Wednesday, May 10, 2017

INSANITY: MAX 30 - ROUND 1 - WEEK 4 - WEEK OF 05/08/2017

MONDAY - MAY 8, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Cardio Challenge

Last week of the Month One routines. I did OK. Almost made it all the way through before maxing out.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 345; Avg Heart Rate: 133; Max Heart Rate: 155.

TUESDAY - MAY 9, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Tabata Power

Not much to say. I still think this is the easiest workout of the bunch. The only moves that really caused me to struggle were the plyo pushups, but I got through them.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 260; Avg Heart Rate: 120; Max Heart Rate: 165.

WEDNESDAY - MAY 10, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Sweat Intervals

This might be my favorite of the Month 1 workouts. I find that of the 3 moves in each section, only one is really tough, and that's usually the plank move. Keeping that in mind helps get me through each section easier, as a lot of this is a mind game as Shaun says. I got all the way through today without maxing out. On the other end of the spectrum, my eating is starting to take a turn for the worse. I'm feeling hungry all the time and not sticking to my caloric intake limit every day. A lot of what I'm eating is empty calories, and a lot of that is caused by stress. I realize I need to break the cycle and control it, which I'm sure I'll be able to do. I've come a long ways this year. I'm feeling much better, am able to do more, and don't want to backslide.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 339; Avg Heart Rate: 135; Max Heart Rate: 164.

THURSDAY - MAY 11, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Tabata Strength

My eating is still off, and I'm feeling sluggish. Too much diet pop is the root cause. The workout wasn't great. I'm still struggling with the pushup sections. I'm getting through them, but think I should be doing better. I maxed out at the same spot as last week, at the start of the pushup knee taps. I just have nothing left when I get to that point. I still have some work to do. I'm looking forward to playing some golf tomorrow. A well deserved, and much needed, day off of work.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 288; Avg Heart Rate: 126; Max Heart Rate: 150.

FRIDAY - MAY 12, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Friday Fight Round 1

This was the last of the main workouts for month one. I didn't finish real strong. I played golf earlier today. My legs were tired when I got home, and I hadn't eaten a lot. I was felling sluggish going in. During the first minute of the warm up I strained my right leg a bit near the side of my knee. I finished up the warm up by modifying and not jumping too much. During the workout I wasn't going all out because I was afraid of straining it more, plus my energy and determination weren't there. I maxed out in the 12 minute area, which is about 10 minutes sooner than last time.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 318; Avg Heart Rate: 131; Max Heart Rate: 162.

SATURDAY - MAY 13, 2017 - INSANITY: MAX 30 - Ab Attack:10 AND Pulse

Both workouts went OK. Not much to say on either, but I can feel the tightness in my abs afterwards.

Ab Attack: 10
Time: 10 minutes; Calories Burned: 69; Avg Heart Rate: 106;  Max Heart Rate: 138.

Time: 20 minutes; Calories Burned: 126; Avg Heart Rate: 112; Max Heart Rate: 142.

SUNDAY - MAY 14, 2017 - Rest


Weight: 187.4 (-0.2 lbs)
Body Fat: 19.4% (-0.4%)

I ate poorly the first half of the week. I tried to right the ship the last few days. I'm encouraged by the Body Fat drop.


As I said last week, my motivation seems to be lacking because my weight is plateauing. It's more than about weight though, and I know that, but it's one of the numbers I use to measure things. I do know my pants are fitting much more loosely, so that makes me feel good.

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