Monday, February 25, 2013

INSANITY: ASYLUM (VOLUME 2) - ROUND 1 - WEEK 3 - Week of 2/25/2013

MONDAY - FEBRUARY 25, 2013 - X Trainer

There are days when you can't get out of your own way, and other days when everything seems to go smoothly. Today was a smooth day. My third time doing this routine, and I did much, much better on the agility exercises. I'm still nowhere close to being perfect on any of them, but I am starting to get it. I upped my weight from 15 lbs to 20 lbs on the Pyramid Weight Progressions with no problems.

Calories Burned: 542; Avg Heart Rate: 129; Max Heart Rate: 159.

TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 26, 2013 - Upper Elite

Every once in a while you have a workout where you really max yourself out, and today was one of those days. Two weeks ago, I used 15 lb weights for all the weighted moves. Last week I used 20 lbs, and today I increased it to 25 lbs. One thing that makes this workout so tough is the pace. Shaun is relentless. I was tempted to hit thr Pause button for the first time in ages, but I never did. I got through it, and I was "toast" at the end, but it was a good "toast".

Calories Burned: 669; Avg Heart Rate: 131; Max Heart Rate: 159.

WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 27, 2013 - Power Legs

Another really good workout. That's three in a row this week. My focus was there today. I was able to stay with them on the band moves. I probably didn't do as many reps as they did, but I wasn't stumbling all over the place like I had been the first two times I did this workout. I'm pleased, and am really, really happy with the program in general.

Calories Burned: 520; Avg Heart Rate: 126; Max Heart Rate: 152.

THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 28, 2013 - Off Day Stretch

I ate dinner before I did this, and I felt it, even though it was only a light stretch workout. Bad idea.

Calories Burned: 131; Avg Heart Rate: 89; Max Heart Rate: 111.

FRIDAY - MARCH 1, 2013 - Back and 6-Pack

This wasn't as great a workout as the first 3 days this week, but it was an improvement over last week. The weighted pulses are still the toughest move for me, but I got through them OK, as I did with the pullup moves. I did 7 wide grip pullups to start the workout. I remember when I couldn't do any.

Calories Burned: 381; Avg Heart Rate: 124; Max Heart Rate: 181.

SATURDAY - MARCH 2, 2013 - Championship / Sudden Death OT

A good workout. I raised my weights to 25 lbs for the Weight Lifting Section. I noticed something during that section. He said we were doing four reps on each of the four circuits. On the third circuit I stppoed at four, but I think they did two more reps. I was out of gas anyways. I'll have to watch closer next time. I got in 5 reps on the Fit Test section. The agility part of that seems to be coming easier to me now.

Calories Burned: 590; Avg Heart Rate: 127; Max Heart Rate: 190.

SUNDAY - MARCH 3, 2013 - Ab Shredder and Weigh-In

Ab Shredder
I upped my numbers on a lot of the moves, which is good. After the workout, I layed on the floor and watched the workout a second time through. While doing this I could feel the tightness in my abs, so I know this thing works. Great workout.

Calories Burnhed: 163; Avg Heart Rate: 111; Max Heart Rate: 135.

Weight: 176.4; Body Fat: 22.4%

A loss of .4 lbs and .1% body fat. Again, no major changes, but I do feel better. I still need to clean up the eating a bit.

Monday, February 18, 2013

INSANITY: ASYLUM (VOLUME 2) - ROUND 1 - WEEK 2 - Week of 2/18/2013

MONDAY - FEBRUARY 18, 2013 - X-Trainer

I'm not sure how I did compared to last week. I got through all 60 of the Matrix Pushups again, but I think I went to my knees four times. I also got through all 8 sets of the Pyramid Weights with no problems (used 15 lb weights). My agility still sucks and I still haven't watched the tutorial. On several of the moves I tried slowing everything down, and almost stepping through the moves, but even that got frustrating. Shaun T is an ex-dancer, and this stuff comes naturally to him, but I have two left feet, and it doesn't. However, I will continue to work at it until I get it. I don't give up on these things.

Calories Burned: 479; Avg Heart Rate: 123; Max Heart Rate: 150.

TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 19, 2013 - Upper Elite

I increased my weight on all the exercises (except for the first one) from the 15 lbs I used last week to 20 lbs this week. It was still do-able, and I didn't struggle with the weight on any of the moves. I think I increased my rep count on a few of the moves, and maybe even decreased on a few, but It was hard to keep track of. I'm used to writing down my reps and weight from the P90X workouts, but Shaun moves so fast from one exercise to the next, it's almost impossible to do that. I still never hit pause however. I'm still not crazy about the one-arm pushups, but I increased my numbers on those a bit from last week. By the time we got to the end of the workout, I could barely get in the final 20 Tricep Pushups. I did them, but I know I wasn't going all the way down on them.

