Monday, February 18, 2019

WEEK OF 02/18/19 - P90X2 - ROUND 3 - WEEK 9

MONDAY - FEBRUARY 18, 2019 - P90X2 - Chest + Back + Balance

I was noticing early on that my numbers on a lot of moves were lower than the last few times I did this, especially on the pull-ups. I'm feeling the onset of a cold coming on, plus I'm not getting enough sleep, so I'm sure those were factors. I tried to compensate by trying to squeeze in a few extra push-ups during the second half. I succeeded a few times, but to be honest, I think my form was taking a hit. I guess I can just chalk it up to not having it today. But the effort was there.

Time: 59 minutes; Calories Burned: 508; Avg Heart Rate: 115: Intensity: 8; Form: 6.

TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 19, 2019 - P90X2 - Plyocide

Horrible effort. I got to the second move, Killer Katherine Lunges, and couldn't figure out how to get my feet off the floor and lunge. On some of the faster moves like the Side to Side and Cross Hops I lost track of my count and quit a few seconds early. It wasn't all hopeless, but it wasn't good.

Time: 55 minutes; Calories Burned: 479; Avg Heart Rate: 114; Intensity: 5; Form: 6.

WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 20, 2019 - P90X2 - Recovery + Mobility

Very relaxing. I surprised myself on the touch downs, where on the first set, I actually did a few without tapping my foot.

Time: 57 minutes; Calories Burned: 242; Avg Heart Rate: 90; Intensity/Relaxation: 8; Form: 9.

THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 21, 2019 - P90X2 - X2 Shoulders and Arms

I did good with this workout two weeks ago. I repeated the pattern, First round, balance right leg on medicine ball. Second round, balance left leg on medicine ball. Third round, both legs on the floor with heavier weights. It worked again. I increased my reps on a few moves. I used 40's on the Balance Curls in the third round. I got eight ugly reps in. When I'm consistently using heavier weights like in P90X or the One On One's, 40's are usually not a problem, but X2 isn't reliant on heavier weights, so I struggled a bit with those, but overall it was another good workout.

Time: 52 minutes; Calories Burned: 532; Avg Heart Rate: 124; Intensity: 8; Form: 8.

FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 22, 2019 - P90X2 - X2 Yoga

This was a pretty good yoga session. I just stayed within myself and concentrated on the moves. My mind wasn't wandering. Again, the only struggles were on a few of the Half Moons and the Wraps.

Time: 67 minutes; Calories Burned: 507; Avg Heart Rate: 108; Intensity: 8; Form:8.

SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 23, 2019 - P90X2 - Base + Back

On Saturdays I usually dawdle around and get my workout done in the early evening. Today I forced myself to get it done in the early afternoon. Again, I went faster than they did and finished about eight minutes before they did. It's not a race with me, but I'm doing less pull-ups than they are and I don't like the down time. I tried wearing winter gloves on the first few sets of pull-ups to see if I could get a more comfortable grip on the bar, but that wasn't the case. I did about as many pull-ups as last time, and again did 20 reps on the plyo moves. My legs weren't working on a few of the early plyo moves. Not a great workout, but not bad either.

Time: 55 minutes; Calories Burned: 520; Avg Heart Rate: 119; Intensity: 8; Form: 6.

SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 24, 2019 - P90X2 - X2 Ab Ripper

I got through all the moves without touching down. I went a few seconds fast on a few of them, but other than it, it was exquisite,

Time: 16 minutes; Calories Burned: 116; Avg Heart Rate: 104; Intensity: 8; Form: 9.


Weight: 176.0 (+0,8 lbs)
Body Fat: 17.0 (-0,2%)

I'm still not eating great, and that was especially the case on Saturday. Last year I was losing weight without trying and I guess I'm getting a little cocky and expecting that to continue without being smart about it.


I'm not happy about the weight gain. I need to smarten up. Some of the workouts this week went well, like Shoulders and Arms, others not so well. My focus is not always there. I'm waiting for things to happen instead of making them happen.

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