Monday, December 6, 2021


MONDAY - DECEMBER 6, 2021 - POWER NATION - Triple Trouble Challenge (w/ Bobby and Sean)

Mondays has usually been pushup days for me, going back to the P90X days, so I thought I'd do this one. It's tough, but one of my favorites. I did 30 push-ups on each set, with no problems. I pulled out a band, expecting to do band pulldowns instead of pull-ups, but instead did four unassisted pull-ups on each set. Pull-ups has never been my forte', and I came off the bar several times, but just the fact I got through them without having to use the bands was a victory for me, even if it was a low number.

Start Time: 7:10 pm; Workout Time: 63 minutes; Calories Burned: 447; Avg Heart Rate: 105. 

TUESDAY - DECEMBER 5, 2021 - POWER NATION - Flash Card Plyo

My intensity level was about a 3 out of 10. I couldn't do a lot of moves, so I had to baby myself a bit. However, I got it done.

Start Time: 8:20 pm; Workout Time: 40 minutes; Calories Burned: 222; Avg Heart Rate: 105.


I used 15's on most of the shoulder exercises with no real problems. I used 20's on the bicep moves, but they were getting heavy at times. I need to build my strength back up. In the past I's used 20's on the tricep moves, but went down to 15's because I struggled with the bicep weight. Based on the exercises, I probably could have stayed with the 20's. An OK workout.

Start Time: 8:05 pm; Workout Time: 43 minutes; Calories Burned: 343; Avg Heart Rate: 116.

THURSDAY - DECEMBER 7, 2021 - POWER NATION - Top to Bottom

A stretch/recovery routine, and one of my favorites. I wasn't feeling really good today. I was very tired all day and was getting some diabetic surging through my arms. Probably due to less than ideal eating. Everyone is telling me to be less restrictive on my eating since my blood tests had been coming out good, but maybe I listened to them too much, and should listen to my body signs more. The stretch went OK.

Start Time: 9:25 pm; Workout Time: 38 minutes; Calories Burned: 164; Avg Heart Rate: 105. 

Tuesday, November 30, 2021


MONDAY - NOVEMBER 29. 2021 - POWER OF 4 - Cardio 24

I haven't worked out in six or seven weeks. I had cataract surgery on my eyes in mid October. They didn't want me doing anything strenuous or lifting anything over 20 lbs for a while. I probably could have started back up a few weeks ago, but was enjoying not having to come home to a workout, and quite frankly I was a bit nervous about starting up again. On some neurological testing I had done for my diabetes it was found I have a disorder called Charcot Marie Tooth disease, which affects the nerves in your extremities, a form of neuropathy. I already have it in my feet, where I have total numbness. My sister has this disease, and it's debilitating to her. Hopefully I can hold it off as long as possible.

I started off today with Cardio 24, which is a sneak peek workout from Tony Horton's new Power of 4 workout program, which the Power Nation workouts were beta tests of. It didn't look too hard or too long, so I figured it was a good way to get going again. None of the moves were too complicated, but my lack of balance made some of them tougher than usual. My gathering is that Charcot affects your balance, which explains a lot. I didn't wear a heart rate monitor because it was of an informal thing to test the waters of where I was physically.


I decided to try this one out to see where I was on a resistance/strength basis. I did better than I thought. I wasn't going too deep on most of the push ups, but am not sure I ever did. I used the same weights I did in October on most of the moves. They did seem a little heavier, but for the most part I matched my rep counts, but must admit my form wasn't great at times. There were a few moves where the rep count was lower. I did find myself losing my balance quite a bit when using the weights. They seemed to be throwing me off balance. I don't know if it's from rustiness, or a new obstacle I have to overcome. The Squat, Curl, Corkscrew Presses were really bad, but I was also using 20 lb weights, where the guys on the video might have been using less. Maybe not. I'll have to re-watch to check it out. Overall, I'm happy I was able to do what I did.

Start Time: 7:05 pm; Workout Time: 54 minutes; Calories Burned: 504; Avg Heart Rate: 119.

WEDNESDAY - DECEMBER 1, 2021 - POWER NATION - Flash Card Cardio

I'm just picking which workouts I want to do each day. There is no set schedule to follow. I did Ok on this one. My balance is really bad, but I' trying to make it better somehow, hoping the more I do, the better it will get. 

Start Time: 8:10 pm; Workout Time: 54 minutes; Calories Burned: 355; Avg Heart Rate: 105.


I wanted to work my arms today and chose this one because it was a bit shorter, and it wasn't all arms. I knew my strength wasn't going to be there for a full 24 sets of arms. I lightened my weight or did less reps than last tine on most of the moves. I didn't want to hurt myself, but the weights still felt heavy. My strength is really off. I'm hoping to get some of it back by eating a bit better. Overall, things went OK. I am where I am.

Start Time: 7:50 pm; Workout Time: 49 minutes; Calories Burned: 275; Avg Heart Rate: 103.

FRIDAY - DECEMBER 3, 2021 - POWER NATION - Attack and Defend

I wanted to work the legs a bit. I was going to do Drop, Pulse, Hold, but settled on this one. I didn't work up a massive sweat because I don't really go full out on cardio because of my balance, but my balance was better than I anticipated.

Start Time: 8:50 pm; Workout Time: 48 minutes; Calories Burned: 268; Avg Heart Rate: 111.


I had good intentions and did my best, but the issues with my feet and balance hindered me, especially when trying to get into any of the Warrior poses. I don't know if this is something I can work through, but I'll try.  

Start Time: 7:30 pm; Workout Time: 40 minutes; Calories Burned: 192; Avg Heart Rate: 99.

SUNDAY - DECEMBER 5, 2021 - Rest

I usually do an ab workout on Sundays, but for now I'm going to use it as a rest day. I need it mentally.


Weight: 142.2 (+3.0 lbs)
Body Fat: 9.1% (+0.4%)

Right now, I'm trying to put weight back on. It's tough, because I have very little appetite.


After six weeks off, I thought I'd ease back into things. I picked out workouts that I liked, were shorter, and know weren't going to tax me that hard. It seemed to wok. I didn't really dog anything, but there is a noticeable loss of strength and mobility. I'll work at getting both back.

Monday, October 4, 2021

WEEK OF 10/04/2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - WEEK 19

MONDAY - OCTOBER 4, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Triple Trouble Challenge

I was a bit wary of the pullups and even pulled my bands to do modified versions. However, I got through all of them using the bar. I was really weak on them, and never got in more than four in a row. Near the end I was pretty much doing one at a time. I'll keep working at them. No problems with the 30 reps on all the pushup sets.

Start Time: 9:30 pm; Workout Time: 63 minutes; Calories Burned: 426; Avg Heart Rate: 102.

TUESDAY - OCTOBER 5, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Heart, Lungs, and Legs

I felt pretty good going into it, and realized I do like this one a bit. I even got off the ground a few times. Nothing great, but I was hhappy with the workout.

Start Time: 8:05 pm; Workout Time: 61 minutes; Calories Burned: 344; Avg Heart Rate: 96.

Monday, September 27, 2021

WEEK OF 09/27/2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - WEEK 18


I took four weeks off to let my body and mind heal and relax a bit. With my Type 2 diabetes, I've been told that exercise is important, and my doctor had asked me if I was still going at it. I told him I was on a planned break, but I always get back into it after several weeks, so here I am. Tony just came out with another five week calendar for the Beta 3 phase, so I figured it would be a good day to start, especially since I don't mind this workout too much. There were a few instances where the weights felt a bit heavy, especially on the Eccentric Hammer's, but I was using 20's, and I'm not sure how heavy they were going on the video. I increased my reps on a few moves from last time, and did a few less on a few others, but nothing significant. I think I'll be a bit sore tomorrow. One thing I did notice was that my balance is really bad, especially when one foot is in from of the other. I was wearing a different pair of workout shoes than I usually do. There seem to have a narrower sole so that might have been part of the problem.

Start Time: 8:05 pm; Workout Time: 54 minutes; Calories Burned: 441; Avg Heart Tate: 115. 

TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER 28, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Flash Cardio 24

This went OK, but my balance is so bad, it's hard to push myself. The Front Kick / Back Kick move was a disaster. 

Start Time: 8:30 pm; Workout Time: 37 minutes; Calories Burned: 217; Avg Heart Rate: 103,

WEDNESDAY - SEPTEMBER 29, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Who's Got Your Back

I wasn't looking forward to this and almost decided to skip it, but didn't want to start a trend. My strength wasn't there. I used bands on the second set of most of the pullups, as I was reduced to doing one pullup at a time on the bar. On the seated exercises. 15's were feeling heavy. I'm hoping this is all because I haven't worked out in a month.

Start Time: 8:20 pm; Workout Time: 52 minutes; Calories Burned: ?? Monitor Not Working.


I had to modify a bit more than usual Thee were many moves where I couldn't amp it up in the last 15 seconds for various reasons, but I got it done,

Start Time: 8:50 pm; Workout Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 334; Avg Heart Rate: 97. 

FRIDAY - OCTOBER 1, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Primal Yoga

I was feeling OK going into it. I wore some thin athletic shoes thinking they would make things better, but they didn't. My feet kept collapsing to the inner edge of the shoe, so the bottom of my feet weren't even over the sole of the shoe. My balance was horrible. There were a few moves I froze up on, and couldn't even begin to start the pose.

Start Time: 9:25 pm; Workout Time: 40 minutes; Calories Burned: 125; Avg Heart Rate: 103. 

SATURDAY - OCTOBER 2, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Kickin' and Punchin' (with Alice)

I'd been wearing my regular sneakers for most of the day and decided to try the workout with them, instead of a lighter athletic shoe. I figured they'd gibe me better balance because there was a better base for my foot. This proved to be true, even though my balance was still poor.

Start Time: 8:45 pm; Workout Time: 38 minutes; Calories Burned: 234; Avg Heart Rate: 99.

SUNDAY - OCTOBER 3, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Crunch Town

I did OK. I modified the last move a bit because I strain my lower back getting into boat. Otherwise, I got all the reps in.

Start Time: 10:20 pm; Workout Time: 24 minutes; Calories Burned: 134; Avg Heart Rate: 95.


Weight: 140.6 (+0.4 lbs)
Body Fat: 8.7% (-0.3%)

I've been maintaining my weight over the last five weeks, which is good. I'd like to put a little back on, but we'll work on that.


Except for the pullups I haven't regressed too much. We'll see what the upcoming week brings, but I need to keep moving.

Monday, August 23, 2021

WEEK OF 08/23/2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - WEEK 13

MONDAY - AUGUST 23, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Primal Yoga 

Power and Strength Yoga was scheduled, which is over an hour. I haven't done yoga in over a month because I was getting so bad at it, and I couldn't figure out what to put on my feet. I'd been doing stretch routines instead, where I didn't have to balance so much. I opted for the 40 minute Primal Yoga routine and decided to try it in socks. It actually worked out OK. I was still slipping in them a bit, but managed my way through it. I was able to get into and hold most of the poses much easier than I had been. I didn't come out of too many of them early. I was even able to get into the Wrap on both sides for a bit. Overall I was pleased with myself and encouraged a bit. I thought I'd never be able to balance anymore, but this gave me a bit of hope that things might get better and everything isn't a lost cause.

