Monday, May 28, 2018

WEEK OF 05/28/2018 - P90X - ROUND 11 - WEEK 3

MONDAY - MAY 28, 2018 - P90X - Chest and Back

I think I've said this before, but every time I'm ready to start this workout I wonder how I'm going to get through all 24 moves. It seems like an insurmountable mountain I can't climb. Then I always get them in. I did 305 push-ups today (an extra 5 on the second set of Diamonds). I got in 33 pull-ups and felt better on those that last week. I used 40 lb weights on all the back moves, except on the second set of Lawnmowers, when I used 50's. I got the workout in during the late morning, so now I can enjoy the rest of the day.

Time:52 minutes; Calories Burned: 281; Avg Heart Rate:120; Max Heart Rate: 145.

TUESDAY - MAY 29, 2018 - P90X - Plyometrics

Didn't eat lunch today at work. Came home and ate some junk. I was real, real sluggish going into the workout. I did Ok for the way I was feeling. I missed a few reps here and there because I was fatigued, but got through it. Lesson learned. Eat better. Can't get around that.

Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 432; Avg Heart Rate: 127; Max Heart Rate: 159.

WEDNESDAY - MAY 30, 2018 - P90X - Shoulders and Arms

I started the workout just before 7 pm. It was 89 degrees and humid. I had the fans on. They were helping, but not too much. Under the circumstances, I was undecided how to approach the workout. I was thinking of reducing the weights and doing more reps, but ultimately decided to keep doing what I had been doing, which was 8 to 10 reps with heavier weights. There were a few instances when I went a bit lighter with more reps, trying to be smart because of the heat, but I'm not sure it made a difference. End result: I got through it.

Time: 59 minutes; Calories Burned: 352; Avg Heart Rate: 123; Max Heart Rate: 156.

THURSDAY - MAY 31, 2018 - P90X - Yoga X

It's still a bit steamy so I knew this was going to be a sweat fest, and it was. 25 minutes in, and I was dripping. Somehow I was liking it though. I even grabbed my fingers in that reach under the leg twist thing. I hadn't been able to do that in years.The second half was very relaxing. I feel good afterwards and I'm still surprising myself at the things I can do lately. This workout brings that out.

Time: 92 minutes; Calories Burned: 208; Avg Heart Rate: 106; Max Heart Rate: 132.

FRIDAY - JUNE 1, 2018 - P90X - Legs and Back

Still extremely hot and humid. The leg moves went OK, but I went from 25 lb weights to 15 lbs on the Calf Raises because I was afraid the heavier weights would slide out of my hands. Not all bad, because I think I was able to get higher on the raises. I didn't give max effort on the pull-ups. I'm not good at them to begin with, but I decided to pace myself with them so I wouldn't run out of gas because of the heat. On the second round of them I decided to try a bit harder but my hands were sliding around on the bar, even with wearing gloves. I might have been able to do more, but sometimes you need to step back a bit.

Time: 59 minutes; Calories Burned: 294; Avg Heart Rate: 117; Max Heart Rate: 148.

SATURDAY - JUNE 2, 2018 - P90X - Kenpo X

Weather is a bit cooler today, plus I got my air conditioning fixed, so that's good new for future workout. I got an unexpected chance to play some golf this afternoon, so I took it. I didn't start the workout until about 8:30 pm. I was a bit tired and uninspired, but I got it done. I'm just glad it was Kenpo, which is one of my favorites.

Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 397; Avg Heart Rate: 121; Max Heart Rate: 197.

SUNDAY - JUNE 3, 2018 - P90X - Ab Ripper X

I did OK. Had to drop my feet after 42 Mason Twists, but got them back up to finish the final 8. I feel these moves in my abs, especially the Hip Rocks and Pulse Ups.

Time: 16 minutes; Calories Burned: 60; Avg Heart Rate: 104; Max Heart Rate: 134.


Weight: 186.0 (-0.8 lbs)
Body Fat: 19.4% (-0.1%)

Still going well. I'm still not eating perfectly, but I'm not gorging myself with junk either. I just have no cravings for it.


The workouts went well, even though I backed off slightly on a few of them due to the heat. I feel really good. People are starting to notice too.

Monday, May 21, 2018

WEEK OF 05/21/2018 - P90X - ROUND 11 - WEEK 2

MONDAY - MAY 21, 2018 - P90X - Chest and Back

My body is still sore all over, so I wasn't looking forward to doing this one today. I got the 300 push-ups in again, just like last week, but I'm regressing on my pull-ups for some reason. I only got 26 in this week, as opposed to the 32 last week. I thought I was making real progress a few weeks ago, but I feel like I have no strength when doing them now. I'll just have to keep working at them.

