Tuesday, November 4, 2014

P90X2 - ROUND 2 - WEEK 13 - Week of 11/03/2014

MONDAY - NOVEMBER 3, 2014 - P.A.P. Lower

Final week of this round. Everything went pretty good. I held 6 of the 8 Side Bridges for the entire 30 seconds. Only lasted 13 on the final one for some reason. My right calf muscle is still a bit tender, so I had to baby it a slight bit near the end.

Time: 62 minutes; Calories Burned: 633; Avg Heart Rate: 123; Max Heart Rate: 155.

TUESDAY - NOVEMBER 4, 2014 - P.A.P. Upper

I got through everything OK, but can't say anything was exceptional. My numbers were similar to what I've always been doing on this workout. Still can't get through the Supermans. Max time on them today was 29 seconds.

Time: 52 minutes; Calories Burned: 514; Avg Heart Rate: 121; Max Heart Rate: 163.

WEDNESDAY - NOVEMBER 5, 2014 - X2 Yoga

Not my best yoga workout. I'm finding myself just wanting to get to the end of this week and the end of the Round. My concentration level wasn't there and I was really, really bad on the moves in the First Standing Sequence. I was also really uncomfortable during the Shoulder Stand. Most of the other moves I was OK at.

Time: 67 minutes; Calories Burned: 466; Avg Heart Rate: 103; Max Heart Rate: 130.

THURSDAY - NOVEMBER 6, 2014 - P.A.P. Lower

It wasn't pretty on places, but I burned more calories than on any workout this round. On the last two sets of Step Up Convicts I was falling all over the place when coming down on my left leg. My balance is very bad, but never that bad. I was also bad on the Squat Cross Reaches, but I'm usually bad on those. No surprise there. I did get in all but one second on the Side Bridges.

Time: 62 minutes; Calories Burned: 677; Avg Heart Rate: 127; Max Heart Rate: 157.

FRIDAY - NOVEMBER 7, 2014 - P.A.P. Upper

Last real workout of the round. I did Ok, but have to admit I was just trying to get it over with. Pretty much the same results as the last few times I did this. However, on the last set of Plank On Medicine Ball I only lasted 13 seconds. I was just drained and exhausted. I usually last 60 seconds on those. My best on the Weighted Superman was 35 seconds. Just like yesterday, I had another high on the calorie burn for this workout. I am glad it's over.

Time: 52 minutes; Calories burned: 563; Avg Heart Rate: 126; Max Heart Rate: 190.

SATURDAY - NOVEMBER 8, 2014 - Recovery and Mobility

Day 90. Done. Nothing extra special about the workout itself other than I was getting my arms closer to the floor on the Roller Angels. I'm sure doing them during the P.A.P. Upper workout the last few weeks helped a bit. My body is still a bit sore and feeling beat up a bit, so it was good to finish with this workout.

Time: 57 minutes; Calories Burned: 278; Avg Heart Rate: 92; Max Heart Rate: 117.

SUNDAY - NOVEMBER 9, 2014 - Rest


Weight: 200.2 (+1.0 lbs)
Body Fat: 22.6% (+0.3%)

Not good. This is the heaviest I've been in years. Stress Eating. Poor eating choices in general.


I gave my best during the workouts, but I just wanted to get the round over with. I'm not happy I finished over 200 lbs.


My thoughts are twofold.

First, the weight: I put on 5.8 lbs and increased my body fat by 1.4%. For anybody reading this, that is NOT the program's fault. It's mine. I'm simply not disciplined and have no plan for eating.

Second, on the program itself: I think this has become my favorite workout program. It's different than all the others. It keeps you interested and challenged. There are still a lot of moves I can't do well, which means there's still room for improvement. There were very few days when I was dreading a workout because I didn't like that particular workout. The days I didn't feel like working out were simply days I didn't feel like working out. However, I still never missed a day. I never hit the pause button, and I never missed a move. Despite the weight gain I feel very toned, and actually pretty good, I'll do it again in the future. Would I label this round a success? Based on the way I feel, I'd say definitely yes!


I'm going to take off a week or two to give my body and mind a rest, then I'm going to get into the new P90 program. The premise is that it's less extreme than the P90X's programs, etc, but I've also heard it's not easy. We'll see. I'm not sure I'll do a full 90 days of it, but I'll determine that once I get into it.

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