Start Time: 8:25 pm; Workout Time: 40 minutes; Calories Burned: 241; Avg Heart Rate: 98.

TUESDAY - AUGUST 24, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Who's Got Your Back

Seems like we're doing this one every week. The reality is that I hadn't done it for a month. It was scheduled last weekm but I swapped it out for a shorter workout. I didn't want to do that again. The workout went OK. I pretty much used the same weights and did the same amount of reps as the previous few times. I probably could have done more on a couple of moves.

Start Time: 8:40 pm; Workout Time: 52 minutes; Calories Burned: 391; Avg Heart Rate: 106.

WEDNESDAY - AUGUST 25, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Plyo 30/15

I couldn't jump much, so I did a kit of modifying.

Start Time: 8:10 pm; Workout Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 329; Avg Heart Rate: 96. 


I had dinner with some current and ex co-workers, so I got a late start. I felt good going into it and did a pretty good job. The only move in this routine that I don't like is the Squat, Curl, Press, so I did that during the warm up to get it out of the way. Yesterday, I felt a sharp pain in my back almost near my arm pit while doing leg exercises of all things. I had forgotten about it, then it flared up again during the second move today. It doesn't seem to be limiting my mobility in any way, so I hope it's just a strain and not a torn something.

Start Time: 10:05 pm; Workout Time: 54 minutes; Calories Burned: 366; Avg Heart Rate: 108.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

WEEK OF 08/16/2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - WEEK 12

MONDAY - AUGUST 16, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Total Body

I hadn't done this one in a ong, long time. I pretty much held my own. Modified when we did jacks.

Start Time: 7:25 pm; Workout Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 337; Avg Heart Rate: 99.

TUESDAY - AUGUST 17, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Chest, Back, and Triceps

Who's Got Your Back was scheduled, but I've done that one so many times, and it's an hour, so I decided to do this shorter routine, which I've only done twice before. I beat my numbers on all twelve moves from last time, so I was feeling good.

Start Time: 8:50 pm; Workout Time: 33 minutes; Calories Burned: 203; Avg Heart Rate: 98.

WEDNESDAY - AUGUST 18, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Flash Card Cardio

My balance was bad today. I kept falling back on my heels during some moves and it was really throwing me off. On the rest I did what I could.

Start Time: 8:45 pm; Workout Time: 54 minutes; Calories Burned: 333; Avg Heart Rate: 99.

THURSDAY - AUGUST 19, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Shoulders and Biceps

Same idea as Tuesday. The hour long Shoulders and Arms Recharge was scheduled for today, but I've done it a ton of times. I opted for the 30 minute Shoulders and Biceps. Only 12 moves, but it's effective. On the Strip Set, I started with 30's and was able to get all eight reps in. Sometimes I can't.

Start Time: 8:45 pm; Workout Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 218; Avg Heart Rate: 105.

FRIDAY - AUGUST 20, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Attack and Defend

I don't get the full benefit of this workout because I'm constantly stumbling, and I can't go full blast. Otherwise, I think I'd really love it. I got though it today, but felt frustrated.

Start Time: 8:40 pm; Workout Time: 48 minutes; Calories Burned: 318; Avg Heart Rate: 102.

SATURDAY - AUGUST 21, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Top to Bottom

I did this instead of yoga. I wasn't feeling real well today, with a bit of an upset stomach. I finally got around to doing this. I felt better once I had my workout clothes on, and the workout went really well. I was able to stretch more than usual, and it was very relaxing,

Start Time: 7:20 pm; Workoit Time: 39 minutes; Calories Burned: 192; Avg Heart Rate: 93.

SUNDAY - AUGUST 22, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Crunch Town

I almost considered skipping this again, as I did last week mut didn't want it to become an OK habit. Thw workout went as usual, which was pretty good.

Start Time: 10:10 pm; Workout Time: 25 minutes; Calories Burned: 101; Avg Heart Rate: 89.


Weight: 142.2 (-1.0 lb)
Body Fat: 9/3% (-0.4%)

I'm seeing my doctor on Wednesday for my Diabetes. Need to find out about the weight loss.


I changed some of the scheduled workouts to shorter ones, but still got in pretty good workouts. I'm 12 weeks into what I thought was a 13 week Beta 3 round, and I'm starting to get worn down. That's typical for me the last few years. Then I found out later in the day, he's added five more weeks to the schedule. I'm not sure what I'm going to do after next week. 

Monday, August 9, 2021

WEEK OF 08/09/2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - WEEK 11

MONDAY - AUGUST 9, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Heart, Lungs, Legs

This isn't a bad workout, but there are a few things I have to modify. Overall, I did OK. I didn't kill myself, but didn't dog it either. 'm almost afraid to go all out for some reason.

Start Time: 8:45 pm; Workout Time: 61 minutes; Calories Burned: 411; Avg Heart Rate: 102. 

TUESDAY - AUGUST 10, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Chest and Back Round Robin

I was trying to fix some much needed things around the house and didn't think there was anyway I was going to have the timeor energy to get this one done, but around 8pm I just did it. A good workout. I used some seated weighted back moves as on of my back options and I worked out OK. I only used 30's on those. Probably could have gone higher, but I was feeling a bit timid.

Start Time: 7:55 pm; Workout Time: 64 minutes; Calories Burned: 528; Avg Heart Rate: 111.

WEDNESDAY - AUGUST 11, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Drop, Pulse, and Hold

I wasn't really looking forward to this one. It's not incredibly hard, other than some balance issues, but it's tedious and incredibly too long. I got it done though. I didn't go too deep on a lot of the moves, and I didn't hold things as much as they did.

Start Time: 8:15 pm; Workout Time: 66 minutes; Calories Burned: 466; Avg Heart Rate: 104.


I was feeling a bit better because I finally got my bathroom shower fixed. It's been a while since I've been able to take a long, warm, relaxing shower, I'd tried fixing things myself, but that didn't go well. I took ome of those showers when I got home, took a long nap, then got into the workout late. I was actually feeling a bit strong, and knocked out a few more reps than last time on a few of the moves. I wouldn't say my form or range of motion were picture perfect, but it usually never is, and it's not that bad.

Start Time: 9:45 pm; Workout Time: 54 minutes; Calories Burned: 406; Avg Heart Rate: 108.

FRIDAY - AUGUST 13, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Pure Stretch

I played golf in the morning. I was looking forward to this workout, but was really tired and kept putting it off. I finally got to it late, but really wasn't into it because I was so tired. When we got to the hamstring stretches, I pulled out my foam roller instead because my lower back was abit sore and we do hamstring stretches several times a week during cool downs. I ended up dozing off during the foam rolling and woke up just as they were finishing up. Rather that going back and doing what I missed, I just called it a day.

Start Time: 10:20 pm; Workout Time: 56 minutes; Calories Burned: 190; Avg Heart Rate: 86.

SATURDAY - AUGUST 14, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Primal Flow

Saturday's have usually been yoga days on the schedule, and I'd been doing a stretch routine instead, but he threw this one in there. It's not my favorite routine, and I was not looking forward to it. Again, I started late, really wasn't into it, and half assed it.

Start Time: 9:15 pm; Workout Time: 46 minutes; Calories Burned: 261; Avg Heart Rate: 96.


I was supposed to do Crunch Town, which I usually do late on Sundays. However, I was feeling a little bit hot, took a late shower to feel a bit better, then realized I was exhausted, and went to bed about 9pm. This is the first scheduled workout I missed in I can't tell you when (maybe years), but I have no regrets. 


Weight: 143.2 (+0.2 lbs)
Body Fat: 9.7% (+0.1%)

A little gain, which is a bit encouraging.


This seemed to be one of the tougher weeks in recent memory. I got through most of the routines OK, but tired near the end of the week. The diabetes routine is starting to wear on me, but I'm trying to stick with it in by being militant in watching my carbs and sugar intake. I have a doctor's appointment in 10 days and should have blood work done shortly after that to see where I'm at. Hopefully, it's good.

Monday, August 2, 2021

WEEK OF 08/02/2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - WEEK 10

MONDAY - AUGUST 2, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Plyo 30/15

Not even close to a good workout. I couldn't get my feet off the floor at all, which was depressing and led to me being not motivated to put much effort into it. I was pretty much just going through the motions. As I mentioned several times before, there is way too much talking between moves, which takes away any momentum you might have.This just added to my funk.

Start Time: 8:20 pm; Workout Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 307; Avg Heart Rate: 95.

TUESDAY - AUGUST 3, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Triple Trouble Challenge

I remember when I used to dread P90X Chest and Back. Now this one is one of my favorite Power Nation workouts. I like the cast, which helps. Bobby and Sean are jyst laid back and get the job done. I did 30 pushups and 6 pullups. I did 8 pullups last time, but I kept coming off the bar. Today I didn't come off the bar until the last two sets (Closed Grip), and that was because my grip was weak.

Start Time: 8:10 pm; Workout Time: 63 minutes; Calories Burned: 389; Avg Heart Rate: 101.

WEDNESDAY - AUGUST 4, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Flash Card Cardio

We do this one a lot, but I don't mind, because I kind of like it. I modify on the Jacks an Twister. Today I actually was able to get my feet off the floor a bit on the second set of Jump Shots and the Shuffle Jumps, so it is possible. Something to work on. May I can get some explosiveness back.

Start Time: 7:30 pm; Workout Time: 54 minutes; Calories Burned: 311; Avg Heart Rate: 104.

THURSDAY - AUGUST 5, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Arms and Abs

This is another one of my favorites. Bobby Stephenson is in it again, so maybe that is a reason. Or maybe it's because it's just basic, but effective  moves in under 50 minutes. I matched my numbers from last time, and even slightly increased the reps on a few moves. I had a lot of diabetic nerve pain throughout the day, came home and took a long nap, which helped a bit, then got into the workout, where I felt pretty good. I'm still working through all this.

Start Time: 9:30 pm; Workout Time: 49 minutes; Calories Burned: 299; Avg Heart Rate: 104.

FRIDAY - AUGUST 6, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Kickin' and Punchin' (with Alice)

Good workout. I worked up a bit of a sweat. I don't mind that it's short. Sometimes you need days like that to enjoy and recover a bit.

Start Time: 10:30 pm; Workout Time: 39 minutes; Calories Burned: 118; Avg Heart Rate: 97.

SATURDAY - AUGUST 7, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Top to Bottom

For now, I'm doing this instead of yoga, It's actually relaxing, unlike Yoga most of the time, and I've been having problems with my balance on a lot of the yoga moves.

Start Time:8:00 pm; Workout Time: 39 minutes; Calories Burned: 149; Avg Heart Rate: 95.

