Monday, February 12, 2018


MONDAY - FEBRUARY 12, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - Results 4 Recovery

This was a bit of a different "recovery" workout in that he's actually doing some cardio and resistance moves, but they're done with light weights. I used 5 lb weights on the cardio moves, and either 10's or 20's on the resistance moves.  I really liked it.

Time: 38 minutes; Calories Burned: 182; Avg Heart Rate: 104; Max Heart Rate: 136.

TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 13, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - Bun Shaper

I'll admit I thought this was going to be a throwaway workout with a bunch of butt jokes. I was wrong. Tony took it seriously. None of the moves were excessively hard on their own, but there were a lot of reps on each exercise, so eventually you get worn down. I thought the 8 card pickup move was different. The key to this one is how low you are going to go on the squats, how high your kicks. I probably could have gone a bit lower here and there, but I wasn't dogging it either. I did end up taking a couple small breaks near the end. I'm wondering how sore I'm going to be in the next few days.

Time: 49 minutes; Calories Burned: 414; Avg Heart Rate: 122; Max Heart Rate: 153.

WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 14, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - Diamond Delts

Happy Valentine's Day! This one was new to me. All shoulders. I usually like shoulder workouts, and I liked this one. I think I did pretty good. The only place I faltered bit were on the Shoulder Presses. When I was consistently doing the original P90X, I could do 40's, maybe 45's, but I haven't done the "X" in over 3 years. I used 30's on the first set (12 reps), then thought I'd try 40's on the second set. I did two. Humbling, but something to work for.

Time: 36 minutes; Calories Burned: 240; Avg Heart Rate: 111; Max Heart Rate: 147.

THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 15, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - Fountain of Youth

I think I did a bit better than last week, but certainly not as well as when I've been doing it consistently. I really struggled in the Half Moon section, losing my balance a number of times.

Time: 47 minutes; Calories Burned: 227; Avg Heart Rate: 107; Max Heart Rate: 129.

FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 16, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - Mammoth UML

Upper move, Middle (Core) move, Lower Move. Six times through. I didn't feel like working out when I got home, but I took a nap, then got into it. Except for one, all the moves were things from other workouts of Tony's. nothing hard, but there were a lot of reps on each move (usually 30). The thing that made me feel good was that I kept up without too many problems. I even was able to do some of the Plyo Skippers, which I didn't think I'd be able to do. I'm really liking this Round of the One on Ones. Most I haven't done before. I'm feeling good, about where I am.

Time: 55 minutes; Calories Burned: 341; Avg Heart Rate: 111; Max Heart Rate: 144.

SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 17, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - Medicine Ball Core Cardio

This is the precursor to CVX from P90X3. I'd never done this specific workout, but most of the moves were the same as CVX. There were a few differences. In this workout, you do 4 moves for 30 seconds each, then repeat. 5 sets of that. In CVX, you do 3 moves for 60 seconds each, then repeat. 4 sets. This one was probably a bit easier because the individual moves were only 30 seconds, but it still tires you out and makes you sweat.

Time: 36 minutes; Calories Burned: 320; Avg Heart Rate: 121; Max Heart Rate: 150.

SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 18, 2018 - Tony Horton One On One - Killer Abs

I thought I was going to be really sore after doing this one last week, but I wasn't. Today, ny abs were on fire for the first four or five fives. After that, they were OK, but I still felt them. I'm still struggling with the "roll up" moves.

Time: 26 minutes; Calories Burned: 118; Avg Heart Rate: 104; Max Heart Rate: 137.


Weight: 194.8 (+0,4 lbs)
Body Fat: 21.5% (+0.2%)

A few tuna subs and an ice cream splurge, but I'm aware of it.


I'm really liking the workouts because it's back to old school P90X-ish style. Some of them were more difficult than I expected, but I like that I've been keeping up for the most part.

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