Monday, March 19, 2018


MONDAY - MARCH 19, 2018 - Tony Horton One On One - Core Ball Sandwich

I upped my pushups from 10 to 12. Doesn't seem like a lot, but most of them are tough. I probably could do more on the stability ball ones, but I'm afraid my hands are going to slip off the ball. I tried using washcloths over the pullup bar to see if it would give me a better grip. It worked a little. Tough little workout. Sneaky tough.

Time: 38 minutes; Calories Burned: 228; Avg Heart Rate: 112; Max Heart Rate: 137.

TUESDAY - MARCH 20, 2018 - Tony Horton One On One - Butt and Belly

Second time doing this one, and I have to say it's one of my favorites. When you get done with this one, your quads will be burning, your legs will be shaking, and your abs will feel firm. All of the above for me today, but I feel really good. The Frog Hops are killers as are the 8 card pickups.

Time: 47 minutes; Calories burned: 299; Avg Heart Rate: 113; Max Heart Rate: 152.

WEDNESDAY - MARCH 21, 2018 - Tony Horton One On One - On One Leg

Pretty much a waste of a workout because I can't balance. I was tapping with my "lifted" leg on almost every rep, which took much of my core out of the equation. I wasn't lifting enough weight or doing enough reps to affect my shoulders and arms. I could have kept both feet on the floor, upped my weights and reps, but that would have been a totally different workout. I chose to try and fight through it the best I could. Maybe I gained a little bit that way.

Time: 36 minutes; Calories Burned: 185; Avg Heart Rate: 106; Max Heart Rate: 128.

THURSDAY - MARCH 22, 2018 - Tony Horton One On One - Patience Hummingbird (Yoga)

I'm past halfway through this 90 day round already. It's flying by, and I'm really liking it. Today wasn't the greatest workout. The theme was "Patience". You're holding poses for a long time, being "in the moment" and concentrating on your breathing. I was a bit agitated going in. There were other things I wanted to be doing, but I don't skip workouts. It really wasn't that bad, but some of the poses seemed to be going on forever, especially a few of the Warrior 2's. I even came out of them a few times because my legs were burning. I also had problems balancing the Half Moons. When I lost my balance with those, I just stayed on the floor and went into Child's Pose until he was done with the move. Again, not my best, but I did it.

Time: 37 minutes; Calories Burned: 113; Avg Heart Rate: 100; Max Heart Rate: 124.

FRIDAY - MARCH 23, 2018 - Tony Horton One On One - 10 Minute Crusher Pack (20/12 Abs, Legs of Gold, Shadow Boxing)

I actually worked up a sweat on this one. No breaks at all. The ab moves on the pullup bar were tough, some were tougher because I don't have a lot of room to swing my legs. I did about 6 reps on each of those moves. Leg moves went OK, but not great. I was stumbling a bit. I did real well on the jump ropes. I don't go fast, but didn't trip up too many times.

Time: 33 minutes; Calories Burned: 247; Avg Hear Rate: 116; Max Heart Rate: 152.

SATURDAY - MARCH 24, 2018 - Tony Horton One On One - Cardio Intervals

I felt sluggish going in. I didn't get much sleep last night, ate poorly most of the morning and early afternoon, even had a beer about a half hour before the workout, and I don't even like beer (bought a few bottles a few weeks ago on a whim), My intensity during the first half was about a 3 out of 10. I tried to amp it up a bit for the second half, but that may have been a 5 out of 10. I've noticed I don't always go all out during cardio workouts, and I was wondering why as I'm typing this. I think I realized that a lot of the cardio workout require a lot of agility, in the feet and general body coordination. Those are weak areas of mine, so maybe I'm going slower because if I go faster I'm stumbling all over the place. I'll keep that idea in mind for next time.

Time: 41 minutes; Calories Burned: 286; Avg Heart Rate: 113; Max Heart Rate: 144.

SUNDAY - MARCH 25, 2018 - Tony Horton One On One - Iso Abs

This is becoming my favorite ab workout. It's the longest by far, but the time goes by quickly, Except for the Banana Boats, all the exercises seem easy to me, but I can feel my abs tightening as we go through them.

Time: 38 minutes; Calories Burned: 73; Avg Heart Rate: 95; Max Heart Rate: 120.


Weight: 191.6 (+1.6 lbs)
Body Fat: 20.7% (+0.1 %)

I've been losing weight consistently. I got cocky this week and didn't eat so great, so the gain was justified.


I'm feeling good physically and liking the workouts a lot. Just need to keep the eating smart.

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