Monday, March 23, 2020

WEEK OF 03/23/2020 - POWER 90 - ROUND 1 - WEEK 2

MONDAY - MARCH 23, 2020 - POWER 90 - Sculpt 1-2

I amped it up a wee bit more today. I did a few more reps on a few of the moves because I was ready with my weights and knew what move was coming next. I also used 25 lb dumbbells on the lunge and squat moves. They actually felt good. The pullups still aren't where I want them to be, but I'm glad I added them to the routine. They do cut down on my stretch and recovery time between sets, but I did hit pause twice, for about a minute each. That certainly helped, and I think it was smart. Without them, I think I would have really been suffering near the end.

Time: 29 minutes; Calories Burned: 286; Avg Heart Rate: 123.

TUESDAY - MARCH 24, 2020 - POWER 90 - Sweat 1-2 + Ab Ripper 100

It went OK. Still out of synch on the second set of Jumping Jacks. I think my legs are just getting tired there. Not much bounce left in my ankles at that point, either.

Time: 41 minutes; Calories Burned: 298; Avg Heart Rate: 106.

WEDNESDAY - MARCH 25, 2020 - POWER 90 - Sculpt 1-2

I increased my reps and/or wight on a few of the moves. I'm really pushing myself on this workout, trying to go max weight. The problem is that he goes too fast, and it's burning me out real quick. I took five or six small breaks today just to catch my breath and let my muscles recover for a few seconds. I think if I did this workout at a slower pace I might be able to do a bit more. For now, however, I'm going to stick to their pace, which I think is part of the purpose.

Time: 29 minutes; Calories Burned: 297; Avg Heart Rate: 124,

THURSDAY - MARCH 26, 2020 - POWER 90 - Sweat 1-2 + Ab Ripper 100

Not much to say. I like the workout.

Time: 41 minutes; Calories Burned: 308; Avg Heart Rate: 111.

FRIDAY - MARCH 27, 2020 - POWER 90 - Sculpt 1-2

I was actually dreading this one a bit today. The big thing was I think I only took one break instead of the five or six I took on Wednesday. I also burned out on the pull-ups, only getting three in on each of the last two sets. I've really been struggling with them this round. I even used my old pull-up bar, thing my struggles might have been with the cushier grips on the new bar, but that wasn't the problem. I think I'm just tired when I get to them.

Time: 29 minutes; Calories Burned: 283; Avg Heart Rate: 121.

SATURDAY - MARCH 28, 2020 - POWER 90 - Sweat 1-2 + Ab Ripper 100

Everything went well but the Run Lunges again. I burned a lot more calories than I thought I would have. There are times during this routine where I do have to stop and catch my breath, usually during the Jumping Jacks / Run Lunge section.

Time: 41 minutes; Calories Burned: 364; Avg Heart Rate: 117.

SUNDAY - MATCH 29, 2020 - Rest


Weight: 169.0 (+1,0 lbs)
Body Fat: 15.3% (+0.1%)

Eating like crap.


I'm beginning to like the Swat workout a lt more than the Sculpt workout. With Sculpt, I'm really going max weights. I'm beginning to get a bit stiff and sore in a few areas, One thing I'm noticing when I'm comparing it to P90X is that I'm not getting that great feeking when i'm done with the workout. I know I'm working hard on Sculpt, but something is missing. Maybe it's because I'm not just working one or two body parts in each workout. I'm working six or seven. I don't know.

I bought the five Tony Horton Power Half Hour workouts and his Ho Ale Ke Kona yoga workout to supplement the Power 90 workouts. I'm not even sure which program came out earlier, but I'm trying to get them all into a 90 day round.

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