Monday, January 6, 2014

P90X3 - WEEK 2 - Week of 01/06/2014

MONDAY - JANUARY 6, 2014 - Total Synergistics

I did OK. On many of the moves I did more reps than last week. My balance was also a bit better, but still pretty bad. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to balance well, but I'll keep working at it.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 320; Avg Heart Rate: 126; Max Heart Rate: 198.

TUESDAY - JANUARY 7, 2014 - Agility X

I like this workout a lot but was getting very frustrated trying to get down the footwork on a number of the moves. After the workout I went back and watched those moves and was able to see better what they were doing. Hopefully, it'll carry over to next week's workout.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 262; Avg Heart Rate: 114; Max Heart Rate: 145.

WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 8, 2014 - X3 Yoga

I needed this one today. Mentally tired from work and dealing with the snow. My balance was much better than last week, especially on my right leg. I even held Crow (or Crane) for almost the entire time.

Time: 30 Minutes; Calories Burned: 196; Avg Heart Rate: 101; Max Heart Rate: 120.

THURSDAY - JANUARY 9, 2014 - The Challenge

My numbers today were 22 pushups and 6 pullups, up slightly from last week's 20 and 5. I got all the pushups in, only having trouble with the Military ones. I got all the pullups in, but had to drop my feet to the floor numerous times before I could finish sets. I got the Chin Up Assist accessory with my P90X3 kit, and used it for the second set of the Wide Pullups. All others were unassisted. I might play around with the Chin Up Assist a bit more on non-pullup days, just to see if I can build up some strength there. Right now, it's close to non-existent, and even somewhat embarrassing to myself. The upper body workouts have always been my weakness, but it's something I'll work at to get better.

Time:  30 minutes; Calories Burned: 290; Avg Heart Rate: 120; Max Heart Rate: 189.


I was able to do more this week because my arms weren't as sore as they were last week, due to the prior day's pushups and pullups. This doesn't appear to be tough at first glance, but when you're holding an 8 lb medicine ball, it ends up being tough. I burned 379 calories in only 30 minutes. I've never come close to numbers like that. Good workout. Well designed by Tony.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 379; Avg Heart Rate: 137; Max Heart Rate: 159.

SATURDAY - JANUARY 11, 2014 - The Warrior

Again, much better than last week, because my arms weren't burning, and I was able to do pushups. I had to rest on a few of the Elevator Pushups and my balance was bad on the Thumbs Up Pushups. I wasn't able to get in as many reps as they did on the Sprawl and Burpee moves. but other than that I was OK. It'll come in time.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 315; Avg Heart Rate: 125; Max Heart Rate: 151.

SUNDAY - JANUARY 12, 2014 - X3 Ab Ripper

There are a few tough moves in this workout. Again, I had to come to my knees a few times during the Dolphin Hops and the Plank Crunches. I noticed I wasn't getting too close to my arms with my legs during either moves. Something to work on.

Time: 15 minutes: Calories Burned: 115; Avg Heart Rate: 108; Max Heart Rate: 132.


Weight: 194.0 (+0.4 lbs)
Body Fat: 21.2% (no change)

I wasn't eating as disciplined as I had been the last few weeks, but it still wasn't too bad. Just need to watch myself and get the discipline back. I think it all starts with me taking in salads for my lunch at work.


This was my second time through all these workouts and I did much better on most of them. My arms and shoulders aren't burning as much as they were during week 1, so that helped a bit. My eating slipped a bit, and I'm not happy with even a small weight gain, but it's a needed wakeup call. Overall, I'm liking this program a lot.

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