SUNDAY - AUGUST 8, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Crunch Town

As many times as I've done this one, I still feel it.

Start Time: 9:50 pm; Workout Time: 24 minutes; Calories Burned: 110; Avg Heart Rate: 90.


Weight: 143.0 (-0.8 lbs)
Body Fat: 9.6%  (-0.5%)

I don't need to be losing anymore weight. Doctor said he's not concerned because it could be the meds. I just don't want to eat anymore because it's becoming a chore just figuring out what I can eat.


I still don't know what's going on with my body and that's a bit unsettling. I never feel really good.

Monday, July 26, 2021


MONDAY - JULY 26, 2021 - POWER NATIN BETA 3 - Flash Cardio 24

This one still confuses me a bit, as I don't know how many moves there actually are. I thought it was 24, but today it seemed like less. I got through it. My balance was bad, so it was tough to go all out. I did Front Snap Kicks instead of the Burpees. I'm on a Burpee revolt. Overall, it wasn't bad.

Start Time: 8:20 pm; Workout Time: 37 minutes; Calories Burned: 335; Avg Heart Rate: 117.

TUESDAY - JULY 27, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Shoulders and Biceps

Shoulders and Arms Recharge was scheduled for today, but I was dog tired and couldn't see myself getting through all 24 sets. I though about trying it with lighter weights, but ultimately decided on doing this one, which was only 12 sets and only 30 minutes. There were a few moves where I dropped down in weight from last time, but that was mostly to maintain form. On the Strip Set, I started with 30's but he said not to supinate them at the bottom, so I tried that, and was only able to get in four reps. I got in eight reps with the rest of the rack. Overall, I got done more than I felt like doing, so I'd call it a win.

Start Time: 8:35 pm; Workout Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 241; Avg Heart Rate: 110.

WEDNESDAY - JULY 28, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Flash Card Cardio

I was actually feeling pretty good. I modified a few moves, mostly the Jacks, which I have trouble diung anymore, but on the rest I did better than usual.

Start Time: 8:35 pm: Workout Time: 54 minutes; Calories Burned: 366; Avg Heart Rate: 105.

THURSDAY - JULY 29, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Who's Got Your Back?

Most days I don't really feel like doing the workout. There are some days where I REALLY don't feel like doing the workout, briefly think about blowing it off, but know I'll do it anyways because I don't blow off workouts. Then there was today, where I had no intention of doing the workout. Around 9:30, my choices were down to doing a stretch workout, or just taking the day off, which I don't think I've ever done, but today seemed like a good day. I realized I swapped out this workout for a stretch one a few weeks ago. I also realized it's important for me to work out with my condition. So, around 9:45, while in almost a zombie like state, I got dressed, pulled out the pull-up bar, turned on the video, and went at it. Pull-ups were OK, at six per set. Most of the weighted back moves were with 30's, but Ipulled out 40's for the Lawnmowers, which I hadn't done in a while. They did feel heavy. I surprised myself a bit by actually getting the workout in, but I did it.

Start Time: 9:45 pm; Workout Time: 52 minutes; Calories Burned: 415; Avg Heart Rate: 110.

FRIDAY - JULY 30, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Attack and Defend

My balance was really bad, but I got it done.

Start Time: 7:15 pm; Workout Time: 48 minutes; Calories Burned: 311; Avg Heart Rate: 101.

SATURDAY - JULY 31, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Top To Bottom

A nice stretch. This might be my favorite Power of 4 / Power Nation workout. 

Start Time: 10:35 pm; Workout Time: 39 minutes; Calories Burned: 178; Avg Heart Rate: 92.

SUNDAY - AUGUST 1, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Crunch Town

I started late, but got it done.

Start Time: 10:15 pm; Workout Time: 24 minutes; Calories Burned: 122; Avg Heart Rate: 93.


Weight: 143,8 lbs (-2.0 lbs)
Body Fat: 10.1% (no change)


I'm not sure what my thoughts are. I don't seem to be feeling much better. I've done most of these workouts numerous times. They're starting to get tedious. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2021


MONDAY - JULY 19, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Something New

Primal Flow was the main suggested workout, but I just did it a few days ago, so I went with this one, which I hadn't done in a while. I used athletic shoes on the yoga portion, as did Tony. My grip on the mat was a bit better than with just socks, but I didn't like the way the soles of my shoes were catching on the mat while I was trying to move through the vinyasas. I feel like I'm going to pull something. The cardio section was really bad because my balance was really bad, as it was on the yoga section. However, the last third of the workout was very relaxing, when I was off my feet.

Start Time: 9:00 pm; Workout Time: 39 minutes; Calries Burned: 239; Avg Heart Rate: 101.

TUESDAY - JULY 20, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Triple Trouble Challenge

I took a bit of a nap when I got home, but didn't wake up until about 8:45. I got the workout in OK. 30 pushups on each set with no problems. However, I had no strength for the pullups. My goal was eight, but I was coming off the bar after about four reps, then doing two more, coming off the bar, then doing two more to finish up. I found that after a while I was doing more jumping up to the bar than pulling myself up, so for the last set I considered myself done when I came off the bar. Overall it wasn't a bad workout. I haven't done concentrated pullups in a workout in a long time, so maybe that had something to do with it.

Start Time: 9:15 pm; Workout Time: 63 minutes; Calories Burned: 436; Avg Heart Rate: 104.

WEDNESDAY - JULY 21, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Flash Card Cardio

I got through it OK, and think I might have even done better than usual.

Start Time: 6:35 pm; Workout Time: 54 minutes; Calories Burned: 277; Avg Heart Rate: 104.

THURSDAY  - JULY 22, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Shoulders and Arms Recharge

I tried to maintain the reps and weight I did last time, and not regress, and for the most part, I did that.

Start Time: 8:45 pm; Workout Time: 53 minutes; Calories Burned: 425; Avg Heart Rate: 115.

FRIDAY - JULY 23, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Kickin' and Punchin' (with Alice)

I like this one because I like Alice, and it's short. I did OK, and didn't totally lose my balance too many times.

Start Time: 7:15 pm; Workout Time: 37 minutes; Calories Burned: 256; Avg Heart Rate: 103.

SATURDAY - JULY 24, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Top to Bottom

I did this one instead of the usual Saturday Yoga. I like it. It's relaxing and a good stretch. The yoga was starting to get frustrating, so I decided to give it a break.

Start Time: 9:35 pm; Workout Time: 39 minutes; Calories Burned: 122; Avg Heart Rate: 98.

SUNDAY - JULY 25, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Crunch Town

This is becoming my preferred ab/core workout. None of the moves seem exceptionally hard, but I always feel it in my abs, so that's a good combo/

Start Time:  10:15 pm; Workout Time: 25 minutes; Calories Burned: 136; Avg Heart Rate: 95.


Weight: 145.8 (-0.4 lbs)
Body Fat: 10.1% (no change)


My thoughts are still on my illness. I'm trying to do the best I can and trying not to lose too much from th previous time I did that particular workout. At some point I hope my strength starts increasing again.

Monday, July 12, 2021


MONDAY - JULY 12, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Plyo 30/15

I did what I could, which wasn't always great, but I didn't dog it, which I sometimes do with this workout. I can't get of the floor too high, but I tried. The one thing I really have a problem with is repeated jumping. I don't really land on my toes anymore. My entire foot hits the floor, and it's tough to quickly re-load. I'm not jumping with my feet and ankles because I have no spring left in them. I have to bend my knees a bit and use my legs to explode up.

Start Time: 8:25 pm; Workout Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 267; Avg Heart Rate: 108.

TUESDAY - JULY 13, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Top to Bottom

I hurt my arm in a stumble last night. It was bleeding so bad, I drove myself to the Emergency Room to get it taken care of, so it didn't get infected. I'm super cognizant of stuff like that now, and didn't want to take any chances. Turns out I just scraped a layer of skin off. That was my left arm. While there, they gave me a Tetanus shot in my right arm. I didn't het home until 3 am, got a few hours of sleep, then went to work. Who's Got Your Back was actually scheduled for today, but I'm feeling really beat up and exhausted, so I decided that wasn't going to happen. Instead of not doing anything, I decided to do this stretch routine, which I'd never done before. It was perfect. I hadn't done a stretch routine in probably close to a year, and I surprised myself in what I was able to do, and overall how relaxing it was. I'm thinking that when describe relaxation in yoga, it must feel like this. I'd never really experienced that before. A great, great decision by me today.

Start Time: 9:30 pm; Workout Time: 39 minutes; Calories Burned: 221; Avg Heart Rate: 97.

WEDNESDAY - JULY 14, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Flash Cardio 24

Blood tests came back good today, so that was a bit of a relief, but it's still going to be a struggle. I was feeling good for the orkout cardio wise. Unfortunately my feet are so shot. they don't respond well to fast movement. But, this was by far the best I've felt on a cardio workout in a long time, so that's encouraging. 

Start Time: 9:10 pm; Workout Time: 37 minutes; Calories Burned: 280; Avg Heart Rate: 108. 

THURSDAY - JULY 15, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Shoulders and Biceps

This went OK. I used 25's on most of the bicep moves with no problems. I started the Strip Set with 30's and struggled a bit with some kipping, but I got the eight reps in. The shoulder moves all went well. I seem to like shoulder moves.

Start Time:8:40 pm; Workout Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 244; Avg Heart Rate: 111.

FRIDAY - JULY 16, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Primal Flow

This was never one of my favorites. I hadn't done it since March and really didn't miss it. I almost did one of the alternative workouts, but decided to stay the course and did this one, mostly becauseit's a shorter workout timewise. This is the first time I did it with athletic shoes on, and it made it a totally different workout. The only moves I still can't do are the Atomic Pushups and the Beast Kick-throughs, On the Atomic's, I wasn't able to roll all the way through, but with a small push off the floor during the roll forward, I was able to get in push-up position. On the Kick-throughs, I just brought my back knee towards my opposite elbow instead of kicking all the way through. I don't know if it's because I'm just not nimble enough, or if it's because I'm not  it right/ Overall, I felt this was by far my best effort at this workout. 

Start Time:8:55 pm; Workout Time: 46 minutes; Calories Burned: 375; Avg Heart Rate: 112.

SATURDAY - JULY 17, 2021 - POER NATION BETA 3 - Primal Yoga

I was going to do Top to Bottom again, but decided at the last minute to give this one a whirl. This time I tried in in just socks, but they kept sliding and twisting in my feet, so it was tough to get a solid placement on the floor, but I tried. Will try the athletic shoes again next week.

Start Time: 10:25 pm; Workout Time: 40 minutes; Calories Burned: 231; Avg Heart Rate: 97. 

SUNDAY - JULY 18, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Crunch Town

I almostforgot to do it. I decided I was going to try and get to bed early, just to get some needed rest, then remember I hadn't done the workout. I thought briefly about skipping it, but don't really do that. The workout went well. I felt it in y abs early.