Calories Burned: 611; Avg Heart Rate: 124; Max Heart Rate: 157.

WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 20, 2013 - Power Legs

This is the second time I've done this workout, and I'm realizing the first half of the workout, using the leg bands, is more difficult for me than the second half, where the weights are used. I was constantly winded in the first half, and totally fine in the second half. One thing I was proud of is that I was able to do the footwork on the Crossword Puzzle agility move. It was the only one of several agility moves I did properly, but it's a start.

Calories Burned: 487; Avg Heart Rate: 122; Max Heart Rate: 154.

THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 21, 2013 - Off Day Stretch

My body is still sore from these workouts, so I know they're working. The stretch today was welcomed.

Calories Burned: 100; Avg Heart Rate: 84; Max Heart Rate: 103.

FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 22, 2013 - Back and 6-Pack

I'm just glad this is a short workout. I did OK. The toughest move for me was the Pulse-ups, where you are laying on your stomach, holding a weight in front of you (I used 5 lbs), and pulsing your arms up in a progression from 2 pulses to 16 pulses. It doesn't look hard, but it is. I did roughly the same on the pullup moves as last week.

Calories Burned: 411; Avg Heart Rate: 128; Max Heart Rate: 153.

SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 23, 2013 - Championship / Sudden Death OT

I watched the "Audition" agiity move from the tutorial before the workout, so I could do it properly in the Sudden Death section. I remembered it pretty well, but I was really tired when I got to the end, and only got in 3.75 reps. I upped my weight from the 15 lbs I used last week to 20 lbs on the Weight Lifting section. Other than that, I did OK, but not great. There's still room for improvement.

Calories Burned: 590; Avg Heart Rate: 127; Max Heart Rate: 156.

SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 24, 2013 - Ab Shredder and Weigh-In

Ab Shredder
This went OK. The only real problem I had was holding the plank during the Plank Spider Series. My shoulders were really burning.

Weight: 176.9; Body Fat: 22.5%
An increase of .7 lbs and .1 Body Fat. Again, I didn't eat perfectly for the week.

Monday, February 11, 2013

INSANITY: ASYLUM (VOLUME 2) - ROUND 1 - WEEK 1 - Week of 2/11/2013

MONDAY - FEBRUARY 11, 2013 - X Trainer

I decided to jump right into Asylum 2 instead of taking a week off, or doing a week's worth of cardio. I didn't have time to do the Agility Tutorial, so I just went right into the X Trainer workout. My first impressions were good. I was totally uncoordinated on the agililty moves. I tried watching their feet as close as I could, but it was useless. I did the best I could. I was a lot slower than they were, but that will pick up in time, once I get the moves down. I watched a few minutes of the Tutorial afterwards, and while it might have helped a bit, it's simply going to take time. On the non-agililty moves, I did pretty good. I did all 60 pushups in the Moving Matrix Push-ups, only going to my knees two times (I think), and I also did all 8 sets of the Pyramid Weights. I used 15lbs for those, because I didn't know what to expect. I'm sure I can bump up the weight on those at some point. I had a bit of a problem with the Single Arm Assisted Pushups because it took me a while to see what they were actually doing. All in all, I liked the workout, and I didn't take any breaks.

Calories Burned: 477; Avg Heart Rate: 122; Max Heart Rate: 227.

TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 12, 2013 - Upper Elite

Well, that was a bit intense, but I got through it. I used 15 lb weights on everything. I had some heavier ones on hand, because I didn't know what to expect, but didn't use them. I might in the future, but you are doing so many exercises (50), that even the 15's get heavy after a while. I'm not too crazy about the one arm assisted pushups, but I'll get used to them, and I thought I'd seen my last Push-up Jack when I finished Insanity, but they're baaaaaack! I think I did OK for the first time out. Again, I took no breaks.

Calories Burned: 587; Avg Heart Rate: 121; Max Heart Rate: 157.

WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 13, 2013 - Power Legs

I can't say I was looking forward to this workout, but I thought it would be much easier than yesterday's workout because I've never had too much of a problem with leg routines. For me, it was a bit easier than Upper Elite, but not by much. I got frustrated with the agility moves. I can't tell how many times I twisted up the ladder, especially during the first half of the workout. I think once I learn the moves, it'll get better. The second half of the workout went much better. The weight moves went very well. I used 15 lb weights on all the weighted moves, and I was pretty much able to keep up with those on the video. The pulsing squatting moves during the "Burnout" over the final five minutes or so are going to make my quads very sore over the next few days, but I finished up strong and didn't come out of any of the squats for the entire "Burnout" section.

