Monday, September 30, 2019

WEEK OF 09/30/19 - P90X3 - ROUND 7 - WEEK 9

MONDAY - SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 - P90X3 - Total Synergistics

I did better than usual. Due to frustrations at work, I wasn't in a great mood going into it, so it was a bit of an angry effort.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 262; Avg Heart Rate: 120.

TUESDAY - OCTOBER 1, 2019 - P90X3 - Agility X

Half assed it. I was feeling sluggish beforehand. My legs felt real heavy and I wasn't feeling motivated, as I rarely do with this workout. I just let all this get the best of me. I was "running" at less than half speed. I'd like to actually try at this workout sometime, just to see what I can do, and to see if it really can be enjoyable. My gut feeling is that it can be if I really give it a chance.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 226; Avg Heart Rate: 108.

WEDNESDAY - OCTOBER 2, 2019 - P90X3 - The Challenge

It wasn't so long ago that I dreaded, really dreaded, Chest and Back from P90X. Now Chest and Back routines are some of my favorites. Today my goal numbers were 7 Pull-ups and 35 Push-ups, the same as when I last did this routine 6 weeks ago. I wasn't having too many problems with those numbers so I went to 8 and 40 half way through, and dd OK on those. I've come a long ways on the Pull-ups from a few years ago, when I really struggled with them. They're coming a bit easier for me now, but I'm not getting cocky with it. Eight really isn't a lot, but for me it is. Today was a really good workout and a snippet of how far I've come.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 208; Avg Heart Rate: 110.

THURSDAY - OCTOBER 3, 2019 - P90X3 - X3 Yoga

I like this routine. It's quick and to the point. I wasn't perfect today, but probably a little bit better than usual. Still trying to find the trick to balancing on one leg, especially the left one. You'd think after eleven and a half years I'd accept it can't be done, but I still believe.

Tome: 30 minutes: Calories Burned: 196; Avg Heart Rate: 106.

FRIDAY - OCTOBER 4, 2010 - P90X3 - CVX

My legs were sore and heavy. The rest of my body was sore also, probably from all the pushups and pullups on Wednesday. Not a great effort. I was moving at about half speed, maybe less on some moves.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 131;  Avg Heart Rate: 128.

SATURDAY - OCTOBER 5, 2019 - P90X3 - The Warrior

This one always gets me. There are a lot of moves I just don't like doing, especially the ones where you are jumping floor to ceiling. My effort wasn't totally there on those. Otherwise, I just did them. I've done much better on this workout in the past.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 284; Avg Heart Rate: 120.

SUNDAY - OCTOBER 6, 2019 - P90X3 - X3 Ab Ripper

Not bad, but not my best either. I rushed through the plank crunches because I didn't feel like holding them.

Time: 15 minutes; Calories Burned: 96; Avg Heart Rate: 101.


Weight: 171.0 (+1.2 lbs)
Body Fat: 15.9% (+0.1%)

Didn't eat well. Went on a bit of a chocolate splurge throughout the wee.


My mind has been elsewhere the last few months or so for various reasons. The workouts are keeping me grounded, but sometimes the concentration level isn't there. I'd say that was the case most of this week. I'm not eating great and I can feel it.

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