Monday, February 18, 2013

INSANITY: ASYLUM (VOLUME 2) - ROUND 1 - WEEK 2 - Week of 2/18/2013

MONDAY - FEBRUARY 18, 2013 - X-Trainer

I'm not sure how I did compared to last week. I got through all 60 of the Matrix Pushups again, but I think I went to my knees four times. I also got through all 8 sets of the Pyramid Weights with no problems (used 15 lb weights). My agility still sucks and I still haven't watched the tutorial. On several of the moves I tried slowing everything down, and almost stepping through the moves, but even that got frustrating. Shaun T is an ex-dancer, and this stuff comes naturally to him, but I have two left feet, and it doesn't. However, I will continue to work at it until I get it. I don't give up on these things.

Calories Burned: 479; Avg Heart Rate: 123; Max Heart Rate: 150.

TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 19, 2013 - Upper Elite

I increased my weight on all the exercises (except for the first one) from the 15 lbs I used last week to 20 lbs this week. It was still do-able, and I didn't struggle with the weight on any of the moves. I think I increased my rep count on a few of the moves, and maybe even decreased on a few, but It was hard to keep track of. I'm used to writing down my reps and weight from the P90X workouts, but Shaun moves so fast from one exercise to the next, it's almost impossible to do that. I still never hit pause however. I'm still not crazy about the one-arm pushups, but I increased my numbers on those a bit from last week. By the time we got to the end of the workout, I could barely get in the final 20 Tricep Pushups. I did them, but I know I wasn't going all the way down on them.

Calories Burned: 611; Avg Heart Rate: 124; Max Heart Rate: 157.

WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 20, 2013 - Power Legs

This is the second time I've done this workout, and I'm realizing the first half of the workout, using the leg bands, is more difficult for me than the second half, where the weights are used. I was constantly winded in the first half, and totally fine in the second half. One thing I was proud of is that I was able to do the footwork on the Crossword Puzzle agility move. It was the only one of several agility moves I did properly, but it's a start.

Calories Burned: 487; Avg Heart Rate: 122; Max Heart Rate: 154.

THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 21, 2013 - Off Day Stretch

My body is still sore from these workouts, so I know they're working. The stretch today was welcomed.

Calories Burned: 100; Avg Heart Rate: 84; Max Heart Rate: 103.

FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 22, 2013 - Back and 6-Pack

I'm just glad this is a short workout. I did OK. The toughest move for me was the Pulse-ups, where you are laying on your stomach, holding a weight in front of you (I used 5 lbs), and pulsing your arms up in a progression from 2 pulses to 16 pulses. It doesn't look hard, but it is. I did roughly the same on the pullup moves as last week.

Calories Burned: 411; Avg Heart Rate: 128; Max Heart Rate: 153.

SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 23, 2013 - Championship / Sudden Death OT

I watched the "Audition" agiity move from the tutorial before the workout, so I could do it properly in the Sudden Death section. I remembered it pretty well, but I was really tired when I got to the end, and only got in 3.75 reps. I upped my weight from the 15 lbs I used last week to 20 lbs on the Weight Lifting section. Other than that, I did OK, but not great. There's still room for improvement.

Calories Burned: 590; Avg Heart Rate: 127; Max Heart Rate: 156.

SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 24, 2013 - Ab Shredder and Weigh-In

Ab Shredder
This went OK. The only real problem I had was holding the plank during the Plank Spider Series. My shoulders were really burning.

Weight: 176.9; Body Fat: 22.5%
An increase of .7 lbs and .1 Body Fat. Again, I didn't eat perfectly for the week.

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