Monday, January 27, 2014

P90X3 - WEEK 5 - Week of 01/27/2014

MONDAY - JANUARY 27, 2014 - Eccentric Upper

This was certainly a different workout, in that you concentrated on the "negative" of each move. Fast up, three count down slow. I got all the reps in except for the pull-ups. I used 25 lbs on most of the weight moves, except for 2 moves where I used 15's. I can up the 25's to 30's or 35's in the future. All in all, a good workout.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 346; Avg Heart Rate: 132; Max Heart Rate: 234.

TUESDAY - JANUARY 28, 2014 - Triometrics

First impressions: I hated it. I was expecting something along the line of an amped up Plyometrics with maybe a bit more movement. Instead it was a weak version of Interval X. There were too many balance moves, which are almost a physical impossibility because of my bad feet and ankles. Try as I might, it just doesn't happen. Therefore, I almost had to go through many of the moves at quarter speed and I lost interest real quick. I'll give it a go again next week.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 281; Avg Heart Rate: 117; Max Heart Rate: 151.

WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 29, 2014 - X3 Yoga

A good yoga workout today. I was more relaxed than usual. My flexibility was better than it has been lately, and my balance was also a bit better (but still not good).

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 210; Avg Heart Rate: 105; Max Heart Rate: 195.

THURSDAY - JANUARY 30, 2014 - Eccentric Lower

I want to say this one wasn't too hard for me, but that's not entirely true. A few moves required balance, so I didn't do well on those. A few required lunges, with the back knee touching the floor. Because my ankles don't bend straight, and I can't balance properly on the front leg, I can't bend my back knee to the floor, so I went as low as I could go. A few involved hip flexor mobility. Mine is poor. I got my leg up as high as I could. So while I wasn't perfect, I did as well as I could physically at this point. These are things to work on. For the record, I used 25 lb weights on the first few moves (squats), then switched to 15's for the rest, which required less weight.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 251; Avg Heart Rate: 113; Max Heart Rate: 135.

FRIDAY - JANUARY 31, 2014 - Incinerator

I was a bit wary of this one going in because I knew it was an all upper body workout, and that is my nemesis at times. It wasn't as bad as I thought. Not too many push-ups and pull-ups. I used 25 lbs on most of the weight moves, 15 lbs on the lighter ones. I think I can do more than 25s in the future. Afterwards, my shoulders are a bit sore.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 280; Avg Heart Rate: 119; Max Heart Rate: 210.


I was expecting this to be an amped up version of Kenpo X, and I was pretty much on target. I was a bit surprised in that some of the moves were as simple as Kenpo X moves, but I quickly came to realize it had to be that way. There were a lot of combination moves moves that involved "sprawls", otherwise known as "burpess". Those wear you out in a hurry, and if I'd had to do those for 30 minutes straight, it would have been next to impossible. As it was, I had to rest on my knees for a few seconds during a few of those sprawl moves to catch my breath. I burned a decent amount of calories for a 30 minute workout, and I liked it. This was my last new workout of the basic P90X3 program. I still have two P.A.P. type workouts I bought with the Deluxe program that I haven't done yet, but overall I'm very, very, very happy with the program.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 330; Avg Heart Rate:128: Max Heart Rate: 156.

SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 2, 2014 - X3 Ab Ripper

This is the best I've done yet on this workout. I did all the Dolphin Hops and Sphinx Plank Holds without going to my knees, which is a first. The first few times I did this workout I had to drop to my knees several times. The only time I really had to come out of a move was during the Bridge Burners, but that was more of a balance thing. I got all the bicycles reps in also, only having to catch my breath two or three times.

Time: 15 minutes; Calories Burned: 115; Avg Heart Rate: 110; Max Heart Rate: 138.


Weight: 196.2 (no change)
Body Fat: 21.9% (+0.2%)

I didn't eat well this week. People were bringing in junk into the office and I was eating it.


A new set of workouts this week. I liked them. I need to concentrate on the eating. It's the vicious cycle again. I'm stressed because I'm not eating well, and stress causes me to not eat well. I need to find my purpose again. It's been lost for a long time. Over a year now.

Monday, January 20, 2014

P90X3 - WEEK 4 - Week of 01/20/2014

MONDAY - JANUARY 20, 2014 - Isometrix

I was looking forward to this one a bit, because it didn't sound like I was going to be beating up my body. That turned out to be true, but when I heard Tony say we were going to be doing Yoga Balance Poses for 30 minutes, I didn't feel so good. My balance is absolutely horrible. However, I did better than I thought I would. There were a few moves at the end I couldn't handle, but otherwise I was pleased. Tony did say at the beginning to believe that you can do it and you'll get better. I'm willing to believe.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 235; Avg Heart Rate: 108; Max Heart Rate: 132.

TUESDAY - JANUARY 21, 2014 - Dynamix

I was expecting this to be X3's version of X Stretch, even though I heard someone else say they had expected the same thing, and it wasn't. It is a good routine. There were a few moves that were tough for me, but overall it went well, and I can definitely see the benefits it can provide, especially for range of motion.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 201; Avg Heart Rate: 104; Max Heart Rate: 127.

WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 22. 2014 - Accelerator

I wasn't sure what I was in for on this one. I'd seen a few seconds of an online video of someone doing it, and it looked tough. It's basically a souped up cardio routine. Fast speed and faster speed. I had to stop and catch my breath for a few seconds a few times, but otherwise I was trying to keep up. I did my best. I've been trying to eat better this week, and I felt fresher. This is a good workout.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 327; Avg Heart Rate: 133; Max Heart Rate: 154.

THURSDAY - JANUARY 23, 2014 - Pilates X

I think this was the one workout I was most looking forward to in P90X3. Tony had mentioned it a number of times as one of the ones he was most proud of, simply because he was not a master of it, yet he still got it done. I have to say I liked it, but I was extremely humbled by my lack of flexibility and range of motion. However, I look upon it as something I can grow with. I remember when I first started P90X and how inflexible I was. I then loosened up a bit through the Yoga X and X Stretch. I've lost some of that flexibility along the way, but hope to get it back, and a lot of the workouts from this week should help. I'm enjoying the week as a whole.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 176; Avg Heart Rate: 97; Max Heart Rate: 117.

FRIDAY - JANUARY 24, 2014 - Decelerator

This workout isn't scheduled to be done until Week 9 (Block 3) of the P90X3 schedule. Looking ahead at the schedule, Block 3 seemed to be just a jumble of workouts with no rhyme or reason and this one just seemed to mess up the schedule. I'm sure it wasn't, and there was a reason for putting it there by Tony and the Beachbody people, but I like symmetry in things so I moved this one to the Transition Weeks in order to make things similar to the original P90X schedule. In the original P90X schedule Core Synergistics (somewhat of a strength workout) is done twice in the Recovery Week, so I figured I could do the same thing with X3. Accelerator was already done this week, so I looked at the Program Guide to see the moves in this one, and it seemed to fit. The workout wasn't bad. A few pushups. A few pull ups, some balance moves. I didn't get in all the reps or keep my balance on everything, but I did my best and forgot the rest.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 327; Avg Heart Rate: 133; Max Heart Rate: 154.

SATURDAY - JANUARY 25, 2014 - X3 Yoga

Not my best Yoga workout. My heart rate was up when I started and I wasn't relaxed. I also wasn't flexible at all, which was surprising because of all the stretching I'd done this week. I'm wondering if the pushups and pullups from yesterday had anything to do with it.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 231; Avg Heart Rate: 107; Max Heart Rate: 132.

SUNDAY - JANUARY 26, 2014 - Rest

Weight: 196.2 (+0.6 lbs)
Body Fat: 21.7% (+0.2%)

I actually feel really good. I bought some ice cream the other day that I probably shouldn't have. It wasn't the reduced-fat kind, so I'm guessing that had something to do with the gain. Otherwise, I thought I did pretty good eating wise. Not perfect by any means, but no splurging on things.


Not happy about the weight gain, but I do feel good. Except for Decelerator on Friday, the workouts this week were definitely different than most weeks. A lot of balancing and flexibility that I still need to work on.

Monday, January 13, 2014

P90X3 - WEEK 3 - Week of 01/13/2014

MONDAY - JANUARY 13, 2014 - Total Synergistics

I'm starting to stress eat again and it's not making me feel good at all. I was feeling sluggish going into the workout and kept feeling that way all the way through. I tried upping my weights from 15 to 25 lbs on the Glamor Hammer move, but kept losing my balance and tapping my foot. I might have to reduce it down next time. I'm feeling really frustrated because my balance sucks, as do my pullups. It just never seems to get better. However, tomorrow is another day. I'll commit to eating better and I'm sure I'll feel better about things.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 290; Avg Heart Rate: 120; Max Heart Rate: 200.

TUESDAY - JANUARY 14, 2014 - Agility X

Feeling better mentally today. I got the workout in later than usual, but it went better than the last two weeks. I'm still not good (understatement) on a lot of the moves, especially those that require balance, such as the Joel Jumps. My footwork was a bit better on some of the ones I had to watch after last week's workout to see what they were doing. I'm not good at this workout, but I like it. The time goes fast.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 292; Avg Heart Rate: 120; Max Heart Rate: 156.

WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 15, 2014 - X3 Yoga

I was looking forward to this workout all day long. It didn't disappoint. I was more relaxed than usual and was able to do much more than I usually can. My balance still is horrible, but I did the best I could.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 162; Avg Heart Rate: 95; Max Heart Rate: 115.

THURSDAY - JANUARY 16, 2014 - The Challenge

My numbers today were 25 pushups and 8 pull-ups. For some reason I feel like I'm getting weaker, not stronger. I decided to see what I could do with the Chin-up assist attachment, so I used it on all the pull-ups. It helped a bit, but because I was feeling so weak, it was hard to judge. I still need to get used to it because I think it'll help me build up my upper body strength a bit. I did OK on the push-ups. but I did have to come down to my knees a couple times for a few seconds before finishing up. I usually don't have to do that. I think the Military Push-ups did me in.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 301; Avg Heart Rate: 122; Max Heart Rate: 152.


