Monday, September 22, 2014

P90X2 - ROUND 2 - WEEK 7 - Week of 09/22/2014

MONDAY - SEPTEMBER 22, 2014 - Chest, Back, and Balance

One of those workouts where I kept getting interrupted for one reason or another, and it was tough to concentrate. I got it done. I always have problems with pullups, but today it was exceptionally bad. I was noticing my left forearm was really hurting on them. It's hurt before when doing them, but not this bad, so I did what I could, and didn't push for more. I did OK on the pushups, but still get in an "Impossible".

Time: 59 minutes; Calories Burned: 567; Avg Heart Rate: 120; Max Heart Rate: 216.

TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 - Plyocide

Not much to say. It wasn't my greatest workout for sure. The one move that frustrates me the most is the Lunge to Warrior 3 at the beginning of the second set. It seems to simple, but I can't balance to get into it.

Time: 55 minutes: Calories Burned: 535; Avg Heart Rate: 119; Max Heart Rate: 152.

WEDNESDAY - SEPTEMBER 24, 2014 - X2 Yoga

This is the half way point of the round. Again, not much to say. I did Ok, but nothing exceptional. I think this might be my favorite of all the Yoga workouts I have. Except for one section, it's not all that repetitive (as the original Yoga X was). It's also a good time in just over an hour. Not too long. Not too short. Good mix of vinyasas and stretching.

Time: 67 minutes; Calories Burned: 443; Avg Heart Rate: 101; Max Heart Rate: 130.

THURSDAY - SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 - X2 Shoulders and Arms

I tend to think of this workout as one of the easier ones in X2, and it very well might be. However, today I was struggling a bit. So much that I even dropped my weight on a few moves in the third set. My arms are fried.

Time: 52 minutes; Calories Burned: 490; Avg Heart Rate: 118; Max Heart Rate: 152.

FRIDAY - SEPTEMBER 26, 2014 - Base and Back

I was feeling tired and sluggish going into the workout, so I decided to use the Pullup Assist on all the Pullup moves. I've toyed with it here and there, but don't think I've actually used it for an entire workout.  One the first set, the No Kip Pullups it worked great. I felt like I was floating on air, but I could still feel it in my arms and back a bit. However, the further I got into the workout the more tired I got, and my form suffered a bit. I think I'll keep trying it out here and there. Since I stink at pullups and don't seem to be getting any better at them, maybe it will help.

Time: 55 minutes; Calories Burned: 504; Avg Heart Rate: 115; Max Heart Rate: 149.

SATURDAY - SEPTEMBER 27, 2014 - Recovery and Mobility

Not much to say. I used the Rumble Roller again. I wasn't as afraid of it as I was last week, but I was still cautious with it. I'm glad I decided to do this workout on Saturdays. It fits in well there.

Time: 57 minutes; Calories Burned: 199; Avg Heart Rate: 83; Max Heart Rate: 106.

SUNDAY - SEPTEMBER 28, 2014 - X2 Ab Ripper

I wasn't really feeling too good because I ate a lot of crap today, so I was telling myself to take the day off, which I never do. However, about 11:15pm my conscience got the better of me and I got it done. Also, I usually convince myself to eat what ever I want on Sundays. I figure it's a reward for the hard work I put in during the week, and I'll burn it off anyways because I don't weigh myself until the following Sunday morning. The bad thing is that it makes me feel like crap all day, which makes me depressed on Mondays, which causes me to stress eat, starting a bad cycle for the week. No more.

Time: 16 minutes; Calories Burned: 115; Avg Heart Rate: 102; Max Heart Rate: 126.


Weight: 197.6 (+1.0 lbs)
Body Fat: 22.2% (+0.4%)

Not good, but expected.


The workouts went pretty good, but overall I was feeling out of it with no direction or purpose.

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