Monday, September 2, 2019

WEEK OF 09/02/19 - P90X3 - ROUND 7 - WEEK 5

MONDAY - SEPTEMBER 2, 2019 - P90X3 - Eccentric Upper

I haven't been eating too good lately and I've also been drinking way too much pop. I'm starting to feel it. Today's workout preyed on that. It sucked everything right out of me. I even had to take about a minute break two thirds of the way through the workout, then toughed out the last third somehow. The results weren't bad. I looked at my numbers from the last few times I did the workout, and I equaled all the weight moves and surpassed all the pull-up moves, so that's good. But I'm sore and I'm humbled a bit.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 284; Avg Heart Rate: 124.

TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER 3, 2019 - P90X3 - Triometrics

I remembered I didn't like this one a lot. I read a few of my older posts on it and saw how frustrated I was with it. I knew I'd been doing better on most of the X3 workouts this round than I have in the past, so I went into it with that attitude. A lot of these moves are on one leg, which I really can't do with too much success because of my feet and ankles, but instead of just gining up and becoming frustrated like I had in the past, I tried to modify where I could. The results still weren't pretty, but at least I was tryng and doing what I could. Overall, it's still not my favorite workout, but I was happy with my effort and attitude today.

Time: 30 minutes; CaloriesBurned: 291: Avg Heart Rate: 124.

WEDNESDAY - SEPTEMBER 4, 2019 - P90X3 - Incinerator

One good thing about writing things down is that you can go back and see what you did. The last time I did this workout, in September 2017, I used 50 lb dumbbells on the first move, the Renegade Rows, If I hadn't seen that I'd have used 25's, but I pulled out the 50's to see what I could do. They weren't pretty, but I got them done. Same thing with the Rocket Launcher Rows, although my form was pretty bad on those. I also used 50's on the A Presses. I exceeded my pull-up numbers from last time on each of those sets. I remembered I usually took breaks on this workout, but not today, and I also don't think I got close to getting through the Burnout. but today I got all the way through. I'm a bit happy with myself. I'm crediting the One On Ones I'd been doing the last two years with getting me to other levels.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 262; Avg Heart Rate: 122.

THURSDAY - SEPTEMBER 5, 2019 - P90X3 - X3 Yoga

I was trying to get a few small video snippets of myself doing some og the moves to possibly post on Facebook so people knew what I was doing, but it didn't come out to well. Most of the moves I picked I stumbled on, although I did hold Crow for a long time.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 241; Avg Heart Rate: 110.

FRIDAY - SEPTEMBER 6, 2019 - P90X3 - Eccentric Lower

This is probably the easiest resistance workout in X3. I'm sore from Wednesday, so I needed something easier. I did OK on everything except the one legged balance moves where I did the best I could, and held onto a chair when I could. I started with 50's on the Squats, then saw I only used 25's last time, so that was good.

Time: 30 minutes; Calories Burned: 253; Avg Heart Rate: 113.


I like this one except of the excessive amount of sprawls. I got though it OK, though.

Time: 30 minutes: Calories Burned: 227: Avg Heart Rate: 116.

SUNDAY - SEPTEMBER 8, 2019 - P90X - X3 Ab Ripper

The DVD jammed in the DVD player, so I did it from memory. I went a little faster than usual. I did it in about 12 minutes, then rested for the last three minutes. I'm thinking it was a bit easier because I wasn't holding some of the reps as long.

Time: 15 minutes; Calories Burned: 81; Avg Heart Rate: 106.


Weight: 169.0 (-1.8 lbs)
Body Fat: 15.3% (-0.1 %)

Weight is back to where it was two weeks ago. I seem to be alternating between 170.8 and 169.0. Body Fat is my lowest since I starting keeping track in 2008.


The first three days were tough. The last four, not so much. The Incinerator had me sore for days.

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