Monday, February 19, 2024


MONDAY - FEBRUARY 19, 2024 - POWERSYNC60 - Strength One

I usually do OK with the strength workouts because they don't require a lot of coordination. Today's went pretty well. With a timer on pushups and pullups (I did band pulldowns), it's tough to increase your reps. On the weighted moves, I can increase the weight, which I'll look at in the future. As with what I've been doing lately, I replaced the Plank Crunches with Chest Presses, so that's another opportunity to increase the weight.

Start Time: 7:30 pm; Workout Time: 35 minutes; Calories Burned: 253; Avg Heart Rate: 113.

TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 20, 2024 - POWERSYNC60 - Base Power

I don't always do too well on this one because of my feet issues. Today, I did try to go a little harder than usual. Sometimes it worked, but a lot of times it made things worse. because going faster makes me lose my balance a lot, and I pretty much have to stop for a few seconds to get it back, so it can be counter productive. However, my intentions were good..

Start Time: 7:05 pm; Workout Time: 46 minutes; Calories Burned: 338; Avg Heart Rate: 110.

WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 21, 2024 - POWERSYNC60 - Strength Two

I don't write down my numbers anymore, so sometimes I can't remember what weight I used the previous time. On some moves, it's a given, but on a few, I have to make a decision. On the 21's, I used 15 lb weights, which seemed really light, so I pulled out some 20's and did a few extra reps with those. They felt really heavy, and I was thinking I couldn't have possible used those before, but who knows. Guess I can make some notes somewhere. not the end of the world. It was still a good workout.

Start Time: 8:15 pm; Workout Time: 41 minutes; Calories Burned: 276; Avg Heart Rate: 111.

THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 22, 2024 - POWERSYNC60 - Go With The Flow

Overall, this went well. I was fairly relaxed throughout. I rushed a few moves that I didn't want to hold, but other than that I was happy with things.

Start Time: 8:05 pm; Workout Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 275; Avg Heart Rate: 98.

FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 23, 2024 - POWERSYNC60 - Everything, Every Muscle, All in One

In general, I'm not a fan of full body workouts, and this is no exception. I got through it.

Start Time: 6:50 pm; Workout Time: 44 minutes; Calories Burned: 285; Avg Heart Rate: 106.

SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 24, 2024 - POWERSYNC60 - The Big Sweat

I was getting a bit frustrated with a lot of the moves, especially the plank ones, but I got it done. It was a bit better than just going through the motions. but not by much.

Start Time: 8:00 pm; Workout Time: 36 minutes; Calories Burned: 228; Avg Heart Rate: 103.

SUNDAY - FEBRUARY 25, 2024 - POWERSYNC60 - Long and Strong

I concentrated on staying relaxed and following the moves as he did them. Sometimes I rush them. Not today. Felt good.

Start Time: 9:00 pm; Workout Time: 38 minutes; Calories Burned: 163; Avg Heart Rate: 95.


Weight: 163.2 (+0.6 lbs)
Body Fat: 14.9% (-0.2%)


I'm still not feeling committed, but I think this week was better than the rest. I had taken four weeks off in between rounds, and just completed for weeks of this round, so thaty makes me feel a bit good.

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