Monday, July 23, 2018

WEEK OF 07/23/2018 - P90X - ROUND 11 - WEEK 11

MONDAY - JULY 23, 2018 - P90X - Chest and Back

After 10 years I've finally reached the point where I'm not dreading this one as much as I used to. By the time I got home from work, I was tired, so I wasn't looking forward to doing it, but I really wasn't looking forward to doing anything. I finally got going around 7pm. Once again, I went at a quicker pace than they do, which is one of the tricks I play with myself to keep myself from hating it. My goal is to do 15 Diamond and Dive Bombers on each set, and 30 of each of the others. I did that, but on the second set of Diamond' I actually did 30. This totaled 315 pushups for the set. I could have done more on a few of the pushup sets, but didn't want to burn myself out. I got in 35 pullups. Not great, but better than before.

Time: 52 minutes; Calories Burned: 248; Avg Heart Rate: 118; Max Heart Rate: 146.

TUESDAY - JULY 24, 2018 - P90X - Plyometrics

Again, a bit low energy going into it. The first three minutes of the warm-up felt like 10 minutes. My energy never really picked up, but I did the same amount of reps I usually do.

Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 422; Avg Heart Rate: 127; Max Heart Rate: 159.

WEDNESDAY - JULY 25, 2018 - P90X - Shoulders and Arms

I at least met my numbers from two weeks ago, and on a few sets I exceeded them, or used more weight. I did 8 reps with 40's on the Shoulder Presses, but will admit my form was going real bad on the second set, as I was bowing my back a bit. I need to correct that or lower the weight. I used 25's on the Deep Swimmer Presses and the same thing happened on the last few reps of the second set. The only time I did less reps than last time was on the second set of the Supinated Concentration Curls where I upped the weights to 30's. I did two less reps than the first set, but only because I ran out of time. The weight was OK. I used 25's on most of the bicep moves and 15's or 20's on the tricep moves. I still struggle with those bent over Cohen Curls. Overall, it was a good workout.

Time: 60 minutes; Calories Burned: 357; Avg Heart Rate: 125; Max Heart Rate: 159.

THURSDAY - JULY 26, 2018 - P90X - Yoga X

My mind was wandering a bit, but I did OK. I still struggle with the Half Moons, especially on the right leg, where I have to come out of it every time. Today I tried to get back into it, lost my balance, and almost put my head through the TV. I also struggle with the move where you twist, reach under your leg in a lunge and try and grab your other wrist. I can barely touch my other fingertips but then must come out because my leg is screaming. Those are the struggles. On many of the other moves, especially in the stretches, I'm much more flexible than I think I should be. That makes me feel great.

Time: 92 minutes; Calories Burned: 163; Avg Heart Rate: 103; Max Heart Rate: 126.

FRIDAY - JULY 27, 2018 - P90X - Legs and Back

I played golf this morning. I was feeling great and energetic. Still feeling good when I got home. Then took a long nap that sapped my energy. I was a bit sluggish throughout the workout, but did my best. Got in 54 pull-ups, which was the same as last week. It shows I can still do OK even when I'm not feeling my best.

Time: 59 minutes; Calories Burned: 243; Avg Heart Rate: 111; Max Heart Rate: 152.

SATURDAY - JULY 28, 2018 - P90X - Kenpo X

I got to it late, but had a lot more energy than the last few days. I opened up my stance a bit on the punches and found I was able to get more range of motion on the hip turns, so I guess that was good.

Time: 58 minutes; Calories Burned: 375; Avg Heart Rate: 115; Max Heart Rate 158.

SUNDAY - JULY 29, 2018 - P90X - Ab Ripper X

I did OK. I came out of Crunchy Frog for a few seconds half way through. My quads were really burning. I'm also not getting up on the second part of the V-Up Rollups. I'm bending my back too much and it may end up hurting my lower back.

Time: 16 minutes; Calories Burned: 52; Avg Heart Rate: 101; Max Heart Rate: 129.


Weight: 158.8 (-0.4 lbs)
Body Fat: 19.5% (no change)

Too much junk food again. Chocolate Chip cookies, Cheese-its, Potato Chips all were in the equation this week. The funny thing is I'm not even enjoying the salty snacks. I just grab them off the shelf in the grocery store because I feel it's necessary to have them around in case I really get the urge. Then I get them home and gobble them down.


The workouts went fine, but I really need to figure out the eating. It should be easy, but it's not. At least for me it's not. I felt better on some days than others, but that's normal. But what I'm noticing is that I can still put up some decent numbers even when I'm not into it. It's almost like a challenge to push myself to do that. 

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