Monday, February 4, 2019

WEEK OF 02/04/19 - P90X2 - ROUND 3 - WEEK 7

MONDAY - FEBRUARY 4, 2019 - P90X2 - Chest + Back + Balance

I came home. Took a nap. Woke up a bit sluggish, but that wore off quickly. I just wanted to get the workout done and over with. All those pull-ups and crazy push-ups. I was ready to go. Then I remembered that ridiculously long warm-up. I did it without complaint, but there are some days where it's just redundant. During the workout I found myself doing a lot more push-ups than I did last week, which was cool. The Pull-ups were close to last week. Some more, some the same, some a few less. Still no Impossible / Possibles, but I tried. Overall, I felt it was a good workout.

Time: 59 minutes; Calories Burned: 564: Avg Heart Rate: 121; Intensity: 8; Form: 7.

TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 5, 2019 - P90X2 - Plyocide

Got stressed at work today. Ate a big fast food meal. I didn't feel as bad as I thought I would, but it still wasn't a good thing. The workout went OK. I get tired in the same spots, and still can't balance on one leg,but get through it.

Time: 55 minutes; Calories Burned: 506; Avg Heart Rate: 117; Intensity 7; Form: 6.

WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 6, 2019 - P90X2 - Recovery + Mobility

Today marks the half way point of the round. I mostly worked on ankles and shoulders again. I don't think it's strengthening my ankles at all, but I think it might be giving me a bit more shoulder mobility. I'm not sure, but I don't think it's hurting things though.

Time: 57 minutes; Calories Burned: 226; Avh Heart Rate: 88; Intensity: 9; Form: 9.

THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 7, 2019 - P90X2 - X2 Shoulders + Arms

This was a good start to the second half of the round. I may have been my best workout of the round so far. Instead of balancing with one foot off the ground, which I really can't do, I balanced on foot on a med ball. On those balance moves I balanced on the left leg during the first round and the right leg on the second round. During the third round the plan was to keep both feet on the floor and use heavier weight. It worked. I bought 35 lb dumb bells yesterday and used the on the Balance Curls during round 3. I used 30's on the Arnold Presses and Overhead Balance Pulls, 25;s on the Crazy Eights, and 20's on the Tricep extensions. All those weights were more than I'd been using on those moves lately,

Time: 52 minutes; Calories Burned: 496; Avg Heart Rate: 120; Intensity: 9; Form: 8.

FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 8, 2019 - P90X2 - X2 Yoga

A good yoga workout. I was pretty relaxed. Once again I struggled a bit with the Half Moon and Wrap moves, but not as much as usual.

Time: 67 minutes; Calories Burned: 457; Avg Heart Rate: 104; Intensity: 8; Form: 8.

SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 9, 2019 - P90X2 - Base + Back

This was one of those days where I was wondering where I was going to get the energy to do this one. I finally forced muse;f into motion around 6 pm. Once I started I was OK. I still did 20 of each plyo move, but I did increase my pull-up numbers on a few moves. Once again I went faster than they did, finishing 5 moves ahead of them. This hurt me on at least one pull-up move because I was still tired from the previous one. A good, but not great workout.

Time: 55 minutes; Calories Burned: 449; Avg Heart Rate: 112; Intensity:8; Form: 7.

SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 10, 2019 - X2 Ab Ripper

I tried to be perfect on this one. I was close. I think my feet scraped the floor a couple times, and my form may not have been picture perfect, but it went well.

Time: 16 minutes; Calories Burned: 117; Avg Heart Rate: 104; Intensity:9; Form: 9


Weight: 174.8 (-0.4 lbs)
Body Fat: 17.0 (no change)

First time I've been under 175 in years.


The workouts went relatively well. I found myself pushing myself a bit harder than usual, which is good.

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