Time: 52 minutes; Calories Burned: 266; Avg Heart Rate: 117; Max Heart Rate: 142.

TUESDAY - MAY 22, 2018 - P90X - Plyometrics

I did something a bit fresh today. I log all my workouts. I write down my reps, weights, etc, as Tony always says. I've never done that with this workout. I just recorded my calories burned and heart rates. While doing it last Tuesday there were a few moves where I wasn't keeping up with those on the video, stopping to catch my breath a bit. So I made up a worksheet with all the moves and wrote down all the reps today. It'll give me some comparisons for the future and maybe a bit of motivation to increase my reps on those moves. Today's workout went pretty good. I petered out a bit on the 180 switches again. I'm also going with the two foot hops (Side to Side, then Front and Back) in place of the Left then Right Hot Foot moves. I have no bounce in my ankles, so the Hot Foots are just jarring my feet, ankles and knees. The Hops keep me moving, and they tire me out, so I think they're more effective right now.

Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 461; Avg Heart Rate: 117; Max Heart Rate: 162.

WEDNESDAY - MAY 23, 2018 - P90X - Shoulders and Arms

A pretty good workout. I increased my weight on a few moves and decreased the reps, and on a few others I increased the reps with the same weights as last week. I did 25 reps on each of the Side Tri Rises which is more than the 15 I started with last week. Small increments, but if I do a few of them each time I do this, it'll be nice increases.

Time: 60 minutes; Calories Burned: 363; Avg Heart Rate: 122; Max Heart Rate: 152.

THURSDAY - MAY 24, 2018 - P90X - Yoga X

Did OK today. Kept most of my flexibility from last week.

Time: 92 minutes; Calories burned: 243; Avg Heart Rate: 108; Max Heart Rate: 134.

FRIDAY - MAY 25, 2018 - P90X - Legs and Back

Everything went pretty well. I used 25 lb dumbbells on all the weight moves, and I did 6 more pull-ups than last week. Most of the soreness in my legs is gone.

Time: 59 minutes; Calories Burned: 305; Avg Heart Rate: 117; Max Heart Rate: 162.

SATURDAY - MAY 26. 2018 - P90X - Kenpo X

Another good workout. I worked up a really good sweat and the moves went pretty smoothly. I felt good all the way through, and really enjoyed it.

Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 431; Avg heart Rate: 128; Max Heart Rate: 178.

SUNDAY - MAY 27, 2018 - P90X - Ab Ripper X

Again, I felt good. Got through all the moves with no problems. Got in 50 Mason Twists, but took a small 5 second break after number 38.

Time: 16 minutes; Calories Burned: 50; Avg Heart Rate: 103; Max Heart Rate: 129.


Weight: 186.8 lbs (-1.2 lbs)
Body Fat: 19.6% (-0.1%)

Ate pretty good this week. Far from perfect, but pretty good.


The workouts went well this week. I'm a lot less sore than I was last week. I feel really, really good. Toned.

Monday, May 14, 2018

WEEK OF 05/14/2018 - P90X - ROUND 11 - WEEK 1

As I mentioned before, May 12, 2008 was my first P90X workout and the start of my journey. Ten years ago. I could barely do any push-ups, no pull-ups, and I almost quit after the second day. But I stuck with it, and here I am. To honor those 10 years, I'm going to do another round of the original P90X. It's always been my soul mate program. It's where I feel comfortable (but not complacent). It'm my homem but I haven't done it since 2014. To be honest. I'm a little nervous going in.

My starting weight is 187.0 lbs, the lowest I've been in years. my Body Fat is 19.6%, also my lowest in years.

MONDAY - MAY 14, 2018 - P90X - Chest and Back

This is always a tough workout for me and the one that gives me shivers when I know it's coming up. I'm better at push-ups than I used to be and only recently a bit better at pull-ups. I did 30 on each set of the Standard, Military, Wide, Decline push-ups and 15 of each of the Diamond and Dive Bombers, for a total of 300 push-ups. I'll admit I didn't go real low on a lot of them, but they weren't either on the video. I started off OK on the pull-ups, but got tired with them quickly, and only did 32 across the six sets. On the weighted back moves, I did 10 reps of each with 40 lb weights. I think in my mind I was pacing myself a bit, but overall I thought it was a good start.

Time: 52 minutes; Calories Burned: 320; Avg Heart Rate: 122; Max Heart Rate: 149.

