Monday, August 19, 2019

WEEK OF 08/19/19 - P90X3 - ROUND 7 - WEEK 3

MONDAY - AUGUST 19, 2019 - P90X3 - Total Synergistics

I took it one move at a time and did OK. I used a 40 lb dumbbell on Relive' Plie's and got in 36 reps. I used a 30 on the Squat Rockers and got in 30 reps. I struggled mightily on the one legged balance moves, but other than that I was fine.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 324; Avg Heart Rate: 128.

TUESDAY - AUGUST 20, 2019 - P90X3 - Agility X

I tried to keep a good attitude about this one today and was pretty successful. Just as yesterday, I took it one move at a time. I did what I could today, instead of getting frustrated and giving up on a lot of the moves. The results weren't always great, but the effort was better. The only one I gave up on was the 3.4 Run near the end, but he's changing direction so fast, it's almost impossible to keep up. Overall, I felt better about this workout than I have in a long time.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 266; Avg Heart Rate: 115.

WEDNESDAY - AUGUST 21, 2019 - P90X3 - The Challenge

I upped my numbers to 35 pushups and 7 pullups. I didn't think the pushups would be a problem, and they weren't, but I thought 7 pullups might be stretching it a bit, because they were times in the recent past where I struggled with three. On the first set of Wide Grip Pullups I felt my left bicep tweak a bit. I got in 6 pullups, came off the bar, then got back up and did the other. On the second set, with my bicep still a bit wonky, I came down after 4, then did 1, then another 1, then another 1. I thought I was in trouble, but my bicep calmed down and did 7 on all the remaining pullup moves without coming off the bar. I actually felt pretty strong on most of them. I was starting to feel some of pushups during the second half of the workout, but never really came close to failure. I feel good that I'm able to progress like I have. I haven't always felt that way.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 194; Avg Heart Rate: 108 (I think my heart rate monitor crashed before I finished.)

THURSDAY - AUGUST 22, 2019 - P90X3 - X3 Yoga

I was feeling pretty good and a bit more relaxed going in than I am sometimes. It certainly wasn't perfect. I was losing my balance a lot. Last week's workout went pretty well, so I guess I was trying to out perform it, and while doing so, I think it made me tense up and lose that balance. However, I didn't become overly frustrated. I just expressed a little shock and moved on.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 205; Avg Heart Rate: 104.

FRIDAY - AUGUST 23, 2019 - P90X3 - CVX

I played golf this morning for the first time in a month, and I have a fantasy football draft this evening, so I had to squeeze this in between. My feet were a bit sore when I got home from golf, but I forced myself to get at this workout pretty quickly, so I didn't feel rushed later. The killer move for me in this workout is the Press Jacks, which I had to do twice in the first four moves. I was wondering how my feet  would take it. It wasn't too bad, but I did have to miss a couple reps here and there because I was out of wind, After that I was OK and finished up fine.

Time:30 minutes; Calories Burned: 326; Avg Heart Rate: 130.

SATURDAY - AUGUST 24, 2019 - P90X3 - The Warrior

Not my best effort. My legs were feeling real heavy from the last two days. I even struggled a bit with the push-ups.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 223; Avg heart Rate: 107.

SUNDAY - AUGUST 25, 2019 - P90X3 - X3 Ab Ripper

Felt a bit blah. Workout was blah, but I got it done,

Time: 15 minutes; Calories Burned: 107; Avg Heart Rate: 105.


Weight: 170.8 (+1,8 lbs)
Body Fat: 15.5% (+0.1%)

Back to where I was two weeks ago. This often happens after a big loss. The body resets itself, or it could have been a false reading last week.


In my mind, I'm trying harder, especially on the workouts I don't like too much. Whether I really am is up in the air. I do know I'm sore. My legs and arms are feeling heavy.

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