Start Time: 10:10 pm; Workout Time: 25 minutes; Calories Burned: 128; Avg Heart Rate: 94.


Weight: 146.2 (-1,8 lbs)
Body Fat: 10.1% (-0.4%)


The workouts went OK. I did better on a few of the cardio ones. I'm glad I did Top to Bottom on Tuesday. It was perfect, and probably helped with the rest of the week. Still fighting with the health issues. I'm trying to get in a pattern to get comfortable with things, but I'm still feeling my way.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021


MONDAY - JULY 5, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Flash Card Cardio

Not good. I can barely get my feet off the floor anymore. I don't even try any kind of Jumping Jacks anymore. I used to be able to get a bit off the floor on Jump Shots, but not anymore. Not only are my feet shot, but it feels like I have little strength in my legs too. I don't go the the floor on any of the touch the floor moves. I sort of just gesture down. That may be more from laziness than inability, but it's still pathetic. I'll try again next time. In theory this shouldn't be a hard routine.

Start Time: 7:10 pm; Workout Time: 54 minutes; Calories Burned: 343; Avg Heart Rate: 104.

TUESDAY - JULY 6, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Arms and Abs

One of my favorites. I felt pretty good throughout most of the workout. I like Bobby Stephenson, so that helps. Not an overwhelming difficulty of moves, but they get the job done. One area of concern was that I was only able to get 4 reps in using 30 lbs on Seated Curls, which I do instead on the Heavy Curls. It may be because I haven't been lifting anything over 25's on any routine lately, or it may be that the diabetes is sapping my strength. I'll work at it.

Start Time:: 8:45 pm; Workout Time: 49 minutes; Calories Burned: 352; Avg Heart Rate: 109.

WEDNESDAY - JULY 7, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Flash Card Plyo

I think I probably did better on this todat than I had in the past. I was feeling OK. I forced myself to get off the floor a bit. It certainly was pretty. I didn't go to the floor on the 90/10 squats, doing more the the old Siebers Speed Squats from the original P90X. I don't get Mountain Squats. I even did most of the burpees on that move.

Start Time: 8:20 pm; Workout Time: 40 minutes; Calories Burned: 197; Avg Heart Rate: 105.


A pretty good workout. I used 15 lb weights on most of the moves. Sometimes it was less than what they were using, sometimes it was more, but it worked for me. They probably did a few more pushups than me at times. I was in the 12 to 16 range on most of them. I felt good through most of it.

Start Time: 8:10 pm; Workout Time: 54 minutes; Calories Burned: 358; Avg Heart Rate: 105.

FRIDAY - JULY 9, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Attack and Defend

I went atmy own pace this time instead of waiting for Tony to say "go". I pretty much did five small shuffles, then did the move. It was a lot less frustrating because I was able to concntrate on the move instead of the cueing, and I feel I got a much better workout.

Start Time: 8:45 pm; Workout Time: 48 minutes; Calories Burned: 311; Avg Heart Rate: 109.

SATURDAY - JULY 19, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Primal Yoga

I kept putting this off during the, finally getting to it late. The schedule said I could have dove the 20 minute Morning Yoga, but I felt that was a bit light, so I came back to this one. It was a very disjointed workout. There were a few distractions. I was told by my doctor not to work out in bare feet. I don't know if that applies to yoga, but I didn't want to take a chance. I did the first half of it in my Xero Speed Force shoes. They're very light, but really were gripping the mat more than I wanted. I finished up in my socks, but they were sliding off, so that wasn't much better, and also a bit unsafe. I wasn't comfortable the whole workout, and found myself rushing moves, or only doing half of them. Overall, not a great workout, but I learned a few things.

Start Time: 9:30 pm; Workout Time: 40 minutes; Calories Burned: 221; Avg Heart Rate: 96.

SUNDAY - JULY 11, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Crunch Town

I got through it OK with hardly any problems. I still have hard time crunching up on the last move. I'm using momentum to get up, and it hurts my back.

Start Time: 9:55 pm; Workout Time: 24 minutes; Calories Burned: 104: Avg Heart Rate: 89.


Weight: 148.0 (+1.0 lbs)
Body Fat: 10.5% (-0.2%)


I'm getting them done, but some of the workouts are beginning to be a struggle. I don't know how much of it is actually the diabetes and how much of it is in my mind because of the diabetes. I still don't know where I am with it. I had some blood tests done on Friday. Hopefully those will shed some kind of light.

Monday, June 28, 2021


MONDAY, JUNE 28, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Blood and Breath

Ridiculously long and boring. A lot of the moves were jumping from one corner to another and doing a squat. I half assed those because I can't keep my balance when doing those at the speed he was doing them, which wasn't really that fast. It's just tough for me to really get into this workout.

Start Time: 8:35 pm: Workout Time: 68 minutes; Calories Burned: 491; Avg Heart Rate: 106.


Once again, I used 15's on most of the shoulder moves and 20's on most of the Bicep and Tricep moves. No real issues. I always think I should be increasing my weight on some of these, but he's going so fast, and there are so many moves, it might be counterproductive.

Start Time: 7:25 pm; Workout Time: 43 minutes; Calories Burned: 346; Avg Heart Rate: 110.

WEDNESDAY - JUNE 30, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Plyo Halfsies

I was a little proud of myself because I gutted out a lot of the moves, Jumping upwards is no longer easy for me. Seriously. There were a few moves where I had to almost stop between each move because I'd lose my balance, of I just couldn't go right back up. What used to be easy for me is no longer because of my feet. I was almost in tears because of the frustration of my new reality a few times, but I was determined to finish the number of reps. It was far from pretty, but that wasn't the point today.

Start Time: 8:55 pm; Workout Time: 56 minutes; Calories Burned: 430; Avg Heart Rate: 108.

THURSDAY - JULY 1, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Chest and Back Round Robin

Pushup circuit: a) used Power Stands (32 reps); b) used Medicine Balls (24 reps); c) declines on an upside down Bosu Ball (16 reps). Pullup circuit: a) unassisted (8 reps); b) used Pullup Assist (12 reps); c) band Pull Down with a yellow band (16 reps). No real issues. I came off the bar several times on the unassisted pullups, but finished the 8 reps. I started really tiring about two thirds of the way through, but got it done.

Start Time: 7:50 pm; Workout Time: 64 minutes; Calories Burned: 440; Avg Heart Rate: 103.

FRIDAY - JULY 2, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Kickin' and Punchin' with Alice

I like this version better than the one with Titus because it's a lot shorter. There are less moves, but most importantly less talking. My balance is off, but I did my best.

Start Time: 9:30 pm; Workout Time: 37 minutes: Calories Burned: 265; Avg Heart Rate: 104.

SATURDAY - JULY 3, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Primal Yoga

My doctor told me not to workout in my bare feet because it was causing a callous on my big toe of my left foot. He didn't want it re-opening a sore and becoming problematic. I'm not sure that applies to yoga, but today I wore some heavy socks to see if it would help with my balance a bit. It didn't seem to, but it also didn't seem too much worse. I still can't get a handle on this routine, but it's my go to yoga routine for now, because it's short. I'm just not sure I can handle the hour plus ones anymore.

Start Time: 8:10 pm; Workout Time: 40 minutes; Calories Burned: 227; Avg Heart Rate: 97.

SUNDAY - JULY 4, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Crunch Town

I like this one better than the core Deep routine I had been doing. It's simpler, and all the moves are from your back, which I like more. No big problems with any of the moves, except sometimes it's tough for me to get up into Boat to do the punches on the last move.

Start Time: 11:00 pm; Workout Time: 24 minutes; Calories Burned: 149; Avg Heart Rate: 104.


Weight: 147.0
Body Fat: 10.7%


I struggled on the cardio and yoga workouts, but that seems to be the norm lately with my bad feet and ankles. I did OK on the strength workouts. I'm trying to fight through all this and hope I can get some of my foot skills back.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021


MONDAY - JUNE 21, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Flash Card Plyo

Another one that doesn't float my boat. There were a few moves where I didn't kill myself, especially those where you are reaching or going to the floor. (Plank Hops, 90/10 Jumps).

Start Time: 8:20 pm; Workout Time: 40 minutes; Calories Burned: 308; Avg Heart Rate: 108.

TUESDAY - JUNE 22, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Chest, Back, and Triceps

There are a lot of strange moves in this one, but I did my best and beat most of my numbers from last time. The Skull Crushers are tough. My form wasn't great on those, but I tried.

Start Time: 9:25 pm; Workout Time: 33 minutes; Calories Burned: 206; Avg Heart Rate: 99.

WEDNESDAY - JUNE 23, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Attack and Defend

This one is a bit frustrating. In the original Kenpo X, you did roughly 25 reps of the same move, one after another, and yuou could work up a bit of a sweat if you went for it. In this one you have to wait for Tony to say to do the rep, so you're not really moving continuously, except for shuffling your feet a bit. He's all over the place on this one, almost as if he's trying to trick the cast members in a game of Simon Says. Sometimes the cast members don't even know when he's telling them to do a rep, of if he's just talking. I think next time I'll just keep repeating the reps at my speed for the 25 seconds instead of waiting for his cue.

Start Time: 9:10 pm; Workout Time: 48 minutes; Calories Burned: 280; Avg Heart Rate: 98.

THURSDAY - JUNE 24, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Shoulders and Biceps

Short workout, but I felt it a bit. I increased my reps from last time on a few of the moves. I started with 30's on the Stripped Set Bicep Curls, and got all eight reps in, but the last few were ugly. There was a time when I could do 40's, but not now. I hope I can get some of that strength back.

Start Time: 8:45 pm; Workout Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 262; Avg Heart Rate: 114.

FRIDAY - JUNE 25, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Flash Cardio 24

I had a better grasp on it than the last time, when it was the first time I'd done it. However, it still seemed like Tony was out od synch. At one point he said we were going to do Sun Salutations for a minute, then said "we're 28 seconds in, 10 more to go". We were supposed to be doing them after every fourth cardio move, but in the second half he went like seven moves without doing one, then a bit later he did a Sun Salutation, one cardio move, the another Sun Salutation. I guess I'm nitpicking, and this is a trial situation, but it can get confusing at times. Overall, it was an OK workout. Of the 24 cardio moves, which you do twice each, the only hard one was the Burpees. In the first round, I did kicks instead of the Burpees, because I hate them, but did do them in the second round.

Start Time: 9:40 pm; Workout Time: 37 minutes; Calories Burned: 270; Avg Heart Rate: 105.

SATURDAY - JUNE 26, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Primal Yoga

He gibes you the option of going with one of the longer Yoga routines, or this one, which is about a half hour shorter, so I'm usually going to go with this one. I'm finding my attention span with yoga is becoming very short as my balance seems to be getting worse. I couldn't figure out why this one seems so hard to me, then I realzed he's going at breakneck speed during the vinyasas and poses sections.

Start Time: 9:05 pm; Workout Time: 40 minutes; Calories Burned: 257; Avg Heart Rate: 100.

