Monday, March 16, 2020

WEEK OF 03/16/2020 - POWER 90 - ROUND 1 - WEEK 1

MONDAY - MARCH 16, 2020 - POWER 90 - Sculpt 1-2

I took three weeks off. I could have taken off more very easily, but I didn't want to go too long. I'm going old school, and trying Power 90, the precursor to P90X. I'd heard it wasn't nearly as hard as P90X, but that it held it's own. My body's been through a lot of intense workouts for the last few years, so a stop back might not be a bad thing. This workout is a circuit workout (Chest, Back with weights, Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps, Legs). There's three circuits. I didn't really know what to expect, even though I'd seen a brief outline of the moves. He moved very quickly from one move to another, barely giving you time to write down your numbers. I was scrambling for weights from move to move. Once thing for sure is if you max out your weights, this workout could be real tough. I went mid to high on my selection today. I did feel it a bit. I think once I'm more organized, I'll get more out of it. There are no pullups in this routine. After each circuit, there is about a minute or so of stretching. I thing I'm going to add a pullup move into each of those three stretch sections. It'll still give me time to catch my breath, but I don't want to ignore pullups entirely. I did the four minute Ab Ripper 100 routine at the end. I was familiar with it from the One On One series, and I liked it. I think I'm actually supposed to do it after the Sweat workout, so that's what I'll do down the road. My Heart Rate Monitor wasn't working again, so I have no idea on those numbers.

Time: 28 minutes; Calories Burned: ???; Avg Heart Rate: ???

TUESDAY - MARCH 17, 2020 - POWER 90 - Sweat 1-2 + Ab Ripper 100

This was a LOT less intense than I thought it would be. All the moves were standing up. There were no bend down and reach to the floor moves, which I hate, but do make you sweat. My legs gave out a bit during the Jumping Jack section. They were getting a bit tired and i was losing my coordination a bit. I did AB Ripper 100 again, because it's tied to the end of this workout.

Time: 41 minutes; Calories Burned: 292; Avg Heart Rate: 105; Max Heart Rate: 121.

WEDNESDAY - MARCH 18, 2020 - POWER 90 - Sculpt 1-2

I created a worksheet for this workout, so I had the moves printed out. I laid out a few weights I knew I'd be working with, so I wouldn't have to go scrambling for them later. I still couldn't keep up. He goes from one move to the next so fast that you barely have time to write down your reps and grab the weights for the next exercise. I'd forgotten to lay out heavier weights for the Heavy Pants and Lawnmowers, so I just grabbed the 30's I'd been using for some of te bicep moves. I'll try and remember next time. As I mentioned on Monday, I added in three pullup moves, one at the end of each set, while they were starting their in between set stretches. It worked OK, but I was very weak on them, only getting in 5 reps on each. I also struggled, surprisingly again, on the 21's, as I did on Monday. I fought with the lower seven, could barely control the upper seven, then really had a hard time with the full seven. I was using 25 lb dumbbells, which I've had no problem with in the past. Maybe it's because I'm coming off a three week break, or maybe it's because it's near the end of a fast paced workout and my arms are fried. I'll try and figure it out next time.

Tome: 28 minutes; Heart Rate Monitor not working again.

THURSDAY - MARCH 19, 2020 - POWER 90 - Sweat 1-2 + Ab Ripper 100

Not too bad. I lose my coordination near the end of the Jumping Jacks and most of the Run Lunges. My calf muscles are still sore from Tuesday.

Time: 41 minutes

FRIDAY - MARCH 20, 2020 - POWER 90 - Sculpt 1-2

This time I carefully laid out my weights. I used 45's om the three weighted back moves. I didn't the back fly's seated to accommodate the heavier weight, like he does in P90X. I did the three sets of pull-ups again, but struggled again with those. I hit pause for about a minute before doing the 21's Bicep move. I did better with those than last time, and I'm sure that pause helped, because I was really tired at the time. I was considering holding some weights during the lunge and squat moves, but decided to wait until nest week for that. Got a new battery for the heart monitor.

Time: 29 minutes; Calories Burned: 289; Avg Heart Rate: 123.

SATURDAY - MARCH 20, 2020 - POWER 90 - Sweat 1=2 + Ab Ripper 100

I actually like this one because it's not too hard. The only section I have problems with are the Jumping Jacks and Run Lunges, which I mentioned before. I also like the Ab Ripper routine. Only 100 reps total, but I can feel it. I can't believe I burned 347 calories.

Time: 41 miutes; Calories Burned: 347; Avg Heart Rate: 112.

SUNDAY - MARCH 21, 2020 - Rest


Weight: 168.0 (+0.6 lbs)
Body Fat: 15.2% (+0.2%)

Bad eating again


I wasn't sure what to expect. I was able to turn the Sculpt workout into a tough one by using heavier weights and adding in the pull-ups. The sweat routine was a bit easier. I do like the Ab Ripper routine. It's only 100 moves, but I felt them.

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