Monday, August 16, 2010

Round 6 - Week 12

This is a Plus Week

MONDAY - August 16, 2010 - Upper Plus
I came home and mowed the lawn before I did my workout. I normally don't do that during the week, but it needed it badly, and it couldn't wait until next weekend. I think it got the adrenaline going a bit, because I felt more energized during the workout, and I took a lot less break time than usual. Most of the rep counts and weights were the same as last time. There were a few moves where I did a few less reps (time ran out), and a few I did more of, most notably the Lean Back Curls (increased from 20 to 24 reps), and Bicep Everythings (increased from 30 to 32 reps). Calorie burn was 504, which is a bit above average for this workout, but they've all been within 25 calories from high to low.

TUESDAY - August 17, 2010 - Interval X Plus
I've been extremely tired the last few weeks, as I haven't been getting nearly enough sleep. I came home feeling OK, took a small nap, and woke up feeling horrible. The workout went OK, but I felt I lacked the energy I often have. I only burned 444 calories, where in previous Interval X workouts I'd burned between 445 and 478. My average heart rate was only 123, whereas my normal average rate is around 130. It seems I have more energy for workouts if I don't rest after I get home. I'm not sure what I'll do in the future. I guess I'll see how I feel from day to day, but it's something to monitor.

WEDNESDAY - August 18, 2010 - Total Body Plus
Nothing exceptional to report today. I'm becoming more familiar with the moves, but I'm still doing roughly the same number each time with the same weight, so it's hard to measure progress. However, I did feel a bit more confident and stronger today with the exercises. I still can't get the coordination of the Spiderman Jumps, but I'll work on it. Burned 560 calories, which is about average for this routine.

THURSDAY - August 19, 2010 - Yoga X
Once again, my mind was all over the place. I went through the poses OK, but it was almost like I was a robot, as there was absolutely no concentration on what I was doing. I burned 509 calories, which is low.

FRIDAY - August 20, 2010 - Legs and Back
My last "strength" workout of the round. I felt a lot stronger going into it than I did last week, and felt I'd certainly be able to more pullups. I ended up with 84, which was 12 more than last week, and only 2 short of my high from a few weeks ago. I only did 17 in the last set of switch grips, whereas I had done 25 in my high week. This means I picked up 6 pullups in the other 7 sets, which makes me happy. For the record, on all but the switch grips, once I come down to the floor, I stop counting. On the switch grips, I come down to the floor after each two, then keep going until I can't get up anymore. Sometimes there's a 5 to 10 second break between trying to get back up again, but usually nothing longer than that. I never take my hands off the bar. The leg routines all went fine, but for some reason my balance was horrible, especially during the Sneaky Lunges. I ended up burning 543 calories, which is about average for Legs and Back.

SATURDAY - August 21, 2010 - Kenpo Cardio Plus
A pretty good workout, but the uncoordination from the last few workouts carried over to today. I think it's just fatigue from a lack of sleep, but on some of the moves I felt like I was doing them for the first time. I was stumbling all over the place on the Side Speed Kicks, and missed a few of the reps at the beginning of some exercises because I was looking at the video saying "What is he doing again?". Nonetheless, I still burned 427 calories which is near the high end for this workout.

SUNDAY - August 22, 2010 - Weigh In & Abs Core Plus
WEIGH IN: Weight = 174.6; Body Fat = 22.2%

I lost the .7 pounds I put on last week, which I had gained the previous week, which I had lost the previous week. I see a pattern here.

I'm using a digital scale, which can vary widely each time I step onto it, so I weigh myself a number of times, and then take an average. Today I had one measurement at 169.6, and another at 179.6. How is that possible? I try to stand in the same spot each time, but that's almost impossible. It's very frustrating to not have that accuracy, but I've learned to work around it.

One week to go in this round, and I'd like to get under 174.0. I've only been there for one week in the last two years. I started this thing two years ago at 214 pounds, and getting under 174 means I lost over 40 pounds.

ABS CORE PLUS: Probably my best Abs Core Plus workout, simply because I'm becoming more familiar with the moves. I'm now able to concentrate on doing the moves, instead of glancing at the video constantly to see what they're doing. Burned 225 calories in the 23:09 it took me to do the routine.

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