SUNDAY - JUNE 27, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Core Deep

I still can't do the range of motion on a lot of the moves, so I modify. I never do really great on this one, just what I can.

Start Time: 9:00 pm; Workout Time: 28 minutes; Calories Burned: 130; Avg Heart Rate: 91.


Weight: 148.4 (-1.2 lbs)
Body Fat: 11.0% (no change)

With my condition, losing weight is no longer good.


All my thoughts are on controlling my diabetes. The workouts are secondary, but it is important I do something.

Monday, June 14, 2021


MONDAY - JUNE 14, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Heart, Lungs, and Legs

This was the main option on the calendar today. I hadn't done it in a while (almost 6 months), but I thought I remembered I didn't like it too much, so I almost did Flash Card Cardio, which was the second option. However, I went with this one. It wasn't too bad. My legs are getting really sore, but I did what I could. I didn't really dog any moves, but I didn't go too low, and modified when necessary. It ended up being OK.

Start Time: 8:20 pm;  Workout Time: 61 minutes; Calories Burned: 388; Avg Heart Rate: 102.


I used the same weights I did last time, which was good. 15's on most of the Shoulder moves, and 20's on most of the Bicep and Tricep moves. This thing moves very fast, and there are a lot of moves, so you can get tired despite the low weights and low reps per move.

Start Time: 8:15 pm; Workout Time: 43 minutes; Calories Burned: 393; Avg Heart Rate: 117.

Monday, June 7, 2021


MONDAY - JUNE 7, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Flash Card Cardio 

I was hoping I'd be able to move around better, but I didn't. I'm not sure if it's because I couldn't, or because I didn't want to. I suspect it was a combination of both. I just wasn't into it. I sat through the warmup and the cooldown, and half assed a lot of the moves. Some I just can't do, like the Jacks. I just can't get my feet off the floor.

Start Time: 8:50 pm; Workout Time: 54 minutes; Calories Burned: 398; Avg Heart Rate: 107.

TUESDAY - JUNE 8, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Chest and Back Round Robin

Sequence = Pushups: 1) Standard (30 reps); 2) Medicine Balls (30); 3) Decline on an upside down Bosu Ball (20); Back 1) Standard Pullups (8); 2) Weighted Back moves (40 lbs, 8 reps); 3) Resistance Band Pulldown (Yellow Band, 15 reps). I did pretty good, but I started to tire early in the third round. I finished OK, and met my numbers, but I was feeling it. I'm not sure about the weighted back moves. I feel like I could throw my back out at any minute. The decline pushups on the upside down Bosu Ball are tough. I don't go too low on those.

Start Time: 6:55 pm; Workout Time: 64 minutes; Calories Burned: 484; Avg Heart Rate: 109.

WEDNESDAY - JUNE 9, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Plyo 30/15

I usually can't stand this workout because of the excessive talking, but today I was bit more mellow and used that down time to relax. I probably did better than I ever have on this routine, but it was far from perfect. I'm still uncoordinated on a lot of the moves.

Start Time: 8:00 pm; Workout Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 369; Avg Heart Rate: 106. 

THURSDAY - JUNE 10, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Shoulders and Arms Recharge

Idid Ok, but there were a few moves where I had to decrease either my weight or reps from last time. A loss of strength was evident. I don't know if it's because I haven't lifted heavier weights in a while of it's a loss of muscle.

Start Time: 

FRIDAY - JUNE 11, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Punchin and Kickin' (with Chris Titus)

I normally like the martial arts workouts, but this one is too long. I only did a few sprawls on those moves, and replaced the sprawl with a snap kick. I'm done with sprawls for a while. The banter was getting to me, and Chris not knowing what he was doing was also getting annoying. He was working really hard, and Tony said it was the third workout he'd filmed for the dat, so I'm sure it was just a bad day for me.

Start Time: 

SATURDAY - JUNE 12, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Primal Yoga

Horrible. I literally couldn't do a lot of the moves. I was sore from playing golf yesterday, so hopefully that had something to do with it. On a side note, Tony Curran was very annoying. Tony H kept trying to get him back on track, but it didn't seem to br working.

Start Time: 

SUNDAY - JUNE 13, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Core Deep

I got started really late. I remembered not liking it last week I was going to skip it entirely, then was going to do Crunch Town instead, then decided to give one another chance. I modified a number of moves I couldn't do, but finished it up.

Start Time: 10:05 pm; Workout Time: 28 minutes; Calories Burned: 155; Avg Heart Rate: 96. 


Weight: 148.6 (-2.6 lbs)
Body Fat: 10.9% (-0.5%)

Too much drop. I'm starting to get nervous.


Hard to concentrate because of my condition. I seem to be losing strength, stamina, and desire.

Monday, May 31, 2021


MONDAY - MAY 31, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Flash Cardio 24

This is the start of Beta 3, the last testing period before they film the final workouts. I took a much needed rest over the last four weeks. My body is breaking down, so much so that I went to a doctor to see what is wrong. My feet and ankles are swelling. My balance is still bad. I'm feeling a bit of nerve damage in my hands. I'm also preparing for cataract surgery, but must get clearance.

I'm starting it 153.6 lbs and 11.8% body fat.

This one was a bit tough. Because of the condition of my feet, I can barely get off the ground, so any kind of cardio is going to be difficult. This routine would have been easy for me a few years ago. Not so much now. I found myself frustrated and disinterested, especially on Tony's call out moves.

Start Time: 1:15 pm: Workout Time: 38 minutes; Calories Burned: 277; Avg Heart Rate: 106.

TUESDAY - JUNE 1, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Shoulders and Biceps

A quickie. I did OK, but was a bit weaker than normal. It might be age, or it might be because I hadn't worked out in a while. I started with 30's on the Strip Set, and I only got seven reps in.

Start Time: 8:15 pm; Workout Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 256; Avg Heart Rate: 113.

WEDNESDAY - JUNE 2, 2020 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Flash Card Plyo

Got my lab results today and I have Stage 2 Diabetes. The good news is that my internal organs seem to be working good, and my blood pressure is good. I have some permanent nerve damage in my feet and hands, but it's something I'll have to deal with. There are a lot of people in this world getting worse news than me today.

For some reason, I really went after the workout today. I haven't been able to jump a lot lately because of my feet, but I got up in the air more than I have been. I'm sure some of it was an avoidance of feeling sorry for myself, and seeing what I could actually do.

Start Time: 7:30 pm; Workout Time: 40 minutes; Calories Burned: 245; Avg Heart Rate: 107.

THURSDAY - JUNE 3, 2020 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Chest, Back, and Triceps

Another new short one today. Only twelve moves, but some of them were strange. One move was hanging from the pullup bar and alternation switching your hands from a forward grip to an underhand grip. I couldn't do any. I can't stay up on the bar if one hand is coming off, even for a split second. There were some new pushups, some of them targeting the triceps instead of the chest. I got through it OK, but probably can get better.

Start Time: 7:55 pm; Workout Time: 33 minutes; Calories Burned: 205; Avg Heart Rate: 100.

FRIDAY - JUNE 4, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Attack and Defend

I liked it. I was uncoordinated because it was the first time doing it, but I think I could work up a good sweat once I get the moves down. Only one move with Sprawls, which is welcome.

Start Time: 6:40 pm; Workout Time: 48 Minutes: Calories Burned: 354; Avg Heart Rate: 106.

SATURDAY - JUNE 5, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Primal Yoga

I'd seen people's reactions beforehand and everyone said they liked it and enjoyed the banter between Tony and the cast members. I thought it was a bit distracting. It was a relatively short routine compared to his other's, but there were too many repetitive moves.

Start Time: 9:10 pm; Workout Time: 40 minutes; Calories Burned: 252: Avg Heart Rate: 108.

SUNDAY - JUNE 6, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 3 - Core Deep

Not a fan. There were too many unnecessary complex moves that simply made it longer than it needed to be. There were a few of them where I didn't do the full move because they seemed foolish.

Start Time: 8:40 pm; Workout Time: 28 minutes; Calories Burned: 150; Avg Heart Rate: 98.


Weight: 151.4 (-2.2 lbs)
Body Fat: 11.4% (-0.4%)

I'm not sure losing weight is good at this point. It's a concern.


The health news wasn't good, and that's over riding everything. I'm completely lost. The workouts went OK. I'm glad they were short.


Monday, April 26, 2021


MONDAY - APRIL 26, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Who's Got Your Back?

I was feeling low energy going into it. I usually go a lot faster than they do, but wasn't feeling that today, so I was staying maybe one or two moves ahead of them. I used 40's on most of the back moves (25's on the Combo ows), and I used 15's on all the shoulder moves. On the pull-ups, I started out good, then gradually tired. I basically went until I came off the bar, usually getting 5 to 8 reps in until the last set. I was OK with that.

Start Time: 7:30 pm; Workout Time: 52 minutes; Calories Burned: 404; Avg Heart Rate: 109.

TUESDAY - APRIL 27, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Plyo 30/15

This one is tough for me because of my feet and ankles. There's also too much talking in the video. My effort on a scale of 1 to 10 was about a 2 or 3. 

Start Time: 8:00 pm; Workout Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 428; Avg Heart Rate: 107.

WEDNESDAY - APRIL 28, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Arms and Abs

I like this workout better than most, so my effort and attitude was a lot better than yesterday. I pretty much used the same weights and reps as before, maybe increasing some things here and there, but in general it went well.

Start Time: 8:30 pm; Workout Time: 49 minutes; Calories Burned: 415; Avg Heart Rate: 113.:


I thought it was bit odd that he scheduled this workout today, because we worked triceps yesterday, but I just went with it. I increased my reps on a number of the moves, which felt good. Another routine I like.

Start Time: 7:20 pm; Workout Time: 54 minutes; Calories Burned: 456; Avg Heart Rate: 113.

FRIDAY - APRIL 30, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Flash Card Cardio

There's a few moves I have problems with here, notably the two "Jaxk" moves, but I modify. This is generally a fun routine. I put more effort into it than Plyo 30/15, but don't kill myself because my balance is still off.

Start Time: 9:25 pm; Workout Time: 54 minutes; Calories Burned: 426; Avg Heart Rate: 110.

SATURDAY - MAY 1, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Hatha Yoga with Ted and Tony

This is the last workout for me in Beta 2. I hadn't done one of the longer yoga workouts in a while., This was the scheduled workout, so I wanted to finish it out right. Bottom line is that I'm getting worse at yoga. My balance is getting so bad that I can't even get into moves that were once easy. I don't know if it's mental or not, but it's a bit disturbing. This workout is OK, but there is a lot of (good) instruction from Ted that has you holding some poses for a long time. I found myself going to Child Pose a lot, or just getting up and sitting on the couch for a minute or so. Not a great way to finish the round, but I did do the entire workout.

Start Time:  6:55 pm; Workout Time: 85 minutes; Calories Burned: 550; Avg Heart Rate: 101.

