Monday, July 6, 2015

BODY BEAST - ROUND 1 - WEEK 9 - WEEK OF 7/06/2015

MONDAY - JULY 6, 2015 - BODY BEAST - Bulk Chest

Back to posting. As I mentioned on my last post in April, I'd given up on Insanity: Max 30 because I wasn't mentally into it. I'd purchased Body Beast last year because it was on sale for $40, and had no real desire to get into it quickly. After my experience with the constant cardio of Max 30, I realized I liked working with weights better, so I pulled out Body Beast. I'm starting week 9 today, and I can honestly say I love it. I actually feel I'm accomplishing something when I'm working out.

I've done all the Body Beast workouts and I think Bulk Chest is my favorite one. You're just laying on the workout bench and pushing weight. This is the fifth time I've done this workout, and each time I've tried to increase my weigh on at least one exercise. Today it was on the Incline Presses where I did 30s/35s/40s/35s. It's certainly not what Sagi is doing, but it's what I can handle right now. I used 35s on the following exercise, the Chest Press Rotation Force Set, and my arms were shaking, but I got them all in. I can tell with this program, I'll be able to slowly increase the weight down the road.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 321; Avg Heart Rate: 128; Max Heart Rate: 215.

TUESDAY - JULY 7, 2015 - BODY BEAST - Bulk Legs

In P90X, my favorite workouts were often the leg workouts. In Body Beast, they're my least favorite for some reason. (Build Legs is even worse than this one) Maybe because they're usually longer than the other workouts, I don't know. One thing for certain, though, my legs do feel a lot stronger. I can really feel it in my thighs. During this workout I often found myself using heavier weights than those on the video on some exercises, so that makes me feel good. I still have problems balancing in the lunges because of my bad ankles, but I do what I can do. Also, I find myself fried by the time I get to the Weighted Side to Side Squats. It's an easy move, but I can barely do them, and often only get half the reps in.

Time: 41 minutes; Calories Burned: 458; Avg Heart Rate: 128; Max Heart Rate: 150.

WEDNESDAY - JULY 8, 2015 - BODY BEAST - Bulk Arms

Another favorite of mine. The only move I really struggle with is the One Arm Hammer Curls. I usually use 15/20/25 lbs in the Progressive set. The first few times I did this move I couldn't get all the way through. Now I can get them all in, but just barely, so I guess that's progress. I would like to be able to use a bit heavier weight in the Standing Bicep Curls, but by the time I get to the 8 rep sets my arms are so fried the 30 lbs I use (same as Sagi) feel like 50 lbs.

Time: 35 minutes; Calories Burned: 304; Avg Heart Rate: 112; Max Heart Rate: 135,

THURSDAY - JULY 9, 2015 - BODY BEAST - Beast Cardio

I've done this workout every Thursday for the entire round. Not one of my favorites. It bores me, but I usually do  what I can. Today I didn't. Just not in the mood, so I half-assed it. I'm not happy about it, but there are days like that.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 232; Avg Heart Rate: 108; Max Heart Rate: 131.


I hadn't kept up with the daily posts, but I did finish the 90 days of Body Beast. Absolutely, positively one of my favorite programs. I feel like I accomplished a lot. I consistently tried to increase the weights at times, but not so much that I thought I might hurt myself. Once again, I didn't eat well throughout the program, but I did feel much stronger and definitely could feel the definition in my muscles. My thigh and tricep muscles were really noticeable.