Monday, March 18, 2019

WEEK OF 03/18/19 - P90X2 - ROUND 3 - WEEK 13

MONDAY - MARCH 18, 2019 - P90X2 - P.A.P. Lower

I felt really good going into it. I increased my weight to 25's on the Step Up Convicts, but still stumbled early on. Except for the Cross Reaches, where I always lose my balance, everything else was pretty good. I held the Side Planks for 30 seconds on six of the eight attempts. Not perfect, but a good jump from last week.

Time: 62 minutes: Calories Burned: 609; Avg Heart Rate: 122; Intensity: 8; Form: 7.

TUESDAY - MARCH 19, 2019 - P90X2 - P.A.P. Upper

Another good one. No nap when I got home. I used 25's again on the Renegade Rows and the Step Up Presses. I can feel them and they were tiring me a bit, but I feel good afterwards. I held all four Medicine Ball Planks for the full 60 seconds and I held two of the four Supermans for the entire 45 seconds. Good improvement on those. Did regular Pullups at 7, 6, 6, 4 reps. Not great, but OK for me.

Time: 52 minutes; Calories Burned: 521; Avg Heart Rate: 123; Intensity: 9; Form: 8.

WEDNESDAY - MARCH 20, 2019 - P90X2 - Recovery + Mobility

Very relaxing. This is my favorite workout of the bunch and i'm going to miss it. I worked my back and shoulders again today, and I can really feel the benefits.

Time: 57 minutes; Calories Burned: 243; Avg Heart Rate: 90: Intensity: 8; Form: 9.

THURSDAY - MARCH 21, 2019 - P90X2 - P.A.P. Lower

It went OK. Same deal with the Step Up Convicts. All over the place when I'm planting my left leg and moving the right one. Better, but not great, on the other side. I used 25 lb dumbbells. I can't balance on the Reaches. On the Side Planks I got to 30 each time on the left side, which had been my weakest. On the other side I got to 30 seconds twice, 28 seconds once, and 10 seconds once. On the latter two, my bottom foot slipped and I went down. This wasn't anything exceptional today, but I think it was my best effort of the six times I did it, and I think I improved each time I did it. That's what it's about.

Time: 62 minutes; Calories Burned: 536; Avg Heart Rate: 115; Intensity: 8; Form: 6.

FRIDAY - MARCH 22, 2019 - P90X2 - P.A.P. Upper

Same theme as yesterday. Nothing was exceptional, but with some small improvements it was my best effort of the six tims I did it this round. I used 25 lb dumbbells once again on the Renegade Rows and Step Up Presses. The big thing was that I got in the full 60 seconds on all four Med Ball Planks and the full 45 seconds on three of the four Superman's. I wasn't getting anywhere near those times two weeks ago. Pull-ups (regular ones) were 8/6/5/5/ Those could have been better, but overall I felt good with what I accomplished.

Time: 52 minutes; Calories Burned: 506; Avg Heart Rate: 121; Intensity: 8; Form: 8..

SATURDAY - MARCH 23, 2019 - P90X2 - X2 Yoga

Last workout of the round. I wanted to make it good, but my mind was wandering a bit, as I wanted to get it over with. I did hold the first Half Moon, which I usually can't, and I was able to reach underneath and get a good finger clasp on both of the Wraps. I didn't hold them for that long, but it was progress. This was similar to the last two days where I finished with small improvements. A good end to the round.

Time: 67 minutes: Calories Burned: 514; Avg Heart Rate: 109; Intensity: 7; Form: 8.

SUNDAY - MARCH 24, 2019 - Rest


Weight: 175.0 (no change)         (-2.0 lbs for the round)
Body Fat: 16.8% (-0.2%)           (-0.8% for the round)

Most of the 2 lbs I lost in the round was in the first week. Since then, I've been stuck around 175. The drop in Body Fat is good, but I'm still not eating great. Yesterday was horrible eating wise.


A good finish. I realized I was getting better at things slowly but surely. My body is sore but I'm feeling really toned.


Going into the round I was thinking this wasn't one of my favorite programs to do. That's now changed. There are still things I struggle with, but the challenge is there. I'm very pleased with what I accomplished. I'm not going to hesitate to do it again.

