Monday, February 5, 2018



I wanted to try something new. I've had a few of the One on One workouts I've used here and there, and always liked them. I hadn't subscribed to them when they were being offered from 2008-2011, as I felt the $249 Beachbody price for each of the three volumes was quite steep, so I never got all the workouts. A few weeks ago I got the itch, looked around, and after some trial and error, was able to get all three volumes off E-bay. I'm putting them together into a 90 day program. Weeks 1-4 will be Volume 1, Weeks 5-8 will be Volume 2, and Weeks 9-12 will be Volume 3. Week 13 will be the Yoga workouts. Most of the workouts I'll be doing twice. The Yoga ones 6 times each, and the Ab ones 4 times each. I've tried to schedule them similar to the P90X schedule, as far as what body part to work on each day. It doesn't fit perfectly, but it'll work. I'm looking forward to it. Getting back to basics.

MONDAY - FEBRUARY 5, 2018 -  Tony Horton One on One - 30-15 

This is Chest and Back. 12 sets of Pushups. 12 sets of Pullups. (No weighted back moves.) My target numbers were 25 pushups and 5 pullups. I got all the pushup moves in, except for two. I was going faster than they were on the video. By the time I got to the Diamond Pushups they were still a set behind. I had been using the pushup stands, but did the Diamond's off the floor, because that's how I remembered them from P90X. My arms were fried, so I only did 15 on the first set and 18 on the second set. Going off the worksheets, I didn't know what the Standard to Chaturanga pushups were, so I sat around waiting for them to catch up. By the time they did, I'd been waiting about 8 to 10 minutes. My arms were like jello, so I only got in 20, then 24. Still OK in my book. I picked a low number for the pullups because I suck at them. I'm not sure I'll ever be good at them. Early on, I was able to get most of the sets in with no breaks, but later on, I was doing two or three before coming off the bar, then going back on to finish the set. Pretty pathetic, but it is what is is. I'll keep working at them. History says I'll be very sore for a few days. We'll see.

Time: 59 minutes; Calories Burned: 449; Avg Heart Rate: 120; Max Heart Rate:146.

TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 6, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - Plyo Legs

I'd done this one a few times before and remembered my legs were super sore for days afterwards. I kept up with Tony on most of the moves. Those that involved balance. I did a few less reps, simply because I couldn't move as fast. There were also a few jumping moves at the end where I went a bit slower, simply because I was gassed. However, I'm pleased with myself. I didn't really give up on anything, except coming out of the wall squats a few seconds earlier than I could have.

Time: 64 minutes; Calories Burned: 495; Avg Heart Rate: 120; Max Heart Rate: 150.

WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 7, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - Just Arms

Circuits of Biceps, Forearms, Triceps. I'd done this one a few times earlier also. What I'd remembered is not knowing what weight to use on each exercise. Today, I had a better idea, but it wasn't perfect. The heaviest weights I used were 30 lbs on the first bicep move. I pushed myself on the tricep moves, using 25 lbs on the Tricep Kickbacks, and they felt good. By the time I got to the Crazy 8's in the last round, my arms were fried and I only used 15's on the last set. Overall. I feel good. Later in the evening I tried curling some 50's, just to see if I could handle them. I've a few reps in the past with the 50's, but couldn't handle them today, so I put them down, and did 40's instead, which were fine. I'm happy that I've pushed myself these three workouts, and am a bit surprised at how well I'm keeping up.

Time: 46 minutes; Calories Burned: 290; Avg Heart Rate: 112; Max Heart Rate: 145.

THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 8, 2018 -  Tony Horton One on One - Fountain of Youth

After three tough workouts, I was looking forward to a little yoga. I'd done this one many times before, but not since 2014. It wasn't easy. I'm still extremely sore, especially in my legs. I was stumbling all over during the poses. The pushups during the vinyasas were killing me at first. After a while, I loosened up a bit, but still struggled.

Time: 48 minutes; Calories Burned: 189; Avg Heart Rate: 104; Max Heart Rate: 124.

FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 9, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - Road Warrior

Never did this one before. I saw there was a lot of band use in the preview videos, so I was thinking it might have been a bit easier than the first three this week. It's a Total Body circuit workout that is prevalent among the workout programs I've been doing lately, and have been trying to get away from. On paper, it doesn't look that tough, and maybe it isn't, but I really struggled with it, and took a couple breaks here and there. I was really tired going into it, so that didn't help. The bands can be tough to use and control if you're not used to them, and I'm not used to them. They were pulling me all over the place. Not knowing where to put your feet on the band is another  problem I had. I think the more I use them, the easier it will become. I used the Red Band today, but snapped it during the Lawnmowers Speed Round. I finished up with a Green Band (more resistance). Overall, today was more of a learning experience than a good workout.

Time: 54 minutes; Calories Burned: 375; Avg Heart Rate: 115; Max Heart Rate: 142.

SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 10, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - Super Cardio (Cardio 5-6)

I've done this one many times before, and it's not one of my favorites. Nine moves. Three times each. 30  seconds each move. Two of them I can't stand for some reason, and it spoils the workout for me. All told, there is only 13 minutes and 30 seconds of cardio. There is a long warmup, and a lot of stretching at the end. The moves don't seem that tough, but it always wears me out, as it does Tony. I did OK today with it.

Time: 46 minutes;  Calories Burned: 341; Avg Heart Rate: 118; Max Heart Rate: 147.

SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 11, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - Killer Abs

This is a combination in total of Power 90's Ab Ripper and P90X Ab Ripper X. I'd never done the Power 90 routine, so some of the moves were somewhat new to me, although they were basic. He also misses one move from P90X that I paused and did on my own. I took a few breaks during the second half. I was rusty of some of the moves, especially those where I had to use my core to sit up off the floor. Those issues will correct themselves in time. I know I'm going to be sore in the next few days.

Time: 26 minutes; Calories Burned: 109; Avg Heart Rate: 98; Max Heart Rate: 126.


Weight: 194.2 (-1.2 lbs)
Body Fat: 21.3% (-0.4%)

I've been losing weight and body fat consistently since the beginning of the year, but these are still good numbers.


I'm enjoying the workouts, as I thought I would. As I said earlier, it's back to the basis, P90X ish workouts, which I really like. The first 3 days were really tough, and I was very sore for a few days afterwards, which is what usually happens when I begin a new round of P90X. I'm feeling really toned, and can feel the muscles in my back, shoulders, arms, legs.

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