SUNDAY - MAY 2, 2021 - Rest


Weight: 154.8 (-1.0 lb)
Body Fat: 12.4% (+0.2%)


This is the end of the 13 week Beta 2 round. It was effective, but I'm tired. I'll be taking a few weeks off.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021


MONDAY, APRIL 19, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Total Body (Head To Toe with Scotty Mo)

We were given a choice of doing Primal Flow or this one. In the Facebook Group I only saw one person that did Primal Flow, even though it was shorter, Either, they are over it, or they did this one because it hasn't been on the schedule in a long time. A little bit of both for me. They workout went OK. I didn't go full blast, but I didn't dog it either.

Start Time: 8:00 pm; Workout Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 398; Avg Heart Rate: 107.

TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Arms and Abs

I increased my weights on a few of the moves. Only decrease was that I only did seven reps with 30's on the Heavy Curls. I do seated curls instead of bent over ones because I don't like lifting heavy weights when bent over. I used 20's in some of the tricep moves.

Start Time: 8:00 pm; Workout Time: 49 minutes; Calories Burned: 409; Avg Heart Rate: 112.

WEDNESDAY - APRIL 21, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Morning Yoga

I got my second Covid shot this morning. My body was feeling tired and beat up to begin with, so the shot didn't help, at least mentally. Hatha Yoga with Ted and Tony was scheduled, and it's way over an hour, and I just couldn't handle it, so I opted for the 20 minute routine.

Start Time: 9:30 pm; Workout Time: 20 minutes; Calories Burned: 129; Avg Heart Rate: 100.

THURSDAY - APRIL 22, 2021 - Rest

Chest and Back Round Robin was scheduled. My left arm was hurting from the shot yesterday, and my entire body felt achy. Not sick achy, but a very tired achy. Past the point of normal achy. Affecting me mentally achy. I'd happened to see a small clip from Tony on the Power Nation Facebook Group in the morning saying to listen to your body, so I took it to heart, and looked at it as a sign. I can't remember the last time I skipped a workout unless I was violently ill. I think it's been more than 10 years, if ever. I take pride in the fact I don't skip workouts, no matter how badly I don't want to do them. Because of this, I debated forcing myself to do the workout, but finally decided not to do it, not even part of it. That took strength.

FRIDAY - APRIL 23, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Flash Card Cardio

I was feeling a bit better, but was considering taking the rest tof the week off, and possibly next week also (the final week of the round) to let myself heal properly. This routine isn't that tough on the body, so I decided to do it. I felt better afterwards.

Start Time: 8:30 pm; Workout Time: 54 minutes; Calories Burned: 403; Avg Heart Rate: 113.

SATURDAY - APRIL 24, 2021 - Workout #1 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - SBT

The "Push" (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps) workout was scheduled for today, but I've done that a lot lately, so I subbed it for SBT (Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps). I hadn't done that one since December. It went well. I used 15's on all the Shoulder moves, and 20's on all the Bicep and Tricep moves. I might have been able to increase my weights here and there, but I didn't want to beat the shit out of my body again, so it worked out fine.  

Start Time: 1:50 pm; Workout Time: 43 minutes; Calories Burned: 270; Avg Heart Rate: 101.

Workout #2 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Chest and Back Round Robin 

I wasn't planning on doing this, but t was felling pretty good after finishing the first workout. Because this is the workout I skipped on Thursday, I was considering doing it in the evening. While thinking this out, I decided to do it immediately, which was about 25 minutes after finishing SBT. None of the same body parts were directly involved, so it actually worked out very well. I was strong on most of the moves. I was going deeper than usual on the Decline Pushups done on an upside down Bosu Ball. On the weighted back moves, I did most of them seated on a workout bench. That seemed to work well as I'm always leery about doing them bent over while standing. I might be sore in the next few days, but I felt good right after finishing it.

Start Time: 3:00 pm; Workout Time: 64 minutes; Calories Burned: 450; Avg Heart Rate: 105.

SUNDAY - APRIL 25, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Crunch Town

Last ab workout for Beta 2 round. I got started real late on it because I knew I'd get it done. No issues with any of the moves, but I might have done the last one wrong. I was rolling back, the forward into boat. I don't think they were rolling. I was going faster than they were and started that move before they did.

Start Time: 10:25 pm; Workout Time: 24 minutes; Calories Burned: 120; Avg Heart Rate: 93.


Weight: 155.8 (+0,4 lbs)
Body Fat: 12.2% (-0,2%)


I adjusted the schedule a bit, but it worked out OK. I think I made the right decision on the rest day.

Monday, April 12, 2021


MONDAY - APRIL 12, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Who's Got Your Back

I felt better today than I have in a while. My legs didn't feel so heavy. It wasn't a leg workout, but nonetheless... I pretty much matched my number from last time. I did two more Lawnmowers than last time on each side in the second. On the Arch Rows, I'd been having problems holding 20's in my left hand on the last few reps, so I decreased the weigh to 15's and did 15 reps instead of 12. I felt really strong on the pullups coming out of the gate, but tired out on those a bit near the end. I did seven reps each of those, only coming off the bar on the last three sets.

Start Time: 7:25 pm; Workout Time: 52 minutes; Calories Burned: 402; Avg Heart Rate: 113.

TUESDAY - APRIL 13, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Drop, Pulse, and Hold

Same feelings with this one. Too long for what it is, which kind of sucks the motivation out of you.. That's a shame, because I feel it could be a good, effective workout. I did do everything, but didn't go real low on too many of them.  

Start Time: 7:40 pm; Workout Time: 66 minutes; Calories Burned: 543; Avg Heart Rate: 111.

WEDNESDAY - APRIL 14, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Shoulders and Arms Recharge

For the most part, I used the same weights as last time. I did try 35's on the second set of Military Presses and didn't have too many problems. Last time I'd reduced my weights on a couple moves (Hammer Curls, Arch Rows, Tricep Kickbacks, Drag Curls) where I felt my weight might have been too heavy, creating bad form, so I continued with the reduced weight on those moves. I'll try increasing them in the future, ut that's where I am now. I'm trying to be smart with things.

Start Time: 6:45 pm; Workout Time: 53 minutes; Calories Burned: 477; Avg Heart Rate: 117.

THURSDAY - APRIL 15, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Something New

A nice stretch, mild cardio routine. For some reason I wasn't real relaxed and was feeling rushed, but it went OK.

Start Time: 8:35 pm; Workout Time: 39 minutes; Calories Burned: 276; Avg Heart Rate: 105.

FRIDAY - APRIL 16, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Triple Trouble Challenge

I used the Sean and Bobby version. I went with 30 pushups and 7 pullups. I'd tried 8 pullups last time, but had issues at the end, so I went down to 7, hoping to avoid those issues. It helped a bit, but I'm losing my grip on the bar on about the sixth set of pullups. I'd thought about using the Pullup Assist near the end (Tony even mentioned it as an option at that point), but didn't, because of my ego. It may have been a good idea to use it, as I was constantly coming of the bar every one or two pullups during the last two sets, then almost jumping back up to get another one or two in. Bad form, probably not effective. The Assist would have at least gave me decent form.

Start Time: 7:50 pm; Workout Time: 63 minutes; Calories Burned: 466; Avg Heart Rate: 108.

SATURDAY - APRIL 17, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Morning Yoga

I took a nap around 7 pm and woke up around 1 pm. I was still really tired and was just going to go back to bed for the evening, but I didn't get to sleep right away, so I got this one in. It went OK.

Start Time: 10:15 pm; Workout Time: 20 minutes; Calories Burned: 126; Avg Heart Rate: 104.

SUNDAY - APRIL 18, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Core Warrior

This one isn't bad, except for two really long moves, so that keeps me putting it off. I finally did it. There's still a few moves I don't have the dexterity to do, but I modify.

Start Time: 9:35 pm; Workout Time: 21 minutes; Calories Burned: 128; Avg Heart Rate: 118.


Weight: 155.4 (-1.8 lbs)
Body Fat: 12.4% (no change)


Not too many new thoughts. Hanging in there. 

Monday, April 5, 2021


MONDAY - APRIL 5, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Chest and Back Round Robin

Rotation: Push Ups a) Stands (30 reps); Medicine Balls (30 reps); Decline on upside down Bosu Ball (20 reps). Pull-Ups a) Unassisted (8 reps); b) Weights (40 lbs) (8 reps); c) Band Pull Downs (15 reps w/ yellow band). I got everything in with no problems. I'm still a bit afraid of the bent over weight moves, but I try to be careful.

Start Time: 7:50 pm; Workout Time: 64 minutes Calories Burned: 480; Avg Heart Rate: 107.

TUESDAY - APRIL 6, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Punchin' and Kickin' (With Tony &Titus)

I like the workout, but it is a bit long. My range of emotion doesn't always there's. With that said, it is fun.

Start Time: 8:20 pm; Workout Time: 71 minutes; Calories Burned: 486; Avg Heart Rate: 112.

WEDNESDAY - APRIL 7, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Arms and Abs

I lightened up by 5 lbs on a few of the early bicep moves because my strength seemed to be waning a bit lately. Everything else went OK.

Start Time: 8:00 pm; Workout Time: 49 minutes; Calories Burned: 327; Avg Heart Rate: 107.

THURSDAY - APRIL 8, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Plyo Halfsies

I decided to take a bit of a nap when I got home, but it turned into be over an hour. When I woke up I wasn't feeling really well. I forced myself to do the workout, but didn't know how I was going to get through it. I just took it one move at a time. I ddn't go real deep on a lot of the moves. By the end I coud barely get off mt feer;. The Squat Jacks were done stiff legged as were some of the other late moves. I did use my Xero Shoes and it did make a positive difference.

Start Time: 8:30 pm; Workout Time: 56 minutes; Calories Burned: 440; Avg Heart Rate: 109. 


I increased my reps on a few of the moves. A good workout.

Start Time: 8:15 pm; Workout Time: 54 minutes; Calories Burned: 503; Avg Heart Rate: 119

SATURDAY - APRIL 10, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Don't Skip The Yoga

This actually turned out to be one of the better yoga workouts I've done lately. I wasn't looking forward to it too much simply because of the length, but I took it one move at a time, and it worked out.

Start Time: 7:15 pm; Workout Time: 73 minutes; Calories Burned: 618; Avg Heart Rate: 114.

SUNDAY - APRIL 11, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Crunch Town

I got through it. I wasn't real flexible at the beginning.

Start Time:8:40 pm; Workout Time: 24 minutes; Calories Burned: 143; Avg Heart Rate: 97.


Weight: 157.0 (+1.4 lbs)
Body Fat: 12.4% (no change)


Same thing as the last few weeks. My body is feeling beat up. 

Monday, March 29, 2021



I took a long nap when I got home because I was really tired. I wasn't feeling much better going into the workout, but my mind was open. I pushed myself a bit, and did a few more reps than last time on a few moves. I used 20's on most exercises. On the stability ball chest presses I was able to handle 35's instead of the 30's which were my max the last few times. I feel good afterwards.

