Monday, August 18, 2014

P90X2 - ROUND 2 - WEEK 2 - Week of 08/18/2014

MONDAY - AUGUST 18, 2014 - X2 Core

Did OK. Certainly better than last week in areas, but still a long way to go to master a lot of these moves. Didn't get any weighted Dreya Rolls in. Can't get enough momentum to get myself up without pushing off. Still struggle with some of the burpees off of the stability or medicine balls.

Time: 55 minutes; Calories Burned: 444; Avg Heart Rate: 110; Max Heart Rate: 146.

TUESDAY - AUGUST 19, 2014 - Plyocide

I've been tending to underestimate this workout. I know there's about a 12 minute warm up and about 14 minutes of stretching at the end, so I'm thinking no big deal. But it's the time in between that's an absolute killer. My heart rate was constantly in the 150s during that part. It's the most calories I've ever burned on this workout. My average heart rate was 129, and that includes all that warm up and cool down / stretching time. It may have been over 140 for the actual workout time. I'm drenched in sweat.

Time: 55 minutes: Calories Burned: 608; Avg Heart Rate: 129; Max Heart Rate: 159.

WEDNESDAY - AUGUST 20, 2014 - X2 Yoga

Good workout. Lost my balance a few times, but that's normal. Just do the best I can.

Time: 67 minutes; Calories Burned: 452; Avg Heart Rate: 102; Max Heart Rate: 128.

THURSDAY - AUGUST 21, 2014 - X2 Total Body

I did much, much better than last week. One think that shocked me was that I barely tapped my foot while doing the Warrior 3 Kickbacks and Curls on my right foot. The left foot wasn't so good, but it was better than usual. The only stumble was on my second set of Crunchy Lever Pullups. I only got 4 in. I got 7 in on the first set. Again, I'm drenched in sweat.

Time: 63 minutes; Calories Burned: 595; Avg Heart Rate: 119; Max Heart Rate: 159.

FRIDAY - AUGUST 22, 2014 - X2 Balance and Power

Another big improvement over last week. I used 10 lb weights on most of the moves last week. Today I used 15's. I also did a lot more reps on many of the exercises. I've been concentrating of eating better, therefore I've been feeling better, so I'm sure that has a lot to do with it. I played golf this morning and played better than I have in a long time. I'm sure this had a lot to do with that.

Time: 62 minutes; Calories Burned: 642; Avg Heart Rate: 123; Max Hrart Rate: 153.

SATURDAY - AUGUST 23, 2014 - Recovery and Mobility

Relaxing, but no balance on the one-legged touch down moves. I'm still not "getting" the foam roller. I moved all around on the thing, but never get to the painful "knots" he's talking about. Maybe it's just my body, or maybe I'm not doing it right. Anyways, I'm glad I set this up for Saturdays. It's perfect there.

Time: 57 minutes; Calories Burned: 190; Avg Heart Rate: 83; Max Heart Rate: 203.

SUNDAY - AUGUST 24, 2014 - X2 Ab Ripper

Not my best workout. I noticed my form wasn't great on many of the moves.

Time: 16 minutes; Calories Burned: 104; Avg Heart Rate: 94; Max Heart Rate: 119.


Weight: 194.0 (+1.4 lbs)
Body Fat: 21.2% (+0.2%)

I'm not happy with the increase, and am a bit surprised at it. I didn't eat as clean as last week, but I'm still concentrating on it.


The workouts went well, There was major, noticeable improvement in three of them. Obviously, I need to concentrate more on the nutrition.

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