Monday, September 30, 2019

WEEK OF 09/30/19 - P90X3 - ROUND 7 - WEEK 9

MONDAY - SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 - P90X3 - Total Synergistics

I did better than usual. Due to frustrations at work, I wasn't in a great mood going into it, so it was a bit of an angry effort.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 262; Avg Heart Rate: 120.

TUESDAY - OCTOBER 1, 2019 - P90X3 - Agility X

Half assed it. I was feeling sluggish beforehand. My legs felt real heavy and I wasn't feeling motivated, as I rarely do with this workout. I just let all this get the best of me. I was "running" at less than half speed. I'd like to actually try at this workout sometime, just to see what I can do, and to see if it really can be enjoyable. My gut feeling is that it can be if I really give it a chance.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 226; Avg Heart Rate: 108.

WEDNESDAY - OCTOBER 2, 2019 - P90X3 - The Challenge

It wasn't so long ago that I dreaded, really dreaded, Chest and Back from P90X. Now Chest and Back routines are some of my favorites. Today my goal numbers were 7 Pull-ups and 35 Push-ups, the same as when I last did this routine 6 weeks ago. I wasn't having too many problems with those numbers so I went to 8 and 40 half way through, and dd OK on those. I've come a long ways on the Pull-ups from a few years ago, when I really struggled with them. They're coming a bit easier for me now, but I'm not getting cocky with it. Eight really isn't a lot, but for me it is. Today was a really good workout and a snippet of how far I've come.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 208; Avg Heart Rate: 110.

THURSDAY - OCTOBER 3, 2019 - P90X3 - X3 Yoga

I like this routine. It's quick and to the point. I wasn't perfect today, but probably a little bit better than usual. Still trying to find the trick to balancing on one leg, especially the left one. You'd think after eleven and a half years I'd accept it can't be done, but I still believe.

Tome: 30 minutes: Calories Burned: 196; Avg Heart Rate: 106.

FRIDAY - OCTOBER 4, 2010 - P90X3 - CVX

My legs were sore and heavy. The rest of my body was sore also, probably from all the pushups and pullups on Wednesday. Not a great effort. I was moving at about half speed, maybe less on some moves.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 131;  Avg Heart Rate: 128.

SATURDAY - OCTOBER 5, 2019 - P90X3 - The Warrior

This one always gets me. There are a lot of moves I just don't like doing, especially the ones where you are jumping floor to ceiling. My effort wasn't totally there on those. Otherwise, I just did them. I've done much better on this workout in the past.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 284; Avg Heart Rate: 120.

SUNDAY - OCTOBER 6, 2019 - P90X3 - X3 Ab Ripper

Not bad, but not my best either. I rushed through the plank crunches because I didn't feel like holding them.

Time: 15 minutes; Calories Burned: 96; Avg Heart Rate: 101.


Weight: 171.0 (+1.2 lbs)
Body Fat: 15.9% (+0.1%)

Didn't eat well. Went on a bit of a chocolate splurge throughout the wee.


My mind has been elsewhere the last few months or so for various reasons. The workouts are keeping me grounded, but sometimes the concentration level isn't there. I'd say that was the case most of this week. I'm not eating great and I can feel it.

Monday, September 23, 2019

WEEK OF 09/23/19 - P90X3 - ROUND 7 - WEEK 8

MOMDAY - SEPTEMBER 23, 2019 - P90X3 - Isometrix

A tale of two worlds. I held all the plank moves (except for the last one) for 45 seconds. On the standing moves I was tapping my raised foot every two seconds. I thought I'd figured something out early on, by shifting the weight on my left foot to the outer edge of it, but I couldn't repeat it later. The only plank move I didn't hold was the Bound Raised Leg pose. I couldn't get my foot off the ground on the first one. On the second one I put my hand on the mat near my ankle instead of on it, and I was able to raise my leg a bit. The good thing is that despite the frustration, I kept trying to find my balance instead of just giving up.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 200; Avg Heart Rate: 120.

TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER 24, 2019 - P90X3 - Accelerator

This one is just relentless. None of the moves are super hard on their own, but there are some that take a lot out of you, even though you think they shouldn't, and they're one after another. There are only a few moves that let you catch your breath. The thing that always gets me is doing a move that goes on forever, Tony saying "we're only halfway through" with it, and Tracy saying "oh my god". That happens a few times.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 224; Avg Heart Rate: 112.

WEDNESDAY - SEPTEMBER 25, 2019 - P90X3 - Dynamix

I always feel I should like this one more than I do. It's one of the more mellow workouts, which I usually like, but I don't always enjoy it. There's a sequence of moves early on, where you're doing Groiners and moving Pigeons that I really don't like. But it has it's purpose. Today, I was feeling out of control on a few of the moves, like the Front to Back Lunges. I felt like I was going too fast and I was stumbling all over the place. More than usual.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 202; Avg Heart Rate: 102.

THURSDAY - SEPTEMBER 26, 2019 - P90X3 - Pilates X

I think I did better than usual on this one today. I was concentrating on my breathing when I remembered, which was most of the time. My flexibility was better than usual, and I even did most of the Side Plank moves in side plank, but not the Clam Killers. Overall, I was happy with it.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 151; Avg Heart Rate: 96.

FRIDAY - SEPTEMBER 27, 2019 - P90X3 - Decelerator

This is one of the workout in X3 that I just don't like, probably because I can't do a lot of the moves. He says at the beginning it's to build your stabilizer muscles so you can land easier, but I don't see it. I got through it, but didn't try too hard on a lot of the moves I couldn't do. I didn't even really try to modify. Poor, poor effort.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 251; Avg Heart Rate: 114.

SATURDAY - SEPTEMBER 28, 2019 - P90X3 - X3 Yoga

I didn't have anything pressing today, so I chose to just relax and try and de-stress. I didn't get to the workout until just before 8 pm. This is one of those workouts I don't really have to mentally prepare for. I just get it done. Today, it was one of the worst yoga workouts I've done in a long time. I got into Airplane near the beginning of the workout and almost immediately had to come out of it because me leg was too sore to hold it. Same thing on the other side, and then on most of the following vinyasa moves. I wasn't mad or anything, just surprised a bit. I realized it was just a bad day and did what I could without beating myself up.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 178; Avg Heart Rate: 101.

SUNDAY - SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 - Rest


Weight: 169.8 (+1,0 lbs)
Body Fat: 15.8% (+0.2%)

Yo-yo ing again.


I like to give the body a rest here and there, but sometimes it's too much.

Monday, September 16, 2019

WEEK OF 09/16/19 - P90X3 - ROUND 7 - WEEK 7

MONDAY - SEPTEMBER 16, 2019 - P90X3 - Eccentric Upper

I violated my Kristin Rule today. I didn't increase any reps or any weight from last time. The only difference was that I did one less pull-up on one of the moves. Still a good workout, but I should have looked at my sheets from last week and increase something. I think there might have beem room for it somewhere.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 281; Avg Heart Rate: 125.

TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER 17, 2019 - P90X3 - Triometrics

A pretty good effort today, certainly better than usual. There are still a couple moves I can't do (balancing on one leg), but I modified the best I could. There are also some moves that kill me, like the Frog Squats and Squat Jacks. I missed a few reps on those because my quads are burning, and it seems to happen at the same time, every time I do this workout. I had the room a bit cooler than usual, so that made me feel a little more refreshed than usual.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 249;  Avg Heart Rate: 114.

WEDNESDAY - SEPTEMBER 18, 2019 - P90X3 - Incinerator

One thing I like about this workout is that I can control what I'm doing on each exercise. It's not like Triometrics where I physically can't do a lot of the moves. Here, I can pick the weight I want to use for those 10 reps. It's measureable. Today I kept my Kristin Rule in mind. I was using a fresh workout sheet, so I didn't see what I'd done last week, but I had an idea. I used the Rule on the Popeye Curls where I know I used 25's last week, so I used 30's today. After the workout I looked at my numbers from last week and saw I used more weight on a lot of the moves without really knowing it. On one move I knew my rep count was down, but I saw I used more weight, so that was good. I increased the weight on both Rows moves from 45's to 50's and did the same on the "A" Presses. Pull-ups were the same as last week. There was only one move where I did less reps, and that wasn't by a lot. It was because the time ran out. Overall, a good workout.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 259; Avg Heart Rate: 128.

