Monday, May 27, 2013

HYBRID - WEEK 7 - P90X+ - Week of 5/27/2013

My entire Hybrid schedule is on the April 6, 2013 entry.

MONDAY - MAY 27, 2013 - P90X+ - Upper Plus

Today is Memorial Day. A Thank You all the veterans that have served our country, including my father who passed away 3 months ago today. Miss you and Love You Dad!!

I got the workout done in the morning so I could relax the rest of the day. This routine is an absolute beast. I hadn't done it since December 2011. From what I can tell from my previous worksheets, my numbers were a little less than back then, but this is the first time I've done it without taking any breaks. With this workout, that can make a big difference. I used 25 lbs on all the bicep exercises and maxed out my reps. I was good on the pushups, and even felt stronger than usual on the pullups. After last week's disaster, I'm looking to make this a good week.

Time: 41 minutes; Calories Burned: 413; Avg Heart Rate: 124; Max Heart Rate: 158.

TUESDAY - MAY 28, 2023 - P90X+ - Interval X Plus

My stomach was a bit upset from something I ate at lunch today, so I was a bit timid on some of the earlier moves. After five or six moves I was OK. I got a good sweat and exhausted myself a few times, which I think is the point of this workout. After all this time, I'm still searching for better choices in my eating. I think that's my main problem. I just don't give myself good alternatives, and often grab whatever is close or convenient.

Time: 44 minutes; Calories Burned: 450; Avg Heart Rate: 125; Max Heart Rate: 202.

WEDNESDAY - MAY 29, 2013 - P90X+ - Total Body Plus

This is one nasty workout, and for the first time ever I did it without hitting the pause button. I looked at my old worksheets and in most cases I was taking 10 to 15 minutes of "pause" time to catch my breath. This thing starts with a long warm up that can tire you out, and then the actual workout begins with six moves that are killers. Except for one 30 second break mid-way, there is almost no time in between moves (maybe 10 seconds, tops). It's almost cruel, but I got through it.

Time: 45 minutes; Calories Burned: 504; Avg Heart Rate: 130; Max Heart Rate: 154.

THURSDAY - MAY 30, 2013 - TONY HORTON ONE ON ONE - Fountain of Youth (Yoga)

I can't believe I haven't done this workout since November 2012. I tried something new tonight. I have high arches and my feet and ankles tend to roll in, making balancing very tough. The other day I tried lifting my front big toes, which I found locked my ankle into place, and stopped the foot roll. Doing that tonight gave me much better balance. It wasn't perfect, because I was still getting used to it, but it does give me something to work at. Overall, the entire workout went well. I felt more relaxed than usual. Maybe it's because I took the day off tomorrow to play golf at one of my favorite courses.

Time: 47 minutes; Calories Burned: 334; Avg Heart Rate: 105; Max Heart Rate: 132.

FRIDAY - MAY 31, 2013 - P90X - Core Synergistics

I did a lot of walking on a very hilly golf course today in very high heat. When I finally got home after running a few errands, I was too hot and tired to even take a shower. I didn't want to be thinking about doing the workout any longer than necessary, so after about an hour I just jumped right into it, even though I was still really tired. I did OK. The only thing I held back on a bit were the Dreya Rolls. I usually get 14 in, Today I only did 10 because my hamstring was starting to cramp up. I burned a lot more calories than usual. I noticed my heart rate when I started was at 89 when it's usually around 69 when I start a workout. I'm sure my body was working harder because it was so tired, therefore the increased calorie burn. Whatever the case, I'm glad I got it done early. Now I can enjoy the rest of the evening and look forward to the weekend.

Time: 57 minutes; Calories Burned: 657; Avg Heart Rate: 133; Max Heart Rate: 163.

SATURDAY - JUNE 1, 2013 - P90X+ - Kenpo Cardio Plus

This is probably my second favorite workout, behind Cardio Confusion: Mason's Choice (One on One series). Going in, my legs felt heavy and I felt sluggish in general. During the first half of the workout I wasn't crisp with my moves. As things progressed, I got a little better. By the time I was done, I was drenched in sweat and felt really good.

Time: 41 minutes; Calories Burned: 369; Avg Heart Rate: 115; Max Heart Rate: 139.

SUNDAY - JUNE 2, 2013 - P90X+ - Abs/Core Plus and Weigh-In

I've never been a big fan of this routine. I hadn't done it sine December 2011, so I was a bit rusty on a few of the moves, and actually had to wait a few seconds to see what they were doing on a few. I'd never done the entire routine without taking breaks, but I did today, and didn't have any problems. I even worked up a bit of a sweat.

Time: 21 minutes; Calories Burned: 196; Avg Heart Rate: 118; Max Heart Rate: 212.

Weight: 175.4; Body Fat: 22.4%
A drop of 2.4 lbs and .4% body fat. A big drop on both numbers. I'm very happy with it. After last week, I concentrated more on eating a bit better. It brought me back to where I was 2 weeks ago.

I'm obviously happy about the weight loss. I'm also happy I got through all these routines without taking any breaks, which I'd never done before. The pace of these workouts is extremely fast. There's virtually no down time, and it makes a big difference. It's obvious my stamina and mind-set is better than December 2011, when I last did most of these workouts. Now the big thing: I'm sore as hell. That's a good thing, but I'm still sore as hell.

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