Monday, May 28, 2018

WEEK OF 05/28/2018 - P90X - ROUND 11 - WEEK 3

MONDAY - MAY 28, 2018 - P90X - Chest and Back

I think I've said this before, but every time I'm ready to start this workout I wonder how I'm going to get through all 24 moves. It seems like an insurmountable mountain I can't climb. Then I always get them in. I did 305 push-ups today (an extra 5 on the second set of Diamonds). I got in 33 pull-ups and felt better on those that last week. I used 40 lb weights on all the back moves, except on the second set of Lawnmowers, when I used 50's. I got the workout in during the late morning, so now I can enjoy the rest of the day.

Time:52 minutes; Calories Burned: 281; Avg Heart Rate:120; Max Heart Rate: 145.

TUESDAY - MAY 29, 2018 - P90X - Plyometrics

Didn't eat lunch today at work. Came home and ate some junk. I was real, real sluggish going into the workout. I did Ok for the way I was feeling. I missed a few reps here and there because I was fatigued, but got through it. Lesson learned. Eat better. Can't get around that.

Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 432; Avg Heart Rate: 127; Max Heart Rate: 159.

WEDNESDAY - MAY 30, 2018 - P90X - Shoulders and Arms

I started the workout just before 7 pm. It was 89 degrees and humid. I had the fans on. They were helping, but not too much. Under the circumstances, I was undecided how to approach the workout. I was thinking of reducing the weights and doing more reps, but ultimately decided to keep doing what I had been doing, which was 8 to 10 reps with heavier weights. There were a few instances when I went a bit lighter with more reps, trying to be smart because of the heat, but I'm not sure it made a difference. End result: I got through it.

Time: 59 minutes; Calories Burned: 352; Avg Heart Rate: 123; Max Heart Rate: 156.

THURSDAY - MAY 31, 2018 - P90X - Yoga X

It's still a bit steamy so I knew this was going to be a sweat fest, and it was. 25 minutes in, and I was dripping. Somehow I was liking it though. I even grabbed my fingers in that reach under the leg twist thing. I hadn't been able to do that in years.The second half was very relaxing. I feel good afterwards and I'm still surprising myself at the things I can do lately. This workout brings that out.

Time: 92 minutes; Calories Burned: 208; Avg Heart Rate: 106; Max Heart Rate: 132.

FRIDAY - JUNE 1, 2018 - P90X - Legs and Back

Still extremely hot and humid. The leg moves went OK, but I went from 25 lb weights to 15 lbs on the Calf Raises because I was afraid the heavier weights would slide out of my hands. Not all bad, because I think I was able to get higher on the raises. I didn't give max effort on the pull-ups. I'm not good at them to begin with, but I decided to pace myself with them so I wouldn't run out of gas because of the heat. On the second round of them I decided to try a bit harder but my hands were sliding around on the bar, even with wearing gloves. I might have been able to do more, but sometimes you need to step back a bit.

Time: 59 minutes; Calories Burned: 294; Avg Heart Rate: 117; Max Heart Rate: 148.

SATURDAY - JUNE 2, 2018 - P90X - Kenpo X

Weather is a bit cooler today, plus I got my air conditioning fixed, so that's good new for future workout. I got an unexpected chance to play some golf this afternoon, so I took it. I didn't start the workout until about 8:30 pm. I was a bit tired and uninspired, but I got it done. I'm just glad it was Kenpo, which is one of my favorites.

Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 397; Avg Heart Rate: 121; Max Heart Rate: 197.

SUNDAY - JUNE 3, 2018 - P90X - Ab Ripper X

I did OK. Had to drop my feet after 42 Mason Twists, but got them back up to finish the final 8. I feel these moves in my abs, especially the Hip Rocks and Pulse Ups.

Time: 16 minutes; Calories Burned: 60; Avg Heart Rate: 104; Max Heart Rate: 134.


Weight: 186.0 (-0.8 lbs)
Body Fat: 19.4% (-0.1%)

Still going well. I'm still not eating perfectly, but I'm not gorging myself with junk either. I just have no cravings for it.


The workouts went well, even though I backed off slightly on a few of them due to the heat. I feel really good. People are starting to notice too.

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