Monday, January 12, 2015

P90 - ROUND 1 - WEEK 8 - WEEK OF 1/12/2015

MONDAY - JANUARY 12, 2015 - P90 Sculpt B

This is the final week of the "B" workouts. My body is almost always sore (in a good way), so I know things are working. Today's workout went well. I used the same weights as last week, but ran out of gas at the end and only did 16 of the Jump Lunges at the end.

Time: 33 minutes; Calories Burned: 368; Avg Heart Rate: 129; Max Heart Rate: 218.

TUESDAY - JANUARY 13, 2015 - P90 Sweat B

A good workout today. The sprawls aren't killing me as much as they used to and I'm getting in all the Mountain/Cross Climbers. I still work up a sweat though.

Time:35 minutes; Calories Burned: 364; Avg Heart rate: 123; Max Heart Rate: 154.

WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 14, 2015 - P90 Speed Sculpt 

This one is getting a bit easier for me. It's roughly the same length as the Sculpt A workout from month one, so it seemed a bit harder the, Now that I'm into the longer Sculpt B (month two) workout, it doesn't seem so bad. However, those Mountain Squats are killers. I still can't get all 16 reps in.

Time: 24 minutes; Calories Burned: 273; Avg Heart Rate: 127; Max Heart Rate: 168.

THURSDAY - JANUARY 15, 2015 - P90 Sweat B

It went well today. I worked up a good sweat and burned a lot of calories for the time involved. The last two days at work I've had a number of cookie/brownie things one of my clients brought in. I haven't been eating that stuff all year, and I could feel myself getting a little hyper, which I didn't like. A good wake up call for me.

Time: 35 minutes; Calories Burned: 413; Avg Heart Rate: 131; Max Heart Rate: 159.

FRIDAY - JANUARY 16, 2015 - P90 Sculpt B

Last time doing this one for a while. Not much to say. The only time I used less weight than last time was on the Renegade Rows, where I grabbed my 20 lb weights out of habit instead of the 25's I've used the last two times. I did finish strong, getting in 30 lunges on the last move.

Time: 33 minutes; Calories Burned: 367; Avg Heart Rate: 128; Max Heart Rate: 156.

SATURDAY - JANUARY 17, 2015 - P90 Horton's Greatest Hits

The one thing I remembered about the only other time I'd done this workout 4 weeks ago was that it kicked my ass. I was almost looking forward to it because I figured I was just having an off day back then and it wouldn't be that hard. It kicked my ass again. I had no strength for the one minute push up sequences (there were 6 of them) and I was also floundering on the two long jumping sequences which followed the pushups. I also modified the Hopscotch move because I can't bounce on my ankles. Again, I was humbled.

Time: 36 minutes; Calories Burned: 434; Avg Heart Rate: 132; Max Heart Rate: 160.

SUNDAY - JANUARY 18, 2015 - P90 Speed Abs

I did better onthis than I did last time, partly because I used a mat instead of doing it on carpet. On the Mountain Climbers I wasn't watching the video and didn't see they were bringing there kness up to their elbows and not up the middle, which is what I was doing. On the second move, the Triggers, I also need to get my knee closer to my elbow. I'll have to make those corrections next time. Even so, this is a tough 7 minutes.

Time: 7 minutes;  Calories Burned: 66; Avg Heart Rate: 116; Max Heart Rate: 137.


Weight: 200.6 (-1.2 lbs)
Body Fat: 22.9% (no change)

I'm happy. I gave into a few sweets this week, but it didn't get out of control.


I'm still concentrating on eating well, and it's paying off a bit. Not as quickly as I'd like, but slow and steady will work. This was the last week of the "B" workouts. I'm looking forward to the "C" workouts, but am a little leary of what they may bring.

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