Monday, December 8, 2014

P90 - ROUND 1 - WEEK 3 - WEEK OF 12/08/2014

MONDAY - DECEMBER 8, 2014 - P90 Sweat A

I took a nap when I got home and felt really rested for the workout. Sometimes when I do that I feel more sluggish, but not today. The workout went great. A lot of energy.

Time: 27 minutes; Calories Burned: 291; Avg Heart Rate: 126; Max Heart Rate: 156.

TUESDAY - DECEMBER 9, 2014 - P90 Sculpt A

I'm becoming more comfortable with the workouts, so I can go harder because I know what to expect. Today was no exception. I'm using 25 lbs on most of the Shoulder and Bicep workouts which doesn't sound like a lot, but when going 16 reps it can wear you out quickly. I'm also liking the band moves. However, I'm still eating like crap (stress eating).

Time: 31 minutes; Calories Burned: 316; Avh Heart Rate: 123; Max Heart Rate: 168.

WEDNESDAY - DECEMBER 10, 2014 - P90 Speed Sweat

We had our office Christmas Party (Dinner) tonight so I got this one in late. This is probably the easiest workout in Month 1, but I still worked up a bit of a sweat. I've really been eating like crap lately and I'm feeling it, and it's honestly depressing me, which is stressing me, and that causes me to eat more. Tonight I skipped dessert at the dinner, so I'm looking at that as a start in the right direction.

Time: 24 minutes; Calories Burned: 237; Avg Heart Rate: 119; Max Heart Rate: 140.

THURSDAY - DECEMBER 11, 2014 - P90 Sculpt A

I decided to make a push nutritionally. I went most of the day at work today without touching any sweets, even though people were bringing in cookies, etc all day. Late in the workday it was getting a little bit stressful so I grabbed a couple cookies almost out of habit. After work we had out Christmas get together for our golfing crew and I had a few slices of pizza and a few chicken wings. However, I had planned on that. I'm feeling good about the direction I decided to take. I started the workout late again, but did pretty good on it. I increased my weight from 20 lbs to 25 lbs on the Preacher Curls. Used 25's again on the other Shoulder and Bicep moves. As corny as this sounds, I can feel this workout actually "sculpting" me a bit, even though it's only the first month.

Time: 31 minutes; Calories Burned: 302; Avg Heart Rate: 119; Max Heart Rate: 153.

FRIDAY - DECEMBER 12, 2014 - P90 Sweat A

Too many sweets in the office and I caved a bit again today. As stupid as this sounds, people (co-workers, company reps, etc) are bringing things in goodies and I'm feeling almost obligated to eat something because I don't want to offend them, even though there not there to see me eat it. Again, the good thing is, is that I'm not craving things like I used to. I'll get over the hump. I have to. The workout went well. I worked up a sweat again.

Time: 27 minutes; Calories Burned: 251; Avg Heart Rate: 117; Max Heart Rate: 148.

SATURDAY - DECEMBER 13, 2014 - P90 Saturday Special

After doing this workout three times, I've come to the conclusion that I don't like it. It's somewhat the same way I feel about P90X Core Synergistics. It's effective, bt the moves annoy me for some reason. The third move in is the Mountain Climbers, which leave me exhausted right off the bat. Those are followed by those A sitting things, which also tire me out. After that I admit I'm not in a good frame of mind. However, it is effective. I can feel the tightness in my abs afterwards, so hopefully, it will grow on me.

Time:27 minutes; Calories Burned: 248; Avg Heart Rate: 115; Max Heart Rate: 138.

SUNDAY - DECEMBER 14, 2014 - P90 Ab Ripper A

This is a good little routine. I can feel it in my abs.

Time: 8 minutes; Calories Burned: 38; Avg Heart Rate:90; Max Heart Rate: 105.


Weight: 202.0 (-0,6)
Body Fat: 23.2 (-0.2%)

Decreases are good. I had a few really bad days of eating, but near the end of the week I tried committing to eating better.


I'm making a commitment to eating better. The workouts went well, as I'm getting used to them

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