MONDAY - JULY 24, 2017 - P90X3 - Total Synergistics
I'm feeling a little less sluggish, but still not great. My brain still isn't into it, and this is not my favorite routine. I used 50 lbs again on the Releve'-Plie's, but lost my balance half way through and stopped, instead of getting back into it and finishing the reps. On the next move, the Chin Up Circle Crunches I also gave up early, because my elbow is really sore, and I didn't want to aggravate it. I got through all of the other moves OK, but was not killing myself.
Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 224; Avg Hear Rate: 124; Max Heart Rate: 144.
TUESDAY - JULY 25, 2017 - P90X3 - Agility X
I'm feeling a bit better today, both physically and mentally. Still a ways to go, but it's a move in the right direction. The workout wasn't my best, but I wasn't dreading every minute of it either. I was really struggling with my balance on a lot of the moves, but that's usual. It's just not there. I also struggled with the Plyo Pushups at the end. It's strange for me. Almost every time I get to that exercise, I am almost frozen. It's like I physically can't do it. I'm in plank, and can't get down to do a pushup, let alone a moving plyo one. I don't know if it's mental, or just plain physical exhaustion. I honestly can't tell. As weird as this sounds, it's almost like an out of body experience. I'll try concentrating on it more next time, just to see what happens.
Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 242; Avg Heart Rate: 118; Max Heart Rate: 144.
WEDNESDAY - JULY 26, 2017 - P90X3 - The Challenge
Before the workout I came up with an idea to do less reps than last week but do them slower and more controlled. Last week my numbers were 5 pullups and 25 pushups. I really struggle with pullups, so I was coming off the bar a lot, then going back up to get to the 5 reps. I felt I might be able to do 4 without coming off the bar as much. Today I only came off once in the 8 sets. I was doing them slower, with more range of motion, and less jumping up on the bar when I'd come off. On the pushups, I did them much slower, went deeper, and felt them. It's something to build on. Now I can increase those numbers with better range.
Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 161; Avg Heart Rate: 106; Max Heart Rate: 126.
THURSDAY - JULY 27, 2017 - P90X3 - X3 Yoga
I was looking to building off of yesterday's effort by slowing down, relaxing, and concentrating more on the movements. That didn't happen. When I came home I ate a bowl and a half of cereal that made me feel real bloated. My balance was worse than usual, and I could barely do any of the twising movements. I've been drinking too much Pepsi at work, so much that I can almost smell it coming out of my pores. Because I don't handle caffeine real well, it makes me a bit jittery, so my concentration during the workout was really bad. I realize I have to change things. I'll just have to start changing my mindset, and concentrating on better things.
Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 86; Avg Heart Rate: 100; Max Heart Rate: 115.
FRIDAY - JULY 28, 2017 - P90X3 - CVX
I had to squeeze this one in between golf and an evening commitment. It wasn't my best workout, but I was trying to put some effort into it. I didn't always increase the speed or range of motion when he was asking for it.
Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 289; Avg Heart Rate: 121; Max Heart Rate: 150.
SATURDAY - JULY 29, 2017 - P90X3 - The Warrior
I hadn't eaten very good the last few days, so I was a bit sluggish. Mid-way through the workout I became real frustrated because I was laboring on moves I shouldn't have been. I'm wondering why I'm killing myself on these workouts when I'm going to eat like crap.
Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 216; Avg Heart Rate: 117; Max Heart Rate: 139.
SUNDAY - JULY 30, 2017 - P90X3 - X3 Ab Ripper
I was feeling pretty good this morning, so I did my weigh in, then got this one done. Not much to say. I got all the moves in without coming out of any of them. I can feel the tightness in my abs.
Time: 15 minutes; Calories Burned: 48; Avg Heart Rate: 97' Max Heart Rate: 124.
Weight: 194.8 (+0,4 lbs)
Body Fat: 21.4% (+0,2%)
Expected. I had a few bad binges this week, but it could have been worse. I stopped myself a few times.
I'm not happy with the eating, but I'm not going to beat myself up over it. The workouts went well, but there were a few instances where I was laboring because of the poor eating.
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