Monday, April 13, 2015

INSANITY MAX 30 - ROUND 1 - WEEK 3 - WEEK OF 4/13/2015

MONDAY - APRIL 13, 2015 - INSANITY MAX 30 - Cardio Challenge

I was seriously considering not continuing the program, or at least taking a week off to get myself together. However, I decided to jump back into it, do the best I could, and watch my eating. The workout went better than before. I was able to do it in my bare feet again, which works best for me. I did modify some of the "jacks" moves, just stepping in and out instead of jumping. I'm still afraid of tweaking a calve muscle. The only move that gave me a lot of trouble were the Suicide Burpees. By the time those came around, I was fried. I did get 6 or 7 in each time though.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 390; Avg Heart Rate: 139; Max Heart Rate: 158; Maxed out at: 21:02.

TUESDAY - APRIL 14, 2015 - INSANITY MAX 30 - Tabata Power

I'm starting to feel effects of my annual early-spring cold. Absolutely no energy or strength. I was moving real slow. I maxed out real early on the push ups today. Couldn't get down real low, and actually did a few sets on my knees. All I can say is that I got through it. Low calorie burn. Low heart rate. I was going to say it was a poor effort, and that's somewhat true, but overall I didn't have a lot to give.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 275; Avg Heart Rate: 116; Max Heart Rate: 188; Maxed out at: 9:51.

UPDATE: I was sick on Wednesday, April 15th, and decided it was better to take the day off, which is something I rarely do. I then decided to totally stop the program. My mindset was horrible. I miss my cat terribly, which was affecting things a bit. Normally I can exercise my way through things like that to make myself feel a bit better, but that wasn't happening here. The last thing I wanted to do everyday was to make myself more miserable by pushing myself through this repetitive, boring bullshit. As I said before, this is nothing more than Focus T25 with an extra 5 minutes added on, and Focus T25 was nothing more than a lame version of the original Insanity. This may be a great program for someone else, but not for me. I just don't see it doing anything other than burning some calories. I don't see this program making me stronger in any way, and I could definitely see me injuring my calf muscles again with all the "jacks".

I took a few weeks off to get my mind right, then started Body Beast in mid-May. As of my entering this on June 23rd, I'm in my 7th week of it, and loving it. I may start posting again soon.

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