Monday, February 11, 2013

INSANITY: ASYLUM (VOLUME 2) - ROUND 1 - WEEK 1 - Week of 2/11/2013

MONDAY - FEBRUARY 11, 2013 - X Trainer

I decided to jump right into Asylum 2 instead of taking a week off, or doing a week's worth of cardio. I didn't have time to do the Agility Tutorial, so I just went right into the X Trainer workout. My first impressions were good. I was totally uncoordinated on the agililty moves. I tried watching their feet as close as I could, but it was useless. I did the best I could. I was a lot slower than they were, but that will pick up in time, once I get the moves down. I watched a few minutes of the Tutorial afterwards, and while it might have helped a bit, it's simply going to take time. On the non-agililty moves, I did pretty good. I did all 60 pushups in the Moving Matrix Push-ups, only going to my knees two times (I think), and I also did all 8 sets of the Pyramid Weights. I used 15lbs for those, because I didn't know what to expect. I'm sure I can bump up the weight on those at some point. I had a bit of a problem with the Single Arm Assisted Pushups because it took me a while to see what they were actually doing. All in all, I liked the workout, and I didn't take any breaks.

Calories Burned: 477; Avg Heart Rate: 122; Max Heart Rate: 227.

TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 12, 2013 - Upper Elite

Well, that was a bit intense, but I got through it. I used 15 lb weights on everything. I had some heavier ones on hand, because I didn't know what to expect, but didn't use them. I might in the future, but you are doing so many exercises (50), that even the 15's get heavy after a while. I'm not too crazy about the one arm assisted pushups, but I'll get used to them, and I thought I'd seen my last Push-up Jack when I finished Insanity, but they're baaaaaack! I think I did OK for the first time out. Again, I took no breaks.

Calories Burned: 587; Avg Heart Rate: 121; Max Heart Rate: 157.

WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 13, 2013 - Power Legs

I can't say I was looking forward to this workout, but I thought it would be much easier than yesterday's workout because I've never had too much of a problem with leg routines. For me, it was a bit easier than Upper Elite, but not by much. I got frustrated with the agility moves. I can't tell how many times I twisted up the ladder, especially during the first half of the workout. I think once I learn the moves, it'll get better. The second half of the workout went much better. The weight moves went very well. I used 15 lb weights on all the weighted moves, and I was pretty much able to keep up with those on the video. The pulsing squatting moves during the "Burnout" over the final five minutes or so are going to make my quads very sore over the next few days, but I finished up strong and didn't come out of any of the squats for the entire "Burnout" section.

Calories Burned: 464; Avg Heart Rate: 119; Max Heart Rate: 149.

THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 14, 2013 - Off Day Stretch

After the previous three workouts, I was looking forward to this one all day long. I was a bit apprehensive as to what kind of weird, intense stretches Shaun T would throw in, but they turned out to be simple, relaxing ones. The half hour went by very fast. There were a few alernatives to the P90X stretches I'm used to, most notably the Seated Spinal Stretch. I didn't seem to be as tied up in a pretzel in this one as I am in Tony's version, and it still worked well.

Calories Burned: 97; Avg Heart Rate: 88; Max Heart Rate: 101.

FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 15, 2013 - Back and Six-Pack

This workout seemed a bit easier than the first three days. First of all, it was only 37 minutes, and second, most of the moves weren't killers. Plus, he took a few breaks to explain the options he gives of some of the back exercises. There are six moves where you can either do bent over weights, or you can do pullups. I chose to do pullups on those moves, simply because I'm not good at them, and I'm trying to get better. I did struggle with some of the pullup moves, especially near the end, but overall I did OK on the workout as a whole.

Also, I've been really trying to eat better this week. Today there was a lot of junk food in the office, and I had a bunch of cookies and a few bit size Almond Joys (stress eating), but otherwise I've been doing OK. At dinner I've been eating a lot. I've been eating a lot of Quinoa and broccoli, and adding in chicken or crab cake sandwiches on wheat rolls along with that. I've been slacking off on the proteins for a long time, and I feel stronger and leaner this week, so I'll keep it up. I'll have to check on the crab cakes. They might be high on the caloric side, so I'll adjust if I need to.

Calories Burned: 350; Avg Heart Rate: 119; Max Heart Rate: 211.

SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 16, 2013 - Championship / Sudden Death OT (Fit Test)

This wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be, and from what I remember it certainly wasn't as hard as Asylum 1's Game Day. That's not to say it was easy. There were times I was moving slow, and others when I had to stop for a few seconds to catch my breath. I did 6 cycles on the Sudden Death OT Fit Test, but I was free-lancing it on the Audition (agility) portion. I still don't have the footwork down on that one yet, but I'll watch the tutorial.

Calories Burned: 532; Avg Heart Rate: 121; Max Heart Rate: 194.

SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 17, 2013 - Ab Shredder and Weigh-In

I liked this workout. It was tough, but different. I kept up on most of the moves. I forgot to start the heart rate monitor, so I didn't get any numbers.

Weight: 176.2; Body Fat: 22.4%
A drop of .2 lbs and no change in body fat. I guess I could be disappointed, but I'm not. Except for Thursday, I ate pretty good for the week. I felt better, and will keep it up.

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