Monday, December 21, 2020

WEEK OF 12/21/2020 - POWER NATION BETA 1 - WEEK 13


Last week of the round. They have loose schedule set up depending on whether you want to go strength or cardio. I'm going with the strength, and even modified the schedule a bit. Today was a very good workout. I upper my weights on a few of the shoulder and bicep moves. I did feel the increases, but they were do-able. I'm happy with myself and feel good afterwards.

Start Time: 7:30 pm: Workout Time: 43 minutes; Calories Burned: 382; Avg Heart Rate: 116.

TUESDAY - DECEMBER 22, 2020 - POWER NATION BETA 1 - Drop, Pulse, and Hold

Pretty much the same as the last few times, I used 20's as weights. I definitely go lower on most of the moves, but I don't think I'd be able to walk for a month, and I think my quads would be trash.

Start Time: 7:10 pm; Workout Time: 66 minutes; Calories Burned: 392; Avg Heart Rate: 106.

WEDNESDAY - DECEMBER 23, 2020 - POWER NATION BETA 1 - Who's Got Your Back?

My hands kept slipping off the pullup bar for some reason, so my pullup numbers sucked. On the other moves I used the same weights as before 40's on the heavy back moves and 15's on the shoulder moves. On the last set of the Arc Rows I did bump them up to 20's.

Start Time: 8:55 pm; Workout Time: 52 minutes; Calories Burned: 370; Avg Heart Rate: 113.


The moves getting better the more I do them, but I still have a long way to go, especially on the kick throughs,

Start Time: 9:15 pm: Workout Time: 46 minutes: Calories Burned: 232; Avg Heart Rate: 114.

FRIDAY - DECEMBER 25, 2020 - POWER NATION BETA 1 - Triple Trouble Challenge

This might be my favorite Beta 1 workout. I remember dreading P90X Chest and Back, but now I like the combo. My numbers were 30 pushups and 6 pullups. All were accomplished, and I never cake off the bar except when changing hand positions on the Vaulter Pullups.

Start Time: 3:55 pm; Workout Time: 63 minutes; Calories Burned: 391; Avg Heart Rate: 103.

SATURDAY - DECEMBER 26, 2020 - POWER NATION BETA 1 - Power and Strength Yoga

This is the last workout of the Power Nation Beta 1 schedule. Even though I started mid way through, I'm going to follow what they are doing, which includes an "off" week next week. Today's workout was better than last week's Yoga Flow. I went to my knees a few times for a few second break, but I didn't just walk away for entire moves like I did last week. I don't know if it's me, but this one really tires you out.

Start Time: 6:20 pm; Workout Time: 67 minutes; Calories Burned: 588; Avg Heart Rate: 115.

SUNDAY - DECEMBER 27, 2020 - Rest


Weight: 157.4 (-0.8 lbs)
Body Fat: 12.7 % (-0.2%)

Overall I gained 0.2 lbs over the seven weeks of Power Nation with no change in body fat.


I finished pretty strong. I picked some tough strength workouts for the final week and think I did OK. I increased my weight and/or reps on a lot of the moves. 


As I said, I started half way through, so I missed doing the repitition of a lot of the month one workouts, but from what I did do, I felt it was effective. I feel more toned and a bit stronger. There were a few of the cardio workouts I wasn't impressed with, but the strength workouts were P90X ish. Overall, it was a success. I'm looking forward to Beta 2, then the final version. 

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