Calories Burned: 464; Avg Heart Rate: 119; Max Heart Rate: 149.

THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 14, 2013 - Off Day Stretch

After the previous three workouts, I was looking forward to this one all day long. I was a bit apprehensive as to what kind of weird, intense stretches Shaun T would throw in, but they turned out to be simple, relaxing ones. The half hour went by very fast. There were a few alernatives to the P90X stretches I'm used to, most notably the Seated Spinal Stretch. I didn't seem to be as tied up in a pretzel in this one as I am in Tony's version, and it still worked well.

Calories Burned: 97; Avg Heart Rate: 88; Max Heart Rate: 101.

FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 15, 2013 - Back and Six-Pack

This workout seemed a bit easier than the first three days. First of all, it was only 37 minutes, and second, most of the moves weren't killers. Plus, he took a few breaks to explain the options he gives of some of the back exercises. There are six moves where you can either do bent over weights, or you can do pullups. I chose to do pullups on those moves, simply because I'm not good at them, and I'm trying to get better. I did struggle with some of the pullup moves, especially near the end, but overall I did OK on the workout as a whole.

Also, I've been really trying to eat better this week. Today there was a lot of junk food in the office, and I had a bunch of cookies and a few bit size Almond Joys (stress eating), but otherwise I've been doing OK. At dinner I've been eating a lot. I've been eating a lot of Quinoa and broccoli, and adding in chicken or crab cake sandwiches on wheat rolls along with that. I've been slacking off on the proteins for a long time, and I feel stronger and leaner this week, so I'll keep it up. I'll have to check on the crab cakes. They might be high on the caloric side, so I'll adjust if I need to.

Calories Burned: 350; Avg Heart Rate: 119; Max Heart Rate: 211.

SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 16, 2013 - Championship / Sudden Death OT (Fit Test)

This wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be, and from what I remember it certainly wasn't as hard as Asylum 1's Game Day. That's not to say it was easy. There were times I was moving slow, and others when I had to stop for a few seconds to catch my breath. I did 6 cycles on the Sudden Death OT Fit Test, but I was free-lancing it on the Audition (agility) portion. I still don't have the footwork down on that one yet, but I'll watch the tutorial.

Calories Burned: 532; Avg Heart Rate: 121; Max Heart Rate: 194.

SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 17, 2013 - Ab Shredder and Weigh-In

I liked this workout. It was tough, but different. I kept up on most of the moves. I forgot to start the heart rate monitor, so I didn't get any numbers.

Weight: 176.2; Body Fat: 22.4%
A drop of .2 lbs and no change in body fat. I guess I could be disappointed, but I'm not. Except for Thursday, I ate pretty good for the week. I felt better, and will keep it up.

Monday, February 4, 2013

P90X - ROUND 9 - WEEK 13 - Week of 2/4/2013

MONDAY - FEBRUARY 4, 2013 - Yoga X

This is the last week of the Round. I had some necessary interruptions during the first half of the workout, and actually paused the video for about a minute between the vinyasas half and the balancing / stretching half. I think it's the only time I hit pause to rest during this entire round. However, I finished it up OK. For some reason, I've really been struggling with the Warrior 3 / Half Moon moves, especially on my right leg. By the time I get to those moves I'm almost quiverring, and can't get into the moves, especially the Half Moon on my right leg. I almost always have to come out of it. I also came out of Crane early, just because I didn't want to hold it any longer. One more chance this round to get it right.

Calories Burned: 694; Avg Heart Rate: 108; Max Heart Rate: 137.

TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 5, 2013 - Core Synergistics

As I've mentioned almost every time I do this workout, I don't like it, but I respect it. One thing I have noticed, however, is that P90X+, P90X2, and Insanity:The Asylum are all similar to this workout, so there must be something to it. Today, I upped the weight to 15 lbs on Lunge and Reach, and also used 15s on the Squat X-Presses and Lunge, Kickback, Curl, Press. I used 10's on the Leaning Crescent Lunges and Squat Runs. My only bad moments were that I wasn't getting up too high in Bow (because I didn't feel like it), and I still am having problems getting through the Chaturanga section in Plank to Chaturanga Runs. I'm collapsing during the second Chaturanga set. I think I'm exhausted after the X-Presses. Otherwise, I brought it, and did good.

Calories Burned: 575; Avg Heart Rate: 125; Max Heart Rate: 159.

WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 6, 2013 - Cardio X

I'm probably repeating myself here, but I'm glad I found a place for Cardio X in the Classic Program, and it's here in the Recovery Weeks, in place of Kenpo X. Cardio X will never be a big calorie burner, simply due to the length of the workout, but my heart rate does get up in the Core section, especially during the Dreya Rolls.