Monday, March 11, 2019

WEEK OF 03/11/19 - P90X2 - ROUND 3 - WEEK 12

MONDAY - MARCH 11, 2019 - P90X2 - P.A.P. Lower

I would like to think I did better than last week, but I'm not sure. I still struggled coming down on the Step Up Convicts. My back foot seems to twist when I come down and it throws me all over the place. I'm barely bending my back leg into a lunge because I'm losing my balance. I also struggle with my balance on the Cross Over Reaches. Once I bend my leg my foot collapses inward and I'm done. I do my best on both of the above moves. I've still not reached 30 seconds on any of the Side Planks, but I think that's more of mind over matter. Still a good workout, though.

Time: 62 minutes: Calories Burned: 543; Avg Heart Rate: 116; Intensity: 7; Form: 6.

TUESDAY - MARCH 12, 2019 - P90X2 - P.A.P. Upper

I did OK. The Renegade Rows are the toughest move for me, but I get them done. I used 20's on them and the Shoulder Presses, but might shift to 25's on Friday, just to test myself. I'm also trying to get better at the Plyo Pushups. I just don't have the explosion to get up real high. On the Med Ball Planks I hit 60 seconds on three of the four times, and got to 30 seconds twice on the Superman's, but never got in the full 45 seconds. I got in 7 regular pull-ups on the first two sets, then four, then five, so that's something to work at. A good workout. Not perfect, but I was pleased with myself. Aside from a couple of the Superman's, the effort was there

Time: 52 minutes; Calories Burned: 506; Avg Heart Rate: 121; Intensity: 7; Form: 7.

WEDNESDAY - MARCH 13, 2019 - P90X2 - Recovery + Mobility

Very relaxing once again. Concentrated on back and shoulders again. I'm really starting to notice more shoulder mobility, especially when I put my arm behind my back. I think I have much more range of motion than I used to.

Time: 57 minutes; Calories Burned: 304; Avg Heart Rate: 96; Intensity: 8; Form: 8.

THURSDAY - MARCH 14, 2019 - P90X2 - P.A.P. Lower

It was an OK effort. I was stumbling again on the Step Up Convicts and also on the Cross Reaches. Again, it's the one leg things. I got in 30 seconds a couple times on the Side Planks, which is the first time this round. Those things are tough, but I admit I give up too early on them sometimes because I don't like them and don't feel like toughing it out. After going two months without it, I've also started drinking a few diet pops here and there. Today I drank more than my share. I need to stop that again. I didn't really miss it when I wasn't drinking it, but I let it get away from me.

Time: 62 minutes; Calories Burned: 580; Avg Heart Rate: 119; Intensity: 7; Form: 5.

FRIDAY - MARCH 15, 2019 - P90X2 - P.A.P. Upper

I took a deep nap when I got home. When I woke my body was really tired and sluggish. It was one of those days when I wondered how I was going to do one rep of anything, never mind an entire workout. Midway through the warm-up a friend of mine called and that few minutes on the phone took my mind off the dread of the workout and seemed to wake up my body a bit. My plan was to use 25 lb dumbbells on the Renegade Rows and the Step Up Presses. I'd been using 20's before. I decided to go with the 20's then changed my mind again and went with the 25's. I decided I was really going to need to push myself today, and this was one way to do it. They were certainly do-able. I could feel the difference a bit on the Presses but got through it. On the Plyo Pushups I decided to do them on my knees to get a bit of explosion. Doing them from my feet is slow, ugly, and bad form. This wasn't the place for that. The explosion is what was needed for this workout. I was back to doing six pull-ups after getting seven in a few times on Tuesday. I only got four in on the last round, but I think a lot of that was because my grip was slipping. So, I turned what could have been a bad workout into a decent one.

Time: 52 minutes; Calories Burned: 509; Avg Heart Rate: 121; Intensity: 7; Form: 7.

SATURDAY - MARCH 16, 2019 - P90X2 - X2 Yoga

I wasn't feeling real good going into it, just a bit "off". I rushed a few moves and came out of a few a couple seconds early. It was just a disjointed session.

Time: 67 minutes; Calories Burned: 446; Avg Heart Rate: 102; Intensity: 5; Form: 6.

SUNDAY - MARCH 17, 2019 - P90X2 - X2 Ab Ripper

Last time for this one this round. I started out a bit weak, especially with Row Your Boad, but finished OK.

Time: 16 minutes; Calories Burned: 120; Avg Heart Rate: 105; Intensity: 7; Form: 8.


Weight: 175.0 (no change)
Body Fat: 17.0% (+0.1 %)

This is where I've been all year.


I wasn't feeling good most of the week. My body is getting tired. Only one week to go.