TUESDAY - MAY 15, 2018 - P90X - Plyometrics

I remember how hard this used to be for me, then it got better after a while. Since doing it last, I've done a few cardio based workout programs such as Insanity Max 30. I would always read from the Insanity snobs how Plyo was a walk in the park compared to Insanity. I almost believed them. Not so. Cardio wise, maybe, but that's not what this workout is about. It's about the legs and explosiveness, and that's where it gets you. By the middle of the fourth set my legs were starting to not co-operate, especially on the front to back twists. In the 5th set I could barely get off the ground on the 180's. It's the first time I've done it in four years, and once again, I'm sure it'll get better the next few times, but it has my respect.

Time:58 minutes; Calories Burned: 464; Avg heart Rate: 127; Max Heart Rate: 152.

WEDNESDAY - MAY 16, 2018 - P90X - Shoulders and Arms

One thing I really wanted to do this round was to push myself, and on this routine that would mean heavier weight. However, that can be a fine line. I started with 40 lbs on the Alternating Shoulder Presses. I got 8 reps in, but my form was starting to go bad around the 6th rep. On the second pass I had a decision to make. Do I try 40's again and risk hurting myself, or do I drop down a bit. After scurrying around a bit when the move started, I decided to drop down to 30's for today, and try and build back up on the future workouts. I had the same dilemma on a couple of other moves, but stuck with the same weight on the second set instead of dropping down, so I'm not sure which is best. I'll have to see how I feel on each individual workout. Overall I think I did OK on this one. What did surprise me was the lack of Side-Tri-Rises I did. I'm usually good for at least 25 on each side, but on the first set I struggled to get 15. I'm sure those will come back. My calve muscles are really sore from yesterday's Plyo.

Time: 59 minutes; Calories Burned: 432; Avg Heart Rate: 129; Max Heart Rate: 155.

THURSDAY - MAY 17, 2018 - P90X - Yoga X

I was looking forward to this one a bit because I know a lot of the vinyasa moves were basic compared to some I'd done lately. The only ones I had trouble with were the regular Half Moons because my legs were burning and my balance was bad. One thing I like about this routine is the second half, which is mostly stretching. I surprised myself a bit by being able to do the Seated Spinal Twists and getting into Plow and having my feet touch the ground. I also got really deep into the Hamstring Stretches. The vinyasa section is a bit long and redundant for me, but I'll deal with it. I'm totally convinced this particular routine got me into good shape. When I get away from it, i tend to suffer s bit.

Time: 92 minutes; Calories Burned: 294; Avg Heart Rate: 111; Max Heart Rate: 136.

FRIDAY - MAY 18, 2018 - P90X - Legs and Back

I never really had a problem with this workout in the past, but that was because I never really did lot of pull-ups. I've been doing much better at them lately, but not today. I think I was literally talking myself out of being able to do them. I'd look at the bar, tell myself I couldn't do a lot, then I'd not do a lot. I'll work on that. As far as the legs go, mine were a bit timid going in. I played golf today on a rather hilly course, and my calve muscles were still sore from Tuesday's Plyo session. I used 25 lb weights on the ones where they used weights. This was usually more than they were using on set, but I was comfortable with them. I did have some balance problems on a lot of the moves, but that's normal. On the Sneaky Lunges I couldn't stay on my toes. Overall, probably my worst workout this week, but not a total failure.

Time: 59 minutes; Calories Burned: 312; Avg Heart Rate: 117; Max Heart Rate: 141.

SATURDAY - MAY 19, 2018 - P90X - Kenpo X

This was always my favorite P90X workout. A perfect workout for a Saturday, after you've beaten the hell of yoir body for the previous five days. I was looking forward to it today. I got through it with no problem and worked up a good sweat.

Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 383; Avg Heart Rate: 119; Max Heart Rate: 162.

SUNDAY - MAY 20, 2018 - P90X - Ab Ripper X

I got all the moves in without pausing, but I was a bit rusty. I did do 40 Mason Twists, but didn't get in the 10 bonus reps. I will in the future.

Time: 16 minutes; Calories Burned: 50; Avg Heart Rate: 103; Max Heart Rate: 128.


Weight: 188.0 (+1.0 lb)
Body Fat: 19.7% (+0.1%)

Hungry as hell this week.


Usually when I start a round of the original P90X I feel refreshed. I feel like i'm "home" again. I got a bit of that feeling this week, but because I just finished Tony's One On One series, which were P90X-esque, I feel like I've been there a while. However, I did push myself. I've been sore all week, especially in my calve muscles, which still hurt. So, it's a good start.