I usually don't. I held some of the side plank moves, which I also usually don't. Those are the improvements. My form on a lot of the moves is poor, because my body doesn't always move that way, but that's the next goal for improvement. I still don't have the breathing down either, but will work at it.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 91; Avg Heart Rate: 93; Max Heart Rate: 121.

          **SECOND WORKOUT - P90X+ - Kenpo Cardio Plus

I've been thinking of pulling this one out lately to burn a few more calories on some of the lighter workout days. I got barely no burn from Pilates X tonight, so a little before 10pm I decided to do it. It's always been one of my favorites. When I checked my workout log book I saw I hadn't done it since June 2013 during my Hybrid. It took me a few minutes to get used to the quietness of the set on the video, as there was only Tony, Tracy Morrow, and Mark Briggs. I've been used to more people on the workouts lately. However, things came back to me quickly. While it doesn't seem like it's an excessively hard routine, you do work up quite a sweat because you are moving constantly during the meat of the workout. I was getting tired near the end. I enjoyed the workout a lot and burned a good number of calories. I think I'll do it again soon.

Time: 41 minutes; Calories Burned: 413; Avg Heart Rate: 127; Max Heart Rate: 154.

FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 24, 2017 - P90X3 - Decelerator

I don't think I did as well as last time, but I still did OK. I didn't use my wrist support / pullup gloves and I think it made a bit of a difference on the pullups. Most of the other moves I kept pace with last month. This is a tough workout for me, so the fact that I got through it without any breaks is a winner for me.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 269; Avg Heart Rate: 121; Max Heart Rate: 147.

SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 25, 2017 - P90X3 - X3 Yoga

For some reason I was sweating like crazy during this one. My balance was OK on my right leg, not so much on my left. I tried to concentrate on breathing and relaxing early on, but it didn't work as well as last week, and I quickly got back into the habit of being to rigid in the poses.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 130; Avg Heart Rate: 102; Max Heart Rate: 122.

SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 26, 2017 - Rest 


Weight: 196.6 (-1.8 lbs)
Body Fat: 22.1% (-0.4%)

Both are great numbers. I'm happy things are consistently going in the right direction.


I'm happy with the weight and body fat numbers. I'm working at it. Some of the workouts went very well and the bonus Kenpo/Cardio+ routine I did on Thursday was a treat.

Monday, February 13, 2017

P90X3 - ROUND 5 - WEEK 7 - WEEK OF 02/13/17

MONDAY - FEBRUARY 13, 2017 - P90X3 - Eccentric Upper

I had a mentally exhausting day at work. Came home and took a nap. The workouts have been going well, but I wasn't mentally looking forward to it today and was wondering how I was going to get through it. Surprise! I did well. I'm not great at pullups but felt strong doing them and got a couple more in than usual here and there. I did take two or three couple minute breaks, but that usually happens when I'm working with weights. I even upped my weights from 10's to 15's on the Lateral/Anterior Raises and the Pteradactyl Flys. The Raises were fine. I was struggling a bit on the Flys. Overall I was pleased I was able to get in a good workout even though I wasn't mentally ready.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 208; Avg Heart Rate: 114; Max Heart Rate: 143.

TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 14, 2017 - P90X3 - Triometrics

A step back today. No balance at all right from the start. This led to a bit of frustration so I wasn't pushing myself as hard as I could. I wasn't getting as deep in my squats as the last few weeks. I was out of gas in the Slater Squats and was much slower on those this week than the previous two weeks. I usually have a quick snack when I get home from work, but didn't today, so I'm wondering if that caused a bit of a lack of energy. It certainly seemed so.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 240; Avg Heart Rate: 115; Max Heart Rate: 142.

WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 15, 2017 - P90X3 - Incinerator

Better than yesterday's effort, A bit short of last week in a few moves and a bit better in a couple others. The "diet" is starting to wear on me a bit, more mentally, but some physically.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 216; Avh Heart Rate: 115; Max Heart Rate: 150.

THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 16, 2017 - P90X3 - X3 Yoga

Early on I found myself doing the moves by muscle memory and I wasn't even listening to Tony. I was very relaxed and breathing nicely. I tried carrying the breathing throughout but found out the more I thought about it the less effective it was. I find I'm normally trying to be too perfect and trying too hard to relax that I end up holding my breath and becoming too rigid during the workout. I'll try carrying the relaxing aspects of it into the next time.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 107; Avg Heart Rate: 98; Max Heart Rate: 117.

FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 17, 2017 - P90X3 - Eccentric Lower

I used some heavier weights on a few of the moves, most notably using 50's on the Squats and the Sumo Squats. I had been using 25's until last week when I used 40's. I think I'm going to feel it a bit. My balance was about average for me, which is not good in general, but I tried. I still didn't get into a full side plank on the T-T's because I can't stay in it for any length of tome, but. overall, I was pleased.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 210; Avg Heart Rate: 112; Max Heart Rate: 138.

SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 18, 2017 - P90X3 - MMX

Pretty good. I wasn't feeling it going in, but did my best. I was keeping up with their reps until I got to the sprawls in round three, when I was moving a bit slower than they were. However, I kept going and did all the reps in the Burnout.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 340; Avg Heart Rate: 133; Max Heart Rate: 161.
(It seems the FitBit likes routines like this a lot more than strength routines when calculating calorie burn.)

SUNDAY - FEBRUARY - 19, 2017 - P90X3 - X3 Ab Ripper

I did the workout in the late afternoon, after eating like crap in the earlier part of the day. I thought it would affect my performance, but it didn't. The workout went well. Actually very well. I felt strong throughout, and didn't miss any reps or come out of any moves extra early.

Time: 15 minutes; Calories Burned: 66; Avg Heart Rate:98; Max Heart Rate: 123.


Weight: 198.4 (-0.8 lbs)
Body Fat: 22.5% (-0.1%)

Again, I was disappointed I didn't lose more, as I've been sticking to my daily calorie deficit. I was so bummed I ate a ton of cookies I bought a few weeks ago, just to finish them up and get them out of the house. I guess I could have just thrown them out, but where's the fun in that???


I thought last week's workouts went a little better, but not by much. I've kept up the momentum I'm building. I got stupid this morning with the cookies and I'm pissed off at myself for that, but it's water under the bridge. I just need to recover and move forward. It's only one slip up.

Monday, February 6, 2017

P90X3 - ROUND 5 - WEEK 6 - WEEK OF 02/06/17

MONDAY - FEBRUARY 6, 2017 - P90X3 - Eccentric Upper

I was slipping a bit on the eating today for the first time in 3 weeks, but I'll catch myself. I felt the workout wasn't my best, but my numbers were a bit higher than usual, so maybe I'm getting better slowly but surely.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 228; Avg Heart Rate: 114; Max Heart Rate: 145.

TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 7, 2017 - P90X3 - Triometrics

Last week was the best I'd ever done on this workout. Today was close to that. I was going down lower than usual in my squats. I wasn't missing reps, etc. I even got through all the Slater Squats. I tried flipping mt FitBit band so the face was on the inside of my wrist to see if that increased my low calorie burn by better registering my heart rate. It increased it by about 10%.

Tome: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 283; Avg Heart Rate: 122; Max Heart Rate: 150.

WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 8, 2017 - P90X3 - Incinerator

The workouts have been going well lately, so I decided to push myself a bit on this one. I used 50 lbs on both the Rocket Launcher Rows and the "A" Presses. I got all the reps in without too many problems, but I did feel them. I also felt a lot stronger on all the other moves, even getting in 6 unassisted Pullups and Chinups without coming off the bar. It doesn't sound like a lot, but I really struggle with those.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 208; Avg Heart Rate: 133; Max Heart Rate: 144.

THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 9, 2017 - P90X3 - X3 Yoga

I'm getting more flexible. Today I was able to do the Seated Spinal Twist on both sides, and I was also able to get back into Camel. I haven't been able to do those moves in at least a year. Probably longer. Add in that I was able to get into Plow with my feet touching the floor last week for the first time in years, and did it again today, I'm quite happy. My balance was pretty good on my right foot. Still working on the left one, but with the progress I've been making the last few weeks, maybe there's a chance.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 93; Avg Heart Rate: 88; Max Heart Rate: 122.

FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 10, 2017 - P90X3 - Eccentric Lower

Trying to improve things, I upped my weight from 25's to 40's on the Squats and Sumo Squats with no problems. I tried getting my hip in the air on the Tony's TT's but couldn't do it, and also tried sitting on the Power Stands instead of the floor on the Hip Flexor Splits but couldn't do those either. Both give my something to shoot for next time.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 178; Avg Heart Rate: 105; Max Heart Rate: 138.

SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 11, 2017 - P90X3 - MMX

Another good workout. I'm starting to expect more out of myself with each workout. I didn't stop on any of the moves and only slowed down a bit once, on the second set of the scrambles. I even kept up throughout the entire Burnout which is rare for me. I'm very happy.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories burned: 320; Avg Heart Rate: 131; Max Heart Rate: 157.

SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 12, 2017 - P90X3 - X3 Ab Ripper

Didn't miss any reps or come out of any early, so it was a success. Feeling a bit sluggish today as the last few days I've caved and been eating some cookies.

Time: 15 minutes; Calories Burned: 82; Avg Heart Rate: 108; Max Heart Rate: 135.


Weight: 199.2 (-0.6 lbs)
Body Fat: 22.3 (-0.3%)

A bit disappointing on the weight number, as I've been keeping up with my daily calorie deficits. However I've snuck some sweets in the last few days which may have had an impact.


The workouts continue to go very well, as I'm constantly improving bit by bit on each of them. Need to nip the sweets in the bud on the nutrition side.