Start Time: 7:55 pm; Workout Time: 54 minutes; Calories Burned: 432; Avg Heart Rate: 114. 

TUESDAY - MARCH 30, 2021 - POWER NATION BETS 2 - Plyo 30/15

This one bores me to death. I can't do a lot of jumping, so I'm not that excited about it anyways, but there is entirely too much confusion among the cast members, so it just drags on and on. I can't even say I tried real hard, because I didn't. I even sat through both the warmup and cool down. Thee are only so many runner lunges and straightening the leg I want to do. 

Start Time:8:20 pm; Workout Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 392; Avg Heart Rate: 103.

WEDNESDAY - MARCH 31, 2021 - POWER NATION BETS 2 - Triple Trouble Challenge

I increased my pushup number from 30 to 32, and really had no problems. I also increased my pullup number from 7 to 8, which may seem like a little increase, buy even 7 was pushing it. I was doing OK until the second set of the Vaulters, when my left arm lost strength. I gutted out the next two sets, coming off the bar a lot, then finished the last two sets with band pull downs. 

Start Time:7:50 pm; Workout Time: 63 minutes; Calories Burned: 469; Avg Heart Rate: 107.

THURSDAY - APRIL 1, 2021 - POWER NATION BETS 2 - Flash Card Cardio

Not much to say. My feet are really preventing me from doing a lot of quick or high jumping.

Start Time:87:35 pm; Workout Time: 54 minutes; Calories Burned: 302; Avg Heart Rate: 106.

FRIDAY - APRIL 2, 2021 - POWER NATION BETS 2 - Shoulders and Arms Recharge

Again, my left arm tired out early, so I decreased the weights a bit on some moves in the second half of the workout. I'd been struggling with those same moves the last few times I'd done this workout, so I figured I'd play it safe instead of forcing the issue. It wasn't a question of pushing myself. It was that I wasn't able to do it safely.

Start Time:2:20 pm; Workout Time: 53 minutes; Calories Burned: 416; Avg Heart Rate: 116.

SATURDAY - APRIL 3, 2021 - POWER NATION BETS 2 - Morning Yoga

I thank Tony for putting this one here. I felt good when it was done.

Start Time:8:20 pm; Workout Time: 20 minutes; Calories Burned: 140; Avg Heart Rate: 103.

SUNDAY - APRIL 4, 2021 - POWER NATION BETS 2 - Three Speed Core Warrior

This was an original Beta 1 workout that didn't make it to Beta 2. I'd only done it twice because I started Beta 1 late, so I thought I'd give it a try. It wasn't really too hard, but I was uncoordinated at time.

Start Time:6:35 pm; Workout Time: 18 minutes; Calories Burned: 168; Avg Heart Rate: 116.


Weight: 156.0 (+0.4 lbs)
Body Fat" 12.4% (no change)


I'm a little concerned about my left hand and arm losing strength part way through the workouts. It seems to be coming from my the area where my underneath wrist meets my underarm forearm. Again, my body is tired.

Thursday, March 25, 2021


MONDAY - MARCH 22, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Primal Flow

Once again, I get why this workout is here. I'm just not flexible enough to do a lot of the moves properly, especially the kick throughs.

Start Time: 8:40 pm; Workout Time: 46 minutes; Calories Burned: 375; Avg Heart Rate: 111. 

TUESDAY - MARCH 23, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Chest and Back Round Robin

I upped my pullups to eight and only came off the bar once, and that was on the last rep, when my hands were slipping. On one of the pushup options I was doing decline pushups onto a flipped upside down Bosu Ball. I was barely cracking my elbows on the first two sets, trying to get 25 reps in. On the last two sets I tried to do 10 reps, but go a little deeper. I did go a little deeper, but it wasn't by much. Something to work on.

Start Time: 7:35 pm; Workout Time: 64 minutes; Calories Burned: 527; Avg Heart Rate: 111. 

WEDNESDAY - MARCH 24, 2021 -POWER NATION BETA 2- Halfsies Plyo

My feet are getting really bad. They're swelling and I can barely get off the floor anymore, especially on upward explosive moves. I did what I could on those. On other moves I could have gone lower and touched the floor, but either couldn't, because of balance, or because I just didn't want to. I could have done worse today, by just not trying at all, but I also could have done better because of range of motion choices on some moves.

Start Time: 6:55 pm; Workout Time: 56 minutes; Calories Burned: 401; Avg Heart Rate: 105. 

THURSDAY - MARCH 25, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Morning Yoga

This was a bit of a welcome relief on the schedule. It's only 20 minutes long, and is just some basic yoga moves. However, I really wasn't relaxed, and I was very stiff all over my body, so it wasn't the greatest experience it should have been. 

Start Time: 8:10 pm; Workout Time: 20 minutes; Calories Burned: 109; Avg Heart Rate: 95.

FRIDAY - MARCH 26, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Shoulders and Arms Recharge

I wasn't feeling too strong beforehand, so I thought I'd go with lower weights, but of course I didn't. I pretty much used the same weights as last time. I am noticing a pattern though. The last few times I did this workout I'm noticing me left hand tiring and not holding the grip tightly on the dumbbell after so many reps, usually around eight.. This is happening on the Hammer Curls (with 30's), Arch Rows (with 20's), and Tricep Kickbacks (with 20's). Because it's consistently happening, I'm wondering if I go to lower weights next time. My right hand seems to be fine. Otherwise the workout went well.

Start Time:8:20 pm; Workout Time: 53 minutes; Calories Burned: 515; Avg Heart Rate: 121.

SATURDAY - MARCH 27, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Derp, Pulse, and Hold

I used 20's on all the weight moves. As always, my balance was bad on the lunge moves.

Stat Time: 5:45 pm; Workout Time: 66 minutes; Calories Burned: 550; Avg Heart Rate: 112.

SUNDAY - MARCH 28, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Crunch Town

I started late in the evening. It felt like the workout was taking forever. I wasn't real crisp on a lot of the moves, but got them all in. I might have done the last one wrong, as I was rolling into boat instead of laying on my back and crunching my way up.

Start Time: 9:50 pm; Workout Time: 24 minutes; Calories Burned: 133; Avg Heart Rate: 95.


Weight: 155.6 (+0.2 lbs)
Body Fat: 12.4% (-0.2%)


I did OK this week. Nothing exceptional, but I got everything in. Five weeks to go in this round. He's giving us the choice of doing the last month on a "Build" (Resistance) or a "Burn" (Cardio) schedule. I'm doing Build, because I'm not liking cardio too much. I don't give my all in cardio workouts. My body is really getting tired.

Monday, March 15, 2021


MONDAY - MARCH 15, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Who's Got Your Back? 

I was really tired when I got home from work. The time shift might have had something to do with it. I took a nap, then had to force myself to get started. Once I did that, I was OK mentally, but physically I felt weak, especially on the pullups. I decided to increase my number from 6 to 7, and was OK on the first three sets, but then I lost all my pullup strength, and pretty much had to come off the bar every rep or two near the end. I was OK on the weighted moves.

Start Time: 8:10 pm; Workout Time: 52 minutes; Calories Burned: 409; Avg Heart Rate: 112.

TUESDAY - MARCH 16, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Flash Card Cardio

I didn't go full blast on this one. My legs were really heavy. When I tried doing jacks, I could basely get my feet off the floor, so I kind of gave up because I realized I probably wasn't going to be able to do too much. Fact is, I could have. I could have touched the floor on several moves, but I didn't. Poor effort.

Start Time: 7:50 pm; Workout Time: 54 minutes; Calories Burned: 335; Avg Heart Rate: 104.


I've been through this workout about six times already, but I never remember too much about it. A bunch of strange moves. Going in, I felt pretty good. I upped my weight from 15's to 20's on most of the moves without too many problems. I tried using 40's on the Stability Ball Chest Presses again, but couldn't handle them again. I ended up using 30's. I used to handle 40's. Not sure what the problem is. Overall, though, I think it was a good, solid, workout today.

Start Time: 8:20 pm; Workout Time: 54 minutes; Calories Burned: 513; Avg Heart Rate: 119.

THURSDAY - MARCH 18, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Don't Skip The Yoga

I was in a pretty decent mood. I wasn't spending the entire time counting down the minutes. I also didn't really walk away from any moves because I was frustrated, but I did notice myself thinking there are way too many vinyasa sequences. I wish he'd do other things here and there. There's got to be more to yoga than constant Upward Dog, Downward Dog, Warrior One.

Start Time:8:10 pm; Workout Time: 73 minutes; Calories Burned: 590; Avg Heart Rate: 110.

FRIDAY - MARCH 19, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Triple Trouble Challenge (with Sean and Bobby)

I like this one a bit better than the one with Chris Titus because the pacing seems better, even though it's 5 minutes lomger, and I like the banter better too.. My numbers were 30 pushups and 6 pullups. I maintained those, and even did a few more reps in the last segment. I only came off the pullup bar on the last two sets, and that's only because my hands were slipping off the bar. I like this workout.

Start Time: 8:10 pm: Workout Time: 63 minutes; Calories Burned: 431; Avg Heart Rate: 103.

SATURDAY - MARCH 20, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Pure Stretch


Start Time: 7:45 pm; Workout Time: 56 minutes; Calories Burned: 349; Avg Heart Rate: 100.

SUNDAY - MARCH 21, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Core Warrior 2

I wasn't really into it. There are two moves here that just go on forever, and it makes me not liking this one. I did everything done, but I did modify a few of the moves. I can't roll on the feet for the Side Plank Drops without killing my toes, so after a few reps on just stayed on one side until I got to 10 reps, then did the other side. I also can't get the timing down on Dreya's Banana Twists, so I just wing it.

Start Time: 8:40 pm; Workout Time: 21 minutes; Calories Burned: 166; Avg Heart Rate: 109.


Weight: 155.4 (-1,6 lbs)
Body Fat: 12.6% (-0.1%)


Things went OK. I'm getting through the workouts, but I could use a rest.

Monday, March 8, 2021


MONDAY - MARCH 8, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Plyo 30/15

I started earlier than usual, not relaxing too long after I got home from work. I'm going to try and get into the workouts as soon as I can, so I don't keep putting them off in the evening. I'd rather get them over with and not feel as sluggish as usual. Today wasn't perfect, but better than normal. I had to modify a few times. I'm having problems with Jacks, so I ran in place with my legs wide, and instead of Long Jumps, I did Tires, from the original P90X Plyometrics workout. On the other moves I did what I could.

Start Time: 6:20 pm; Workout Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 430; Avg Heart Rate: 107. 

