Monday, December 1, 2014

P90 - ROUND 1 - WEEK 2 - WEEK OF 12/01/2014

MONDAY - DECEMBER 1, 2014 - P90 Sculpt A

I just finished the workout. I'm sweating like crazy and am exhausted. It's a 31 minute workout (including the 3 minute cooldown). I'm thinking I should be embarrassed for feeling like this after a "starter" workout, but it's tough. I used 25 lb weights on most of the weighted moves, which I think is more than what they were using, so that had something to do with it.

Time: 31 minutes; Calories Burned: 329; Avg Heart Rate: 125; Max Heart Rate: 159.

TUESDAY - DECEMBER 2, 2014 - P90 Sweat A

Much better than last week. I'm starting to familiarize myself with the pattern of the moves and that makes a bit of a difference. I hate the Sprawls, but today they didn't seem so bad.

Time: 27 minutes; Calories Burned: 249; Avg Heart Rate: 116; Max Heart Rate: 150.

WEDNESDAY - DECEMBER 3, 2014 - P90 Speed Sculpt

I'd seen the P90 trailer and saw this really toned woman doing a few of the moves. It kind of gave me something to focus on the round. Getting more toned. She (Tori) showed up in this workout. Turns out she's an Olympian of some sort. She really brought it, and this one was taxing her a bit, so I don't feel so bad now. Some of the moves were tough, especially the tricep kickbacks while in plank. Once again I used lighter weights than I will in the future, because I was getting used to the moves. The Mountain Squats were certainly different.

Time:24 minutes; Calories Burned: 247; Avg Heart Rate: 122; Max Heart Rate: 222.

THURSDAY - DECEMBER 4, 2014 - P90 Sweat A

Still gets my heart rate up a bit and still makes me sweat.

Time: 27 minutes; Calories Burned: 115; Avg Heart Rate: 115; Max Heart Rate: 147.

FRIDAY - DECEMBER 5, 2014 - P90 Sculpt A

Ate like crap most of the day today.People were bringing in donuts, birthday pies, etc. I ate some of it, but the good thing is they really didn't taste that great, and I had no cravings for more. Not much to say about the workout I brought it today. Just steady on all the moves. I'm typing this about 15 minutes after the workout and my arms are still shaking.

Time: 31 minutes; Calories Burned: 350; Avg Heart Rate: 129; Max Heart Rate: 162.

SATURDAY - DECEMBER 6, 2014 - P90 Saturday Special

Felt lethargic all day today, no doubt partly because of yesterday's eating. This carried into the workout where I was gassed much of the time and even dogged a few of the moves in places, especially the Seated A Twists. Lesson learned,

Time: 27 minutes; Calories Burned: 252; Avg Heart Rate: 116; Max Heart Rate: 139.

SUNDAY - DECEMBER 7, 2014 - Ab Ripper A

Good 8 minute ab workout.

Time: 8 minutes; Calories Burned: 44; Avg Heart Rate: 92; Max Heart Rate: 106.


Weight: 202.6 (+2.2 lbs)
Body Fat: 23.4% (+0.5%)

Not good, but somewhat expected. I bought a box of protein bars last Sunday and have been eating a lot of them during the week. Those always add weight when I do that. Plus, Friday was all junk food.


The weight gain was depressing, but that's my fault. I just can't commit to the nutrition. I've lost my "Why". The workouts went well. I'm getting used to them, but they're still not as easy as I'd expected. I'm certainly feeling more toned, and I can feel the muscles in my thighs more.

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