Monday, February 8, 2016


MONDAY - FEBRUARY 8, 2016 - Total Body Hammer

I did this one a little over a week ago for the first time and it killed me. I was taking all kinds of breaks. Today I went all the way through without hitting the pause button. I did drop the weights by 5 lbs on a few of the moves, but overall I did OK.

Time: 43 minutes; Calories Burned: 466; Avg Heart Rate: 127; Max Heart Rate: 226.

TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 9, 2016 - Chisel Agility

Not too difficult, but again, I burned a lot more calories than I thought I would have. There are are few jumping moves which probably are bumping up the heart rate a bit.

Time: 37 minutes: Calories Burned: 364; Avg Heart Rate: 119; Max Heart Rate: 153.

WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 10, 2016 - Hammer Strength

A fairly good workout. I upped my weights on the "heavy" to 35's on most of the moves. I could have done a bit more on a few of them, but didn't change them (Powerblocks) because of the time, and because I was lazy (honesty). I was tembling a bit when I finished, but I felt good.

Time: 36 minutes; Calories Burned: 338; Avg Heart Rate: 118; Max Heart Rate: 207.

THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 11, 2016 - Total Body Chisel

First time doing this one. It almost felt like a Sagi workout. I liked it. I'm realizing I don't like lunges to much because I can't get my back knee real low without falling over, but I'll work at it. For the Step Down move, I used a step platform with 2 risers instead of the workout bench. My balance is too shaky for me to be safe with that. I think the weights I chose were pretty close to being spot on. I might look to increase the weights by 5 lbs or so on some of the "bench" moves.

Time: 35 minutes; Calories Burned: 337; Avg Heart Rate: 120; Max Heart Rate: 226.

FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 12, 2016 - Hammer Plyometrics

This is a short one. My energy was a bit low, but I tried. Still not coordinated enough to trust myself on the Crazy Horses, so I did them at the end of the bench so my feet wouldn't hit it as I went over it. I still tried to get maximum height though. The first set of plyo pushups I did from my kness. Don't know why.

Time: 25 minutes; Calories Burned: 257; Avg Heart Rate: 122; Max Heart Rate: 147.

SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 13, 2016 - ISO Strength Chisel

For some reason I expect Autumn's workouts to be easier, but she pushes you. I was humbled on a few of the moves today. I couldn't hold any of the ISO pushups. I was only able to get in 6 pullups (using the pullup assist) in each set, and didn't hold any of the ISO on the second set. I got in all the reps on the Bulgarian Squats, but they killed me. A well organized workout.

Time: 35 minutes; Calories Burned: 349; Avg Heart Rate: 122; Max Heart Rate: 198.

SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 14, 2016 - 10 Minute Ab Hammer

Not too bad, but I had to come to my knees for a few seconds midway through the plank runs because I ran out of gas. Pathetic, because it was only the second exercise. I also didn't lift up on the side planks because I didn't feel like it. Another pathetic. No excuses.

Time: 12 minutes: Calories Burned: 80; Avg Heart Rate: 101; Max Heart Rate: 123.


Weight: 209.8 (+0,2 lbs)
Body Fat: 24.9% (-0.1%)

Not good enough!!!


I'm stuck with the thought that I dogged it on a few of the Ab Hammer moves and that I'm weighing almost as much as I did eight years ago, when I started all this, even though I was down over 40 lbs at one point.

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