Monday, March 4, 2019

WEEK OF 03/04/19 - P90X2 - ROUND 3 - WEEK 11

MONDAY - MARCH 4, 2019 - P90X2 - P.A.P. Lower

This is the start the the three week Phase Three which is primarily the two P.A.P. workouts. Today I was horrible. My balance stunk on a number of moves, especially the Step Up Convicts. I used a Step platform with four levels. I was having a problem placing my foot down into the lunge and was all over the place. I also has a lot of problems holding the side planks, but I think a lot of that was my foot slipping on the carpet. Next time I'll use a mat and hopefully will get a better grip. I'll get five more cracks at this in the next few week, so I think I'll improve.

Time: 62 minutes; Calories Burned: 549; Avg Heart Rate: 116; Intensity: 7; Form: 4.

TUESDAY - MARCH 5, 2019 - P90X2 - P.A.P. Upper

Tony says at the beginning of this workout to go for it and not be timid. I was timid going in. I was low on energy. Overall, I didn't do real well, especially on the first complex. I sed 20's on the Renegade Rows. On the first set my hands were hurting a lot when doing the push-ups off the dumbbells. I changed my grip a bit on the second set and it was a little more comfortable. I did the Plyo Push-ups off me knees. I couldn't even think of trying them off my feet today. I didn't hold any of the Plank on Medicine Balls or Superman's for too long. On the second complex I did regular pull-ups instead of the towel ones, and did 5 on each set. The second complex went much better than the first.

Time: 52 minutes: Calories Burned: 403; Avg Heart Rate: 109; Intensity: 6; Form: 5.

WEDNESDAY - MARCH 6, 2019 - P90X2 - Recovery + Mobility

Very relaxing. During the foam rolling sequence I concentrated on my back and my shoulders. I wasn't even listening to Tony. I was just relaxing. I did a few toe touches with my foot raised, but not many.

Time: 57 minutes; Calories Burned: 243; Avg Heart Rate: 90; Intensity: 8; Form: 8.

THURSDAY - MARCH 7, 2018 - P90X2 - P.A.P. Lower 

I used a mat for the Step Up Convicts and the Side Bridges. On the first two sets of the Convicts I got in 6 reps in each leg, I was really stumbling, especially when my right leg was going back into the lunge. On the last two sets I got in the 8 reps they were doing, and my balance was a bit better. I didn't get to 30 seconds on any of the Side Bridges, but most were between 20 and 25 seconds. The mat certainly helped, as my bottom leg had been sliding on the carpet without it. A bit of improvement over Monday's workout.

Time: 62 minutes; Calories Burned: 555; Avg Heart Rate: 116; Intensity: 7; Form: 7.

FRIDAY - MARCH 8, 2019 - P90X2 - P.A.P. Upper

I did much better than I did on Tuesday. On the Renegade Rows my hands were hurting bad on the first set. I widened the distance on the second set to a little wider than shoulder width on the push-ups and it worked much better. I did 6 regular pull-ups on each set (instead of towel pull-ups). I aso did the Plyo push-ups off my feet this time. They were slow and ugly, but I was off my knees.

Time: 52 minutes; Calories Burned: 516; Avg Heart Rate: 123; Intensity: 7; Form: 7.

SATURDAY - MARCH 9, 2019 - P90X2 - X2 Yoga

I got started in the early evening. I was feeling pretty good and looking forward to it, as I've been usually doing strength workouts on Saturdays. Early on in the workout I just felt I was "off" a bit. This compounded quickly. During the Standing Sequences I was coming out of poses early and just standing for a few seconds before going back into it. Three or four times I actually just sat on the mat for 15 seconds or so because I was so frustrated. I finished the last 20 minutes of stretching poses OK, so that was a bit of a saving grace. I'm not beating myself up over this because there are going to be days like this.

Time: 67 minutes; Calories Burned: 449; Avg Heart Rate: 103; Intensity: 5; Form: 5.

SUNDAY - MARCH 10, 2019 - P90X2 - X2 Ab Ripper

I felt good. It went well.

Time: 16 minutes; Calories Burned: 103; Avg Heart Rate: 100; Intensity: 7; Form: 9.


Weight: 175.0 (-0.8 lbs)
Body Fat: 16.9% (-0.2%)

A bit surprising, as I know I didn't eat good yesterday, especially last night.


The P.A.P. workouts are tough, but I think I kept up near the end of the week. I had to modify a few moves, but that's OK.