THURSDAY - SEPTEMBER 19, 2019 - P90X3 - X3 Yoga

I recorded some of the moves again. My form isn't really great in the Warrior One and Two poses, and my balance is bad on a lot of the other ones. The balance thing is what is is. The poses I can work on.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 200; Avg Heart Rate: 100.

FRIDAY - SEPTEMBER 20, 2019 - P90X3 - Eccentric Lower

This went OK. Not much to say.

Time: 30 Minutes; Calories Burned: 262; Avg Heart Rate: 113.


I'm tired, both physically and mentally. I took a bunch of naps today, and got the workout in around 8 pm. I wasn't looking forward to the sprawls, but I got them in. Not my best effort, but I wasn't just going through the motions either.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 264; Avg Heart Rate: 116.

SUNDAY - SEPTEMBER 22, 2019 - P90X3 - X3 Ab Ripper

Maybe a bit better than usual. Not sure where, but I felt better when doing it.

Time: 15 minutes; Calories Burned: 102; Avg Heart Rate: 106.


Weight: 168.8 (-1.4 lbs)
Body Fat: 15.6%: (-0.1 %)

I'm still bouncing back and forth each week. I don't think there is any noticeable difference in my eating, which is still not good.


Mixed feelings. Some of the workouts I'm not a fan of, but others I killed, like Incinerator. I'm still sore every day. I'm still drinking too much pop, and am not eating great, so I'm not fooling myself.

Monday, September 9, 2019

WEEK OF 09/09/19 - P90X3 - ROUND 7 - WEEK 6

MONDAY - SEPTEMBER 9, 2019 - P90X3 - Eccentric Upper

I didn't think it was great, but I upped my numbers on a few of the moves over last week.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 303: Avg Heart Rate: 126.

TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 - P90X3 - Triometrics

I don't like this workout because I can't do a lot of the balance moves. Last week I was able to tolerate it, but today I wasn't I modified at times, to try and keep a good attitude, but overall the frustration just crept in, and I just dogged it. The Slater Squats (Super Burpees with pushups) are the main culprits. I still don't get why pushups are in a leg workout.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 271; Avg Heart Rate: 115.

WEDNESDAY - SEPTEMBER 11, 2019 - P90X3 - Incinerator

I did really good on this one last week. and I was sore for days. Last week I used 50's on a few of the moves. Today I bought myself some 45 lb dumbbells to complete my range of 5's to 50's. To break in the 45's I used them today instead of the 50's. To compensate I did more reps on many of the moves. I had to get my Kristin Rule in there somehow. Overall, a good workout that I went hard at.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 311; Avg Heart Rate: 127.

THURSDAY - SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 - P90X3 - X3 Yoga

I recorded a few moves to check my form. I'm not getting my front leg bent enough in the Warrior One's and Warrior Two's. I also need to straighten my arms a bit more when reaching to the sky, but I surprised myself with my form on a few other things.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 200; Avg heart Rate: 199.

FRIDAY - SEPTEMBER 13, 2019 - P90X3 - Eccentric Lower

I did OK. I used 50's again on the squats. My legs are sore from previous workouts.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 240; Avg Heart Rate: 111.


I went pretty hard at this. I got about 90% of the sprawls in. There were a few I simply couldn't keep up with.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 224; Avg Heart Rate: 113.

SUNDAY - SEPTEMBER 15, 2019 - P90X3 - X3 Ab Ripper

I got this done pretty late. I wasn't rally in the mood and was impatient with a lot the moves he was going real slow with, so I didn't hold some of them as long as I should have. Not a great workout.

Time: 15 minutes; Calories Burned: 90; Avg Heart Rate: 100.


Weight: 170.2 (+1.2 lbs)
Body Fat: 15.7% (+0.4%)

The yo-yo effect is still going. No idea why the increases.


A few good workouts. Incinerator and MMX were the ones that stood out in my mind. I'm sore all over. It's making me feel good about what I'm doing, but it's also making me irritable.

Monday, September 2, 2019

WEEK OF 09/02/19 - P90X3 - ROUND 7 - WEEK 5

MONDAY - SEPTEMBER 2, 2019 - P90X3 - Eccentric Upper

I haven't been eating too good lately and I've also been drinking way too much pop. I'm starting to feel it. Today's workout preyed on that. It sucked everything right out of me. I even had to take about a minute break two thirds of the way through the workout, then toughed out the last third somehow. The results weren't bad. I looked at my numbers from the last few times I did the workout, and I equaled all the weight moves and surpassed all the pull-up moves, so that's good. But I'm sore and I'm humbled a bit.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 284; Avg Heart Rate: 124.

TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER 3, 2019 - P90X3 - Triometrics

I remembered I didn't like this one a lot. I read a few of my older posts on it and saw how frustrated I was with it. I knew I'd been doing better on most of the X3 workouts this round than I have in the past, so I went into it with that attitude. A lot of these moves are on one leg, which I really can't do with too much success because of my feet and ankles, but instead of just gining up and becoming frustrated like I had in the past, I tried to modify where I could. The results still weren't pretty, but at least I was tryng and doing what I could. Overall, it's still not my favorite workout, but I was happy with my effort and attitude today.

Time: 30 minutes; CaloriesBurned: 291: Avg Heart Rate: 124.

WEDNESDAY - SEPTEMBER 4, 2019 - P90X3 - Incinerator

One good thing about writing things down is that you can go back and see what you did. The last time I did this workout, in September 2017, I used 50 lb dumbbells on the first move, the Renegade Rows, If I hadn't seen that I'd have used 25's, but I pulled out the 50's to see what I could do. They weren't pretty, but I got them done. Same thing with the Rocket Launcher Rows, although my form was pretty bad on those. I also used 50's on the A Presses. I exceeded my pull-up numbers from last time on each of those sets. I remembered I usually took breaks on this workout, but not today, and I also don't think I got close to getting through the Burnout. but today I got all the way through. I'm a bit happy with myself. I'm crediting the One On Ones I'd been doing the last two years with getting me to other levels.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 262; Avg Heart Rate: 122.

THURSDAY - SEPTEMBER 5, 2019 - P90X3 - X3 Yoga

I was trying to get a few small video snippets of myself doing some og the moves to possibly post on Facebook so people knew what I was doing, but it didn't come out to well. Most of the moves I picked I stumbled on, although I did hold Crow for a long time.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 241; Avg Heart Rate: 110.

FRIDAY - SEPTEMBER 6, 2019 - P90X3 - Eccentric Lower

This is probably the easiest resistance workout in X3. I'm sore from Wednesday, so I needed something easier. I did OK on everything except the one legged balance moves where I did the best I could, and held onto a chair when I could. I started with 50's on the Squats, then saw I only used 25's last time, so that was good.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 253; Avg Heart Rate: 113.


I like this one except of the excessive amount of sprawls. I got though it OK, though.

Time: 30 minutes: Calories Burned: 227: Avg Heart Rate: 116.

SUNDAY - SEPTEMBER 8, 2019 - P90X - X3 Ab Ripper

The DVD jammed in the DVD player, so I did it from memory. I went a little faster than usual. I did it in about 12 minutes, then rested for the last three minutes. I'm thinking it was a bit easier because I wasn't holding some of the reps as long.

Time: 15 minutes; Calories Burned: 81; Avg Heart Rate: 106.


Weight: 169.0 (-1.8 lbs)
Body Fat: 15.3% (-0.1 %)

Weight is back to where it was two weeks ago. I seem to be alternating between 170.8 and 169.0. Body Fat is my lowest since I starting keeping track in 2008.


The first three days were tough. The last four, not so much. The Incinerator had me sore for days.