Monday, December 5, 2022

WEEK OF 12/05/2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - ROUND 3 - WEEK 10

MONDAY - DECEMBER 5, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Triple Trouble Challenge

I made a big change today. Instead of doing the 16 Band Pulldowns, which I'd always done, I did 8 Pullups with the pullup assist. I did tire a bit near the end. The Close Grips in the last round took me forever because I couldn't hold the bar. Taking my gloves off in the last set helped a bit. On the pushups, I stayed with the 32 per set, that I had been doing. A nice step for me today, because I went of of my comfort zone a bit.

Start Time: 6:50 pm; Workout Time: 70 minutes; Calories Burned: 467; Avg Heart Rate: 109.

TUESDAY - DECEMBER 6, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Flash Card Plyo

Not much to say. I got through it. I tried to get some jumping in, thinking it really can't be that hard, and only in my mind, but my feet ankles, and legs weren't cooperating.

Start Time: 8:00 pm; Workout Time: 42 minutes; Calories Burned: 257; Avg Heart Rate: 100.

WEDNESDAY - DECEMBER 7, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Shoulders and Arms Recharge

I really wasn't feeling it today, so I tried something a bit different. I've been seeing some YouTube videos recently about the use of resistance bands, so I decided to try them as something fresh. I started with a Beachbody Yellow Band, which I think is pretty tough, and I struggled a bit with the Bicep Curls. I then tried getting them over my head on Military Presses, but that wasn't going to happen. I eventually settled on the much easier Maroon bands for the shoulder exercises. They may have been too easy, but as usual when I use bands, I'm experimenting with which band to use, and how to actually use them. I gave up using them on tricep kickback moves and went back to weights. I still want to keep experimenting with them, because I'm intrigued as to what they can do, 

Start Time: 8:35 pm; Workout Time: 40 minutes; Calories Burned: 336; Avg Heart Rate: 112.

THURSDAY - DECEMBER 8, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Don't Skip Yoga

I'm still frustrated because of footwear. I used the think socks I used last time, because I think they're my best option, but I still slide around a bit, especially trying to get up into Warrior 1. I'm also still having problems swinging my leg through, especially on my left side. I'm wondering if it's a health thing, or if it's simply because I'm slipping with my back foot. Today's workout was so-so. I wanted to do good, but felt I didn't.

Start Time: 8:00 pm; Workout Time: 67 minutes; Calories Burned: 398; Avg Heart Rate: 100.

FRIDAY - DECEMBER 9, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Primal Flow

It seemed like I'd just done this one a few days ago, but it really had been three weeks. This is one of my best efforts on it. For some reason I was having problems getting into the reverse beast planks, but on all the other moves I was doing OK for what I was able to physically do. I did most of the burpees, and was even getting off my feet a slight bit near the end.

Start Time: 7:55 pm; Workout Time: 55 minutes; Calories Burned: 437; Avg Heart Rate: 110.

SATURDAY - DECEMBER 10, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - Attack and Defend

I got it done in the early afternoon. Used socks only, no shoes. It went pretty good. My balance was OK.

Start Time: 1:45 pm; Workout Time: 49 minutes; Calories Burned: 340; Avg Heart Rate: 102.

SUNDAY - DECEMBER 11, 2022 - THE POWER OF 4 - The Power of Core

This can be ridiculously hard for a core routine. Some of the moves have moving parts so they take forever. I don't get all the reps in on all of them.

Start Time: 9:40 pm; Workout Time: 23 minutes; Calories Burned: 85; Avg Heart Rate: 95.


Weight: 152.6 (no change)
Body Fat: 12.1% (no change)


The workouts went OK. I seemed to be increasing reps / weights on a few moves, and doing pretty good on the non-resistance workouts. I feel pretty good considering my health issues.

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