Monday, March 12, 2018


MONDAY - MARCH 12, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - Upper Body Balance

I think this was bonus disc from P90X2 or P90X3, so I think I've done it a few times before. A lot of pushups on medicine balls, which I was used to from X2. It still was hard, but I did OK. Half the moves were pushups, the other were core moves in "boat" position. I did OK on those too.

Time: 54 minutes; Calories Burned: 305; Avg Heart Rate: 109; Max Heart Rate: 135.

TUESDAY - MARCH 13, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - On One Leg for Legs

I'd done this one a few times before, several years ago. I did my best, but I simply can't balance on one leg, certainly not on my left one. I did 10 reps of each move, but they were ugly, and I tapped my free foot to keep my balance on almost all the reps. I knew this one was going to be almost useless going into it, but as I said, I did try anyway, so that's something.

Time: 51 minutes; Calories Burned: 236;  Avg Heart Rate: 102; Max Heart Rate: 139.

WEDNESDAY - MARCH 14, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - Back and Belly

I did well on the Ab moves, getting all 30 reps in on each of them with no problem. I tried my best on the pullup moves. I tried over gripping on them to see if it would make a difference (it did, a little). I also changed from using my old pullup gloves, because I was blistering, to my newer ones with the wrist straps, and that made a difference too. Over gripping on the Chin ups seemed to make a big difference, and I felt stronger on them than I have in a long time.

Time: 36 minutes; Calories Burned: 208 ; Avg Heart Rate: 108; Max Heart Rate: 135.

THURSDAY - MARCH 15, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - Patience Hummingbird (Yoga)

A good relaxing workout. This is one workout where Tony is not giving a lot of cues when he's changing movements. The purpose is to be quiet and concentrate on your breathing, but there are a lot of times you have to look up from your pose to see what he's doing. However, that's all minor stuff. This workout serves it's purpose well.

Time: 36 minutes; Calories Burned: 119; Avg Heart Rate: 99; Max Heart Rate: 122.

FRIDAY - MARCH 16, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - 100/30/20

100 Jump Ropes, 30 Ab moves, 20 pushups. I had no problems with ab moves or the pushups. I've done very little jump roping in my life, except for a few moves in Insanity Asylum and another of the One On One routines. I did as many jumps as I could during the time he did his 100. Overall, I did 271 during the nine rounds. The most I did in a row without stopping was about 30. A good workout. Not real strenuous, but it does get your heart pumping.

Time: 46 minutes; Calories Burned: 336; Avg Heart Rate: 119; Max Heart Rate: 154.

SATURDAY - MARCH 17, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - Cardio Confusion: Mason's Choice

Absolutely one of my favorite workouts. I've done it many times. Tony is in a great mood which makes it a lot of fun. I was a bit tired most of the day and didn't get this in until the early evening. I did the best I could, but got winded on a few of the later moves and had to stop for a few seconds on each of them.

Time: 44 minutes; Calories Burned: 315; Avg Heart Rate: 116; Max Heart Rate: 143.

SUNDAY - MARCH 18, 2018 - Tony Horton One on One - Iso Abs

Good job. I like this workout. Still having problems getting into Boat in the second round. I'm using momentum and straining my lower back. Very poor form on that one, but all the others were OK.

Time: 38 minutes; Calories Burned: 120; Avg Heart Rate: 102; Max Heart Rate: 127.


Weight: 190.0 (-2.0 lbs)
Body Fat: 20.6% (-0.4%)

Great numbers. I've cut down in the number of subs I'd been eating for lunch, so I think that's making a big difference. I can feel myself getting more toned and a little bit bigger around the shoulders and quads.


I feel good. I'm really liking the workouts. I need to cut down on the diet soda I've been drinking.

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