I used an 8 lb medicine ball again. Burned 394 calories in 30 minutes!! Not much else to say.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 394; Avg Heart Rate: 141; Max Heart Rate: 164.

SATURDAY - JANUARY 18, 2014 - The Warrior

This is a good 30 minute workout. I'm wondering if some of these were 60 minute workouts if I'd even be able to last. Especially this one and CVX. I still go slow on a few of the moves especially the sprawl ones, and I can't get through all the Elevator Push Ups without taking a few second break. From what I see on the schedule, this is the last time I do this one during the 90 days. I think I'm going to try and squeeze it in during the final week where Dynamix is scheduled twice. I might just do it on Day 90. It would be a good way to finish the program.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 295; Avg Heart Rate: 121; Max Heart Rate: 151.

SUNDAY - JANUARY 19, 2014 - X3 Ab Ripper

Still can't hold all the planks, but I'm trying. I'll get there eventually.

Time: 15 minutes; Calories Burned: 122; Avg Heart Rate: 112; Max Heart Rate: 132.


Weight: 195.6 (+1.6 lbs)
Body Fat: 21.5 (+0.3%)

I ate like crap much of the week. It's stress eating, but I just can't get it under control. Need to try harder and realize why I'm doing all this.


Again, I'm not happy about the eating (broken record, broken record ...), but the workouts went well, and I'm really liking the program.

Monday, January 6, 2014

P90X3 - WEEK 2 - Week of 01/06/2014

MONDAY - JANUARY 6, 2014 - Total Synergistics

I did OK. On many of the moves I did more reps than last week. My balance was also a bit better, but still pretty bad. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to balance well, but I'll keep working at it.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 320; Avg Heart Rate: 126; Max Heart Rate: 198.

TUESDAY - JANUARY 7, 2014 - Agility X

I like this workout a lot but was getting very frustrated trying to get down the footwork on a number of the moves. After the workout I went back and watched those moves and was able to see better what they were doing. Hopefully, it'll carry over to next week's workout.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 262; Avg Heart Rate: 114; Max Heart Rate: 145.

WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 8, 2014 - X3 Yoga

I needed this one today. Mentally tired from work and dealing with the snow. My balance was much better than last week, especially on my right leg. I even held Crow (or Crane) for almost the entire time.

Time: 30 Minutes; Calories Burned: 196; Avg Heart Rate: 101; Max Heart Rate: 120.

THURSDAY - JANUARY 9, 2014 - The Challenge

My numbers today were 22 pushups and 6 pullups, up slightly from last week's 20 and 5. I got all the pushups in, only having trouble with the Military ones. I got all the pullups in, but had to drop my feet to the floor numerous times before I could finish sets. I got the Chin Up Assist accessory with my P90X3 kit, and used it for the second set of the Wide Pullups. All others were unassisted. I might play around with the Chin Up Assist a bit more on non-pullup days, just to see if I can build up some strength there. Right now, it's close to non-existent, and even somewhat embarrassing to myself. The upper body workouts have always been my weakness, but it's something I'll work at to get better.

Time:  30 minutes; Calories Burned: 290; Avg Heart Rate: 120; Max Heart Rate: 189.


I was able to do more this week because my arms weren't as sore as they were last week, due to the prior day's pushups and pullups. This doesn't appear to be tough at first glance, but when you're holding an 8 lb medicine ball, it ends up being tough. I burned 379 calories in only 30 minutes. I've never come close to numbers like that. Good workout. Well designed by Tony.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 379; Avg Heart Rate: 137; Max Heart Rate: 159.

SATURDAY - JANUARY 11, 2014 - The Warrior

Again, much better than last week, because my arms weren't burning, and I was able to do pushups. I had to rest on a few of the Elevator Pushups and my balance was bad on the Thumbs Up Pushups. I wasn't able to get in as many reps as they did on the Sprawl and Burpee moves. but other than that I was OK. It'll come in time.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 315; Avg Heart Rate: 125; Max Heart Rate: 151.

SUNDAY - JANUARY 12, 2014 - X3 Ab Ripper

There are a few tough moves in this workout. Again, I had to come to my knees a few times during the Dolphin Hops and the Plank Crunches. I noticed I wasn't getting too close to my arms with my legs during either moves. Something to work on.

Time: 15 minutes: Calories Burned: 115; Avg Heart Rate: 108; Max Heart Rate: 132.


Weight: 194.0 (+0.4 lbs)
Body Fat: 21.2% (no change)

I wasn't eating as disciplined as I had been the last few weeks, but it still wasn't too bad. Just need to watch myself and get the discipline back. I think it all starts with me taking in salads for my lunch at work.


This was my second time through all these workouts and I did much better on most of them. My arms and shoulders aren't burning as much as they were during week 1, so that helped a bit. My eating slipped a bit, and I'm not happy with even a small weight gain, but it's a needed wakeup call. Overall, I'm liking this program a lot.