TUESDAY - MARCH 9, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Chest and Back Round Robin

This might be my favorite Power Nation Workout. It gives you a few options to keep things fresh. Today my circuit was: Pushups - Stands (30 reps), Med Balls (25 reps), Declines on a Bosu Ball (25 reps), Pullups - Standard Unassisted (7 reps), Weighted Back Move with 40 lb weights (8 reps), Pull Downs with a yellow band (15 reps. I had increased my Pullup number from six to seven pet set, and had no problems. The Bosu Ball pushups were really tough. I had my feet elevated on a weigh bench, and my hands on the ball. I wasn't going very deep at all, but I was feeling them. I probably could have used a bit more weight on the weighted back moves, or even increased the repsto 10 or 12, but I get real nervous lifting heavy weights while bent over.

Start Time: 7:15 pm; Workout Time: 64 minutes; Calories Burned: 504; Avg Heart Rate: 112.

WEDNESDAY - MARCH 10, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Kickin' and Punchin' (with Titus)

We had the option of doing this one or the version with Alice. I love Alice, and that one was a lot shorter, but was a bit rushed and out of control, so I opted for this one. I dislike the Sprawls immensely, but I decided to do seven on each set, which came out pretty good time wise, but it also gave me a countdown number while I was doing them, instead of wondering when they'd be done. I like all the other moves, and went at it pretty hard.

Start Time: 8:45 pm: Workout Time: 70 minutes; Calories Burned: 634; Avg Heart Rate: 116.

THURSDAY - MARCH 11, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Shoulders and Arms Recharge

Overall, I did OK. There were were a few moves where I did a few less reps than last time, and also a few moves where I reduced the weight a bit, My left hand seems to be tiring faster than the right one, especially notable on the Arch Rows, Tricep Kickbacks, and Hammer Curls. The weights end up dangling in my fingers instead of being held tightly in my palms..

Start Time: 7:20 pm; Workout Time: 53 minutes; Calories Burned: 517; Avg Heart Rate: 121.

FRIDAY - MARCH 12, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Power and Strength Yoga 

I don't want to sound too critical, but all of Tony's yoga routines seem to be almost the same thing. Too many vinyasas, too much instruction. He always says at the beginning that the routine is going to be about 45 minutes, and it ends up 65 to 70 minutes. It's too much at times. This is almost identical to "Don't Skip the Yoga". I wasn't feeling too well going into it. I felt a bit of a cold coming on. I'd been wearing these big, thick, fuzzy Christmas socks, so I kept them on during the workout. They actuall worked out very well. There was a bit of traction on the bottom of them, which seemed to help. I sat out one sequence, the repeating vinyasas into Warrior One, but did most of the rest of it. Not a great effort, but not my worst, either,

Start Time: 8:15 pm; Workout Time: 67 minutes; Calories Burned: 513; Avg Heart Rate: 107.

SATURDAY - MARCH 13, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Pure Stretch

I liked it a lot. Perfect for a Saturday.

Start Time: 7:20 pm; Workout Time: 56 minutes; Calories Burned: 330; Avg Heart Rate: 98.

SUNDAY - MARCH 14, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Crunch Town

The workout went OK. I was feeling it in my abs.

Start Time: 8:55 pm; Workout Time: 24 minutes; Calories Burned: 113; Avg Heart Rate: 93.


Weight: 157.0 (+0,2 lbs)
Body Fat: 12/7% (+0.2%)

Still eating too much junk. Mostly sweets. Not so much other junk food, which is good.


Back to more resistance workouts this week, and I hung in there. I'm starting to wear down a bit. Still sore here and there, but overall things are going OK. 

Monday, March 1, 2021


MONDAY - MARCH 1, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Flash Card Cardio

I was looking forward to it a bit. I was feeling like I could go harder than usual. I'm not sure I did. There are a few moves I've become uncoordinated at, like jacks, and anything else where I have to bounce with me feet. I could have touched the floor on the Skaters and Side to Side Shuffles, but I didn't, mostly because I wasn't used to doing that, and also because I didn't want to. My bad. I shouldn't complain about the cardio if I'm not going to put forward the effort.

Start Time: 7:25 pm; Workout Time: 54 minites; Calories Burned: 424; Avg Heart Rate: 113.

TUESDAY - MARCH 2, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Hatha Flow Yoga

This is a good workout with very good instruction, but there is too much time between moves holding downward dog, etc, while the instruction is going in. I constantly went to Child Pose or got up to walk around, and eventually just lost interest in the last fifteen minutes or so.

Start Time: 7:45 pm; Workout Time: 85 minutes; Calories Burned: 564; Avg Heart Rate: 102.

WEDNESDAY - MARCH 3, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Total Body 2

One of Tony's UCML (Upper-Cardio-Middle-Lower) workouts. I liked it and went pretty hard at it, because I knew it was short. It started with T-Jacks. I've been having problems with any kind of Jacks lately because I can't bounce off mt feet like I used to. I hit with a thud, but I did what I could today, and did better than I thought I could. No problems with any of the other moves. I even liked most of them.

Start Time: 8:15 pm; Workout Time: 35 minutes; Calories Burned: 244; Avg Heart Rate: 105.

THURSDAY - MARCH 4, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Don't Skip The Yoga

I struggled with it a bit. I'm having a hard time balancing in the Warrior 1 or Crescent Positions, and it's getting frustrating because he's going through those positions a lot. The "Meathead" part of the routine was really frustrating. I'm wondering if this is just a bad period, or if I'll ever get that balance back. The rest of the workout was just below average. My mood was OK until the frustrations started kicking in.

Start Time: 5:45 pm; Workout Time: 74 minutes; Calories Burned: 509; Avg Heart Rate: 104.

FRIDAY - MARCH 5, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Primal Flow

My energy wasn't there. I'd been liking this one more recently, but today the energy just wasn't there. I had my workout shoes on because I often have problems with slipping in my bare feet. However, the shoes were grabbing the floor on a few of the kick through moves, so they were a bit of a hindrance. I'll have to figure that one out. I still can't roll through on the Atomic Pushups. It's something to shoot for. It's one of those moves where I say "I'll never be able to do that", then one day I do.

Start Time: 7:20 pm; Workout Time: 46 minutes; Calories Burned: 354; Avg Heart Rate: 113.

SATURDAY - MARCH 6, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Something New

I kind of needed this today because it was short. I only got in 20 of the 30 one legged jump squatsm but matched all the others, The cool down at the end is bliss.

Start Time: 8:10 pm; Workout Time: 39 minutes; Calories Burned: 290; Avg Heart Rate: 107.

SUNDAY - MARCH 7, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Core Warrior 2

I did OK. I can't get my feet around on the Side Plank Drops, so I do the best I can. I do all the reps on the last move, but some are ugly, and I can't go nearly as fast as they do, so I start immediately after the previous move.

Start Time: 8:10 pm; Workout Time: 21 minutes; Calories Burned: 158; Avg Heart Rate: 119.


Weight: 156.8 (-0.6 lbs)
Body Fat: 12.5% (no change)

I thought there was going to be a bit of an increase because I ate a lot of cashews this week, but apparently not.


This was supposed to be a "recovery week" because I think Tony was realizing people were starting to get injured or just worn out from the pace of the previous weeks. Even so, my body is still very sore, especially my shoulders. They were being taxed a lot because of the amount od vinyasas and downward dogs I was doing during the yoga routines during the week. Overall, my body is just feeling tired. I know I need to eat and drink better. Still too much pop.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021


MONDAY - FEBRUARY 22, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Triple Trouble Challenge (with T&T)

I like this workout. My numbers were 30 pushups and 6 pullups. I did 35 and 7 on the fourth set. No problems. My grip had been slipping off the pullup bar recently, so tried doing them without my gloves and my grip seemed to improve a lot. It could have just been the day where I was feeling a bit stronger, but I'll try it without the gloves again next time.

Start Time: 7:15 pm; Workout Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 322; Avg Heart Rate: 102.

TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 23, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Blood and Breath

I'm not a fan. It reminds me a bit of Agility X from P90X3 because there are a few moves where Tony is calling out spots to jump to. My agility isn't good, nor is my quickness, so those moves are frustrating. Tony is also doing a lot of talking with very little response from the cast members, so there is really no excitement to push you on. I read on the Power Nation Facebook pages that I don't seem to be alone in that assessment. Maybe it'll be better if it's re-done for the final production. Overall, my effort just wasn't there.

Start Time: 8:00 pm; Workout Time: 68 minutes; Calories Burned: 524; mAvg Heart Rate: 108.


This one isn't too bad. It's Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps with light weights. I only went above 15's on one move. That was the Chest Presses on the Stability Ball. I'd used 40's the first few times I did this routine, but the last time I did it a few weeks ago, I couldn't life the 40's, so I'd grabbed 15's. Today I used 30's with no problem, so maybe last time was lust a bad day. A few of the pushup moves give me problems here. I have problems moving my feet back and forth on the Military Rockers, and for some reason the Chaturanga One-Legged Pushups, which appear to be easy, just kills me every time. I did increase my reps on a few of the moves, so that was good.

Start Time: 8:15 pm; Workout Time: 54 minutes; Calories Burned: 444; Avg Heart Rate: 111.

THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 25, 2021 - OIWER NATION BETA 2 - Kickin' and Puchin' (with T&T)

I really like this workout. I dread the sprawls, but there aren't too may of them, and they're done by the nid point of the workout. I went at it pretty good today. Where I was coordinated, my punches, kicks, and blocks were pretty crisp. I don't usually go full blast on cardio workouts anymore because I don't like the moves, so this one is a breath of fresh air.

Start Time: 8:15 pm; Workout Time: 70 minutes; Calories Burned: 641; Avg Heart Rate: 119.

FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 26, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Who's Got Your Back?

I struggled with the pullups, as my hands were slipping off the bar again. I took the gloves off for a set, but it didn't matter. My grip was just weak.All reps and weight was the same as last time, except on the Arc Rows, where I increased the weight from 15's to 20's. I also went faster than they did, and finished up six moves ahead of them. That seems to work for me, to get it done. However, going slower might make me do more.

Start Time: 8:25 pm; Workout Time: 52 minutes; Calories Burned: 451; Avg Heart Rate: 114.

SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 27, 2021 - POWER NATION BETA 2 - Power and Strength Yoga

I wasn't dreading doing this today, but just wanted to get through it. I still don't get that euphoric feeling you are supposed to get while doing yoga. It's still work to me. I was getting a bit frustrated with the pacing. He does a lot of explaining things, which is OK, but after you know what you're doing, it gets repetitive. I lost my balance on several moves and just got up and walked around for a few seconds to get be bearings again. This wasn't a horrible workout today, but not a great one either, My attitude could have been a bit better. I could have stayed in the moment more, instead of constantly looking to see how much time I had left.

Start Time: 7:15 pm; Workout Time: 67 minutes; Calories Burned: 513; Avg Heart Rate: 108.

SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 28, 2021 - Rest


Weight: 157.4 (+1.0 lb)
Body Fat: 12.5% (-0.1%)


I held my own in the workouts. I'm still not eating great, but I'm finding myself not craving anything greasy, which is good. Next week promises to be more stretchy than strength, so I'm looking forward to that.