Calories Burned: 336; Avg Heart Rate: 111; Max Heart Rate: 178.

THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 7, 2013 - X Stretch

I felt really, really tired before, and during the workout. I had a few cups of coffee yesterday at work, and today I had a Diet Pepsi. I normally don't drink coffee, and I'm wondering if all that caffeine is affecting me in a big way, even more than I expected. Something to keep an eye on. As for the workout, I've been more sore than usual since last Friday. I'm not sure it it was from the pullups during Legs and Back, or what it was, but it's been noticeable. I was tight as a drum today. I couldn't get back in Camel, and didn't even try to lay on my back in Hero Pose. Most days I can. However, I did what I could, and we'll see tomorrow if any of the soreness has gone away.

Calories Burned: 273; Avg Heart Rate: 93; Max Heart Rate: 116.

FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 8, 2013 - Core Synergistics

Got out of work early today because of the oncoming storm, but couldn't get myself pumped to get the workout done early. I kept putting it off, but realized once I got started on it, it would fly by, as it always does. One thing about Core Synergistics: as much as I dislike it, it does seem to go quickly, and I realized after todays workout that I never look at the countdown clock on the this video. Strange. Anyways, I got the workout in, and felt great afterwards.

Calories Burned: 570; Avg Heart Rate: 124; Max Heart Rate: 158.

SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 9, 2013 - Yoga X

Final workout of the Round! It went OK. Not great, but not bad. I noticed I had sweat dripping off me like crazy when I was in the Twisting Prayer Poses in the Lunge. I'm still running out of gas when I get to the Half-Moons, but I held three of the four. I also held both of my Warrior 3's, which I haven't been doing lately. My standing Balance Postures were also better than usual. I held the right leg ones the full time, and my left leg ones about half the time. I held Crane twice for about 20 seconds each. All in all, a good way to finish the round. All that's left is tomorrow's weigh-in, and I'll also post some thoughts about the Round in general.

Calories Burned: 727; Avg Heart Rate: 111; Max Heart Rate: 135.

SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 10, 2013 - Weigh-In

Weight: 176.4; Body Fat: 22.4%

A decrease of 1.6 lbs and .5% body fat. I ate much better this week, and it showed, escpecially in the Body Fat %.

OVERALL: For the 90 days, my weight increased from 175.9 to 176,4, and my Body Fat increased from 22.3% to 22.4%.


Let's start with the negatives: There is only one big one, and that is the weight / body fat numbers. I've heard it said over and over again, not to judge what the scale says. However, I'm not fooling myself. I'm disappointed in myself that I didn't eat better. I don't eat horribly, but I still eat pizza here and there, still drink way too much Diet pop, still grab the sweets here and there, etc. I have no real desire to cut out all those things from my life altogether, but I do find myself grabbing for things like that because I'm stressed, or not thinking, or telling myself a liitle bit won't hurt. I need to be conscious of those things, and look for alternatives, or just plan ahead. If there is to be another negative, it's that my balance, especially on my left leg, isn't getting any better. I have bad feet, ankles, and knees, so I'm not sure it's even physically possible to have it improve, but it's still a bit frustrating, and I'll still work at it.

Now, the positives: 1) I didn't miss a workout. Actually, I've never missed a workout in all of my 9 Rounds. 2) I only hit the pause button one time to rest (during the first Yoga X on week 13), and that was only for a minute os so to regroup because I had to keep answering the phone to take care of some needed family issues. Previously, I used to take all kinds of breaks on all the resistance workouts. 3) I increased the weight I was lifting, especially during Phase Three. I had plateaued a bit the last few rounds, not wanting to increase the weight in fear I'd hurt myself, but busted through that plateau, and felt much stronger and empowered. 4) I got a bit better at pullups. As my strength increased, I was simply more confident in doing them. Upper body strenghth is still my weakness, and I have a long way to go to match Tony and the guys on the videos, but it's a start.


I purchased Insanity:The Asylum - Volume 2 just before starting this P90X Round. I haven't done it yet, so I'll be trying that out for a few weeks. Yesterday, I ordered four of Tony's One On One videos (Plyo Legs, 30/15 Upper body Massacre (pushups and pullups), Just Arms, and Patience Hummingbird (Yoga)), so I'll also be trying those out for a few weeks. Last night and this morning, I set up a 13 week Hybrid schedule that will incorporate all the workouts I've ammassed. One Week I'll be doing P90X, then the next I'll be doing a week of P90X2, then a week of P90X+, then a week of Insanity, then Asylum 1, then Asylum 2, then a week of One On Ones, mixing in the different weekly Phases of P90X and P90X2, Insanity, etc. However, before I do that, I think I'll be doing my secomd round of P90X2. I really liked it the first time around.