Monday, August 6, 2018

WEEK OF 08/06/2018 - P90X - ROUND 11 - WEEK 13

MONDAY - AUGUST 6, 2018 - P90X - Yoga X

Last week of the round. I'm looking forward to it being over because my body is tired, but at the same time I'm not looking forward to it being over because I feel like I'm accomplishing something and I'm getting results. Today was not a good workout. I let a lot of bullshit from work carry over into the workout. At times my concentration level was so low I was falling out of basic Warrior 2 poses. I was also cursing the amount of vinyasas he was doing. I've said before that I thought the vinyasa section was too long and monotonous, but today he said "heel down" for what seemed like the hundredth time, and I felt like screaming. During the stretch section there were times when I don't even remember doing some of the moves. On the low Torso Twists I remember going into the one on the right side, but not the one on the left. I just did it while my mind was elsewhere. I try to keep the negative thoughts from creeping into my workouts, but sometimes it happens, especially during yoga when the mind can wander.

Time: 92 minutes; Calories Burned: 222; Avg Heart Rate: 106; Max Heart Rate: 136.

TUESDAY - AUGUST 7, 2018 - P90X - Core Synergistics

As I say every time I do this one ... I don't like it. I don't like it a lot. I go through the moves, but my heart just isn't into it. Today, I hit a low. On the Chaturanga Runs I did the first high set OK, then mentally gave up for the first low set and most of the rest of the entire move. My spirit was just broken, and I just couldn't move. I re-grouped and finished the rest of the moves OK, but it was a strange feeling. My last chance at this is on Friday. I'm going to try and go in with a better attitude.

Time: 57:20; Caloaies Burned: 262; Avg Heart Rate: 119; Max Heart Rate: 147.

WEDNESDAY - AUGUST 8, 2018 - P90X - Cardio X

I can't say I was looking forward to this workout today, but I wasn't thinking all day about having to do a workout when I got home, either. It's a light cardio workout, but I'm always sweating like crazy at the end. I actually felt crisper doing it today. I had a little chat with my friend about our various workouts just before I started, so that motivated me a little bit too.

Time: 43 minutes; Calories Burned: 222; Avg Heart Rate: 115; Max Heart Rate: 148.

THURSDAY - AUGUST 9, 2018 - P90X - X Stretch

I like X Stretch a lot and always look forward to it in the schedule. Today I wasn't in total bliss-land, but it was relaxing. I got down pretty low in Hero Pose, which was nice.

Time: 57 minutes; Calories Burned: 112; Avg Heart Rate: 96; Max Heart Rate: 116.

FRIDAY - AUGUST 10, 2018 - P90X - Core Synergistics

I got into it before I could find reasons to put if off. Once into it, I didn't think too much about how much I disliked it. I just did it, one move at a time.

Time: 57 minutes; Calories Burned: 309; Avg Heart Rate: 121; Max Heart Rate: 150.

SATURDAY - AUGUST 11, 2018 - P90X - Yoga X

Last workout of the round. I wanted to make it good and relaxing. I knew I had to help someone move at some point in the afternoon, but didn't know when. I decided to try and get the workout done before noon, but when I put the DVD in the DVD player it wouldn't start and jammed. I couldn't get it out. Finally, after about twenty minutes I got it to work. I was now feeling a bit rushed. During the vinyasa portion I was feeling winded and weak. I was falling out of poses and had my hands on my knees a few times. I finally got through that. Then with 36 minutes left in the workout I got the call that I was needed to help move. I didn't want to chance removing the DVD again so I told them I was finishing my workout and I'd get there when I could. The finish was OK, but not as relaxing as I'd hoped. No, it wasn't a perfect workout, but I rolled with the punches. got through it, and everthing worked out OK. So I guess all did finish up well after all. All that's left is the weigh in tommorrow.

Time: 92 minutes; Calories burned: 168; Avg Heart Rate: 103; Max Heart Rate: 125.

SUNDAY - AUGUST 12, 2018 - Rest


Weight: 184.4 (-1.6 lbs)
Body Fat: 19.2% (-0.3 %)

Both are great numbers, but I didn't feel I ate that great this week.

For the round I lost 2.6 lbs and 0.4% body fat. Not great numbers overall, but I feel better.


Not a great week with the workouts. I stumbled on both yoga sessions and I never like Core Synergistics, but I did get through both days of that OK. Cardio X went better than usual and I always like X Stretch. The weight loss was a surprise.


I hadn't done a P90X round in four years. The Tony Horton One on One's I did prior to this round made me realize how much I like these type of workouts. After doing various other programs the last few years I came to appreciate the original that much more. They're simple and basic workouts. No frills, but they get the job done. People that hadn't seen me in 6 months really noticed the difference in how I looked, as did I. I'm grateful this program exists.


I'm going to take a two week break. My body does need a rest. After that, I think I'm going to do another round of the One on One's. I like the results I'm getting.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

WEEK OF 07/30/2018 - P90X - ROUND 11 - WEEK 12

MONDAY - JULY 30, 2018 - P90X - Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps

I'm not sure how I feel about this workout. I like the shoulder and tricep moves, but not so much of the pushup ones, especially the moving pushups. Phil just cracks me up with his dry comments.

Time: 55 minutes; Calories Burned: 278; Avg Heart Rate: 119; Max Heart Rate: 147.

TUESDAY - JULY 31, 2018 - P90X - Plyometrics

It went OK. Probably a bit better than usual, but sometimes it's hard to tell.

Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned; 434; Avg Heart Rate: 128; Max Heart Rate: 161.

WEDNESDAY - AUGUST 1, 2018 - P90X - Back and Biceps

I had dinner with a friend after work. She works out too (gym), so it made for some interesting conversation and comparisons as to what works for each of us. Hearing I looked good also was a bonus and added to some motivation. By the time I got home it was late, but I pushed my way through it. It would have been great to say it was a great workout, but it wasn't. I was just too tired. 

Time: 51 minutes; Calories Burned: 294; Avg Heart Rate: 125; Max Heart Rate: 146.

THURSDAY - AUGUST 2, 2018 - P90X - Yoga X

Not my best yoga workout. My balance really sucked.

Time: 92 minutes; Calories Burned: 156; Avg Heart Rate: 99; Max Heart Rate: 123.

FRIDAY - AUGUST 3, 2018 - P90X - Legs and Back

Last real "resistance" workout of the round. The leg moves went OK. I used 25's again on the weighted moves. The pullup  numbers were a little worse than last week.

Time: 59 minutes; Calories Burned: 309; Avg Heart Rate: 119; Max Heart Rate: 138.

SATURDAY - AUGUST 4, 2018 - P90X - Kenpo X

I kept putting this off during the day. I didn't eat well throughout the day and by the time I got around to doing it around 8:30 pm I was feeling really sluggish. I got though it OK, but I wasn't crisp.

Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 364; Avg Heart Rate: 115; Max Heart Rate: 155.

SUNDAY - AUGUST 5, 2018 - P90X - Ab Ripper X

I'm glad this one is done for the round. Even after all the years on doing Ab Ripper X, some of these moves really tax me, especially the Hip Rock and Raises, Pulse Ups, and V-Up Roll-ups, and they're back to back to back right in the middle of the routine. Lately I've been struggling with the Oblique V-ups on my right side, and they're right after the Roll-ups. Today I got in 50 Mason Twists but had to come down after rep 41, then finished up. This is a good routine, but some days it's harder than others.

Time: 16 minutes; Calories Burned: 63; Avg Heart Rate: 109; Max Heart Rate: 125.


Weight: 186.0 (+0.2 lbs)

Body Fat: 19.5% (no change)

Still not committed to the eating.


Last week of the "resistance" workouts, but I still have to get through Core Synergistics twice next week, and that has some resistance in it. As I said, I'm still not committed to the eating. I'm wondering what kind of results I'd get if I was. I think they'd be off the charts. I'm still excited about what I have accomplished though.