MONDAY - APRIL 24, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Cardio Challenge
I'm sweating like crazy after this one. I maxed out at 25 minutes, doing the Chair Squats. I was going a bit slower than they were on some of the moves before that, but not much slower. I even did all the Suicide Burpees.
Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 338; Avg Heart Rate: 134; Max Heart Rte: 165.
TUESDAY - APRIL 25, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Tabata Power
One of the tricky things about this program is deciding when you've "Maxed Out". I use a 5 second break as my point. So today I officially didn't max out. My form was never really that bad. During the fast Power Jumps at the end I decided I'd do 20 in a row, take a few second break, do 20 more in a row, etc. I did that successfully. The only move I have trouble on is the first tricep move, where you are raising one leg and touching it with the poosite hand as you're coming up from the dip. It's not a fatigue thing with me on that one. It's a coordination thing. Overall, I felt good about the workout, but not overly enthusiastic about the effort.
Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 265; Avg Heart Rate: 123; Max Heart Rate: 159.
WEDNESDAY - APRIL 26, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Sweat Intervals
This felt like one of those disjointed days, where you're not in synch with things. I had one of my salads for lunch. Lots of leafy romaine lettuce with a bunch of veggies, fruits piled on. The worst thing in it was a slice of cheese I'd torn into pieces. The calories were about 575 of my normal 1900 I aim for. It usually satifies me, but it didn't fill me up today. I was starving when I got home so I had a bunch of pretzel chips I'd bought on Sunday. I usually don't keep things like that in the house anymore, but they were there. After that, I was still hungry. I took a deep nap, then got into the workout. I was sluggish all the way through, but I got it done. I finished things up with some chicken tenders for dinner that my mother had dropped off earlier in the week. I was calculating they would fill me up and keep me under my calories intake for the day, so I was feeling happy I'd salvaged the day a bit, then realized afterwards they were breaded, so I don't even know how many calories were in them. Oh, well. it's done. One of those days you just have to laugh at. I'll recover.
Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 341; Avg Heart Rate: 136; Max Heart Rate: 163.
THURSDAY - APRIL 27, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Tabata Strength
Poor effort today. I just wasn't into it. I did the moves, but wasn't killing myself. On a scale of 1 to 10, it was maybe a 4. I'm playing golf for the first time this year tomorrow, so I just wanted to get this done so I could relax and think about that, and also watch tonight's NFL Draft. However, the real culprit is that I'm drinking way too much Diet Coke. Sometimes two 20 oz bottles a day. I don't handle caffeine real well, so it's starting to accumulate on me, and it's wearing me out. I need to start weaning it out of my days.
Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 297; Avg Heart Rate: 124; Max Heart Rate: 165.
FRIDAY - APRIL 28, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Friday Fight Round 1
Golf this morning for the first time in 6 months. We took carts, but I still did a lot of walking on a relatively hilly course. When I got home my knees and ankles were sore. Rather than letting them stiffen up, I got into the workout about an hour later. My effort was certainly better than the last two days. I did OK, I'm sore afterwards, and know I'm going to feel it tomorrow, but I feel good at the same time.
Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 337; Avg Heart Rate: 135; Max Heart Rate:157.
SATURDAY - APRIL 29, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Ab Attack:10 and Pulse
Once again, I did these back to back. Not much to say on either, except that I worked up a good sweat on Pulse, as I did last week. I'm unsure why, but it's good.
Ab Attack: 10 - Time: 10 minutes; Calories Burned: 76; Avg Heart Rate: 113; Max Heart Rate: 144
Pulse: Time: 20 minutes; Calories Burned: 129; Avg Heart Rate: 110; Max Heart Rate: 129.
SUNDAY - APRIL 30, 2017 - Rest
Weight: 188.8 (+0.8 lbs)
Body Fat: 19.7% (-0.2%)
I was shocked at the weight gain. I was eating as I had been. I did a lot of walking on both Friday (golf) and Saturday (mowing the lawn). So, it was a mystery to me. However, this did happen a few weeks ago, so I'm thinking it may just be my body adjusting to things. The fact that my body fat dropped is a plus and a good sign.
Again, the weight gain was confusing and a little dis-heartening, but the workouts went well, and